Chapter 12: Lucille

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Pic is my illustration if Brie XP

Might color it later.

Remember chapter 10...?

"'Here goes nothing.' Brie thought as she channeled all of the energy inside her to her hands, cupped them around her mouth, and screamed as loud as she could, 'IRON DRAGON ROAAAR!!' while releasing the energy at her captors."

Ok, on with the story!


Before she knew it, Brie was back in a guard's grasp. Her attempt of an attack was very unsuccessful. As it turned out, Brie forgot a vital step in iron dragonslayer magic--the part where you eat iron. However, she did release the magical energy inside of her by performing the attack even though it didn't work. She guessed that the energy inside of her was so minimal that even a failed attack would release it. At least she now knew that if she consumed some iron that an attack might potentially work. However...she doubted she'd voluntarily eat a chunk of metal.

"Let me go!" Brie screamed, struggling in her captors' grasps.

"Nuh uh, sweetie," a large man chuckled, "Not this time."

This has been a wild ride for Brie, she barely ever left the land surrounding Lamia Scale, where she and her parents lived. Even being this far from home was overwhelming--also, being kidnapped was sorta stressful too.

"Hey!" Ordered Mr. Franks, to a guard who had slung Brie over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, "there's no use for keeping her here any longer, let's begin this charade before it's too late...explain to her exactly what to do. Maybe even let the newbie explain." Then, the old man turned to Brie, "And you there," Brie perked up, curious to what he had to say, "I'll be seeing you soon." He stared at Brie for another few seconds (which creeped her out a little) and strode down the corridor leaving Brie and the guard alone in the destroyed room.

After the guard looked warily around at his surroundings, Brie was taken to another room, (which was not in ruins) given a fresh change of clothes, and an opportunity to wash herself. She was confused by this friendly gesture but she accepted it. She had no idea what was to come to her soon...

She was given clothes from the bag she brought with her on the train, and given her other belongings, then taken, without any words being spoken, through several destroyed hallways and doors until she was out in the front of the mansion. This was making Brie nervous. She remembered what Mr. Franks said to the guards about telling her 'exactly what to do' so maybe they were setting her free to do their dirty work? All she wanted to do was see if a mage was willing to teach her magic and hopefully join a guild like her parents had. What would become of her now?

However, Brie also remembered Mr. Franks saying something about Fairy Tail and how the destroyed mansion was related to the guild.

She didn't have much time to keep contemplating her captors' plans in deep thought, because a guard tugged on her cream colored leather jacket and motioned for her to follow him.

Brie obeyed uneasily, scanning her surroundings warily as she had when she was lead to change and shower. To her surprise, Brie was lead outside--out the door with the metal doorframe, and out into thick woods. The trees were beautiful! The leaves filtered the sunlight so natural green beams of light danced about in the open space. It was too bad this beautiful scenery had to overlook such a despicable mansion, inhabited by horrible, undeserving people.

After arriving outside, Brie was joined by several other guards dressed in identical brown velvet uniforms.

Gathering all of her courage, Brie crossed her arms and demanded answers from the guards lined up before her, "What do you want from me?" She looked at the grassy ground beneath her as she said this, which kinda butchered the whole 'confidence' thing she had going for her...but to her surprise, the guards sincerely responded.

Frantically, one scrawny-looking guard stepped up in front of her, "Franks has kept you for too long. We should've gotten started on this immediately, so I expect you to understand that you need to carry this task out promtly, okay?"

"How am I supposed to agree to that when I don't even know what I'm supposed to do?" Brie asked, hearing her voice take on a frightened and timid tone.

A female guard scoffed impatiently, "We're getting to that, sweetie." While rolling her eyes. She must've been a new guard because she clearly wasn't mature as any of the other guards. She had blonde hair pulled tightly into a bun and had dark, chocolate eyes. She wore the exact same uniform as her fellow guards.

"Lucille will explain everything." The scrawny guard rushed his words, we need to take care of some things." He then motioned to all the other guards to rush back inside, all of them wearing wary expressions.

Brie and Lucille stood silently in the greenery in the shadow of Mr. Franks' grand mansion while the group of guards marched inside. "What's going to happen to me?" Brie worried, "what do they have planned?"

The two just stood as the remainder of the guards filed inside. Brie fiddled with her jacket sleeve and stared at the ground until Lucille approached her and spoke up, "Listen," she whispered with sudden concern in her eyes, "The real guards will be coming any second now-"

The two turned their heads toward a shuffling in the foliage, "No time, RUN!" Lucille yelled as the pair darted past the mansion, armed guards right on their tails.

Brie quickly followed the woman without question, with a strange feeling she could trust her. They slalomed in-between trees and other obstacles until the women finally stumbled into a bright town square. They were looking rugged, dirty, and very out of place, and also received many suspecting looks from store owners and city-goers, but they glowed in ecstacy at the fact that they managed to outrun their pursuers.

Raking her fingers through her black-blue hair, and catching her breath, Brie sighed in awe, "Hargeon." She scanned her surroundings and finally grinned at Lucille.

Lucille smiled back and motioned at Brie to follow her again, "See that coffee shop?" The woman asked, pointing westward at a small square building, "With the amount of explaining I'm about to do, we might be in there a while."

Brie let out an exasperated laugh and jogged after Lucille to sit down at the shop.


I'm so so sorry I left you guys for WEEKS without any activity, I honestly have no excuse for my abandonment (is that a word?) Towards you lovely people.

Trying to update often, now

Also... any feedback, suggestions, etc. Is greatly appreciated. In fact, I actually would really like some constructive criticism on how to make this book better!! :)

On a different note, there will be TONS more character development, (and tons of characters at that matter) just wait up for me a little bit, okay?

Thanks for the support, love youuu

Don't forget to vote and comment!!


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