Chapter 4: The Truth

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"When is that couple coming, Jordaan?

"Soon sir, in fact, they're coming in ten minutes. It's ten 'till eight right now."

"Oh, I love how precise you are, Jordaan!"

"Thank you sir."

Two men conversed in a dimly lighted living room. The first man, Mr. Franks was a billionaire and owner of many businesses. He was also known for doing "favors" for people. Favors anywhere from assassination, to babysitting, sometimes both at the same time......Of couse those favors came with a price of either money, another favor, or work.

Mr. Franks was fifty years old, but looked sixty, he was tall and skinny and was spoiled rotten, demanding, and very, very, powerful.

Jordaan, (pronounced Johr- dahn) on the other hand, was Mr. Franks' foreign advisor/assistant/anything else Mr. Franks wanted him to be.

Jordaan was almost always bogged down with tasks he needed to accomplish and never got a day off or any fair rights, but working for Mr. Franks paid well, so he kept his job.

Jordaan was only nineteen years old, had dark skin and hair, but radiant, bright blue eyes. He was patient, obedient, and had to help raise his two other sisters, both ten years old, because their parents had died. Jordaan had it rough.

Mr. Franks arose from his velvet chair, adjusting the collar on his brown velvet uniform. He was quite fond of the material. Everyone working for him in his mansion, including himself, wore a brown velvet uniform when they worked, and since Mr. Franks considered this time to be his "worktime" he wore the uniform.

"Jordaan?" Asked Mr. Franks streching out his legs and arms, "Would you go and fetch me a cold glass of wa-" There was a knock at the door, "Oh, nevermind that boy, go and get the door!" The man said, and then plopped back down in his chair.

The door opened, and a pair of young people walked inside the house. "Hello, hello, a pleasure to meet you two" Mr. Franks introduced, walking towards the door, rubbing his hands together as if he were cold, "My name is Kingsley Franks, but please, do call me Mr. Franks. Nothing personal, no, no, I simply prefer 'Mr. Franks' please." Mr. Franks shook the pair's hands. One man and one woman.

The couple nervously chuckled and introduced themselves as Mr. and Mrs. Ayley. Sid and Lorra: just married.

"So, you two," Mr. Franks started as soon as everyone sat down. "Please explain your presence here." The two young people exchanged nervous glances before finally speaking, "Well Mr. Franks," Sid started, "Ever since our relationship was young, Lorra and I have always wanted to start a family." The couple's body language became uncomfortable, but Sid continued, "But....oh, how do I put this...." after seconds of silence, Lorra chimed in to finish her husband's sentence, "Mr. Franks, we can't have a baby. It's not....physically possible for us, if you know what I mean."

Mr. Franks responded with a series of low and uncomfortable grunts.

"All of the adoption agencies have been wiped clean!" Sid commented, "All of them, Mr. Franks, every single one."

"So...." Mr. Franks started, his head in his hands, "What exactly am I to do for you?" He forced himself to smile.

The couple nervously looked at each other, silently communicating. After several minutes, they looked back at Mr. Franks. "Sir...we wish that you would....somehow....get us a child."

Mr. Franks was taken aback, "You....want me to...get you a child?" The man stared in disbelief at the two people in front of him. They stared back, wincing. "Jordaan!" Mr. Franks called. The boy hurriedly traveled to the man's side. He put his head in his hands once again and requested, "Boy, go fetch me that glass of water."

"Yes sir."

"And a glass for our visitors."

"At once."

The boy fetched the water, for which the couple thanked him, but Mr. Franks kept his head in his hands and didn't take a single sip. Little did Sid and Lorra know, Mr. Franks was contemplating which motive would be best for him and his client.

He came up with a plan, alright.

Suddenly perking up, the man urged the couple out of his mansion quickly and started at once on his plan for getting a child.

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