Chapter 15: Sid and Lorra

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Hi! :)

This will probably be one of the last flashback chapters, unless I need to toe up loose ends later in the book.


Remember Chapter 1...?

"After watching their daughter depart, Brie's parents sat at the dining room table to discuss new matters of business.

"Now what?" Lorra asked her husband who was staring solemnly down at the table. The two held hands across the table. "Now, the plan goes into action. We're out of the picture, now." Sid replied to his wife. "Oh Sid, I just can't help feeling we betrayed her. We raised her for seventeen years, and now we've let her into people's grasps that are potentially dangerous." Lorra let out a sob, "I just don't want her getting hurt!" That sob turned into a full cry, and soon enough, Sid was balling too. "Sid! We gave her up!" Lorra screamed, tears still in her eyes.

"No, Lorra," Sid replied, calming himself and his wife down. "Fairy Tail gave her up." A shadow cast over Sid's face. "That's the plan, hon'. Brie is going to be lured into Fairy Tail once again, and the same destruction that was brought upon Fairy Tail seventeen years ago, will once again be brought upon that God-forsaken guild."

Lorra was frightened at this dark turn in Sid. It was almost as if he wasn't speaking. Almost as if someone else was speaking for him. Everything had happened so fast, and she thought Sid was the only person she could trust, but now, she suddenly felt unsafe with him. "I-I think I'll go lay down." "Yes, dear. Rest will do you well." The husband and wife didn't converse for the rest of the day after that. Lorra didn't stop feeling unsafe with her husband, and above all wanted her daughter back.

"Stay strong, Gabriela, and don't let them get past your bright mind." Is what Lorra thought that night before she fell asleep and had nightmares of what might become of her beloved daughter."

Ok, back to the story!


Sid and Lorra sat in their little cottage eating a silent lunch. Their lives were a bit more dull outside the guild when Brie wasn't around.

"Honey?" Lorra started timidly, after nibbling on a sandwich,"How do you think she's doing out there?"

"Now, don't get worried, you know Mr. Franks' ways. They aren't going to hurt her...we're just repaying the deed of him getting her for us!" Sid smiled, trying to comfort his wife. It didn't help.

"But he said he needed her to get revenge on another magical guild. I don't have a problem with that, they did destroy his father's mansion, and legacy, but why does he need our daughter for it?" Lorra was on the verge of tears, her paranoia slowly crept up on her until she imagined the worst in everything.

"Lorra," Sid tried to sound sympathetic, "The only thing we can do is wait. And we have to trust him too."

"I don't know, Sid." Lorra held her head low and her hands were clasped on her lap under the table, "We don't even know where's she's going or why. We're blindly giving our daughter away." She shed a few tears and after a few minutes of silence, Sid answered.

"Lore... I've got something to tell you." Sid started, fidgeting, "I didn't tell you this when Brie was first delivered here because you were too sensitive, and you still are, but you deserve the truth."

Lorra looked up at her husband with extreme concern, "W-w-what? What is it?"

Sid started to explain, "Gabriela is someone else's child. You know this, and you know that we both feel guilty about it."

Lorra sniffled and whispered, "yeah."

"Well, it turns out, that Mr. Franks wanted to take a risk, and instead of steal-" Sid took a shaky breath and continued, "getting a baby from a normal" Sid had trouble finding the words to go on. He was afraid it might hurt his wife forever.

"Tell me." Lorra said, suddenly and corageously, "It's been eighteen years, Sid. Eighteen years that I've been in the dark about something, so spit it out!" Lorra was suddenly yelling, "for my sake."

"Ok, ok." Sid conformed after staring in awe at his wife for a bit. She'd never been one to yell in any circumstance, "Brie is a Fairy Tail child." He shut his eyes tight, expecting to hear intense sobs from Lorra, but he heard nothing.

Sid opened his eyes to see silent tears spilling out from his wife's eyes. She shook her head in disappointment, her arms crossed, "The opportunity, Sid." Lorra started, remaining calm, "it's all gone." She looked away from her husband, "We thought she didn't have any magical ability. We could've raised her a Lamia Scale child! Do you understand what you have done?"

Sid stared blankly at Lorra, "Even if we had taught her magic, this repayment wouldn't have worked. We'd have to give something much more valuable."

"MORE VALUABLE THAN YOUR OWN DAUGHTER?? IT'S ALL ABOUT PLEASING MR. FRANKS, ISN'T IT? BRIE IS OUR DAUGHTER, NOT HIS!! HE'S NOT SOME KIND OF BANK THAT WE HAVE TO PAY OFF SO WE CAN ACTUALLY OWN HER, SHE IS OURS! SHE IS MINE!" Lorra ran out the door, her whole face wet with hot tears. She ran far away, out of her little village, past the guild hall, into large fields and valleys. She didn't know where she was, but she broke down crying in the middle of nowhere, all alone.


"Maybe she's right." Sid said, pacing the house, talking to himself. He knew exactly what the plan was with Brie, and after his wife's little explosion, he realized that her words were logical.

Sid's daughter's real parents were in Fairy Tail, and the plan was for her to make her parents to protect and defend her, and then turn on them. She'd go back to Franks and share Fairy Tail's weak spots, and it would lead to the downfall of the guild. It was a sensitive plan, they had to make Brie believe she was a good guy. Franks would take down other rival guilds one by one, but he assured Sid that Lamia Scale would be safe...


After hours, Lorra hadn't returned to the cottage. She had continued walking far past her village and far past her guild.

She had a plan, she was going to Fairy Tail to remove her daughter from this evil plan."


Errg, sorry it's taking me longer and longer to publish chapters, I've had 6 family members in and out of my house for the past week and I've bben really busy

Again, please please give me feedback and comments and votes, and spread the word if you like this book!

(Yes I realize most of this chapter was a recap from chapter 1...sorry x-x)

Thanks so much you lovely people!


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