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Tommy groaned angrily, earning a laugh from Tubbo. "Is it really that hard to pick an outfit?" The older asked over discord. "It is when you haven't been to a party before!" "Just dress like how you would normally, but don't dress in a boring outfit. Like, wear a band t-shirt or a crop-top, or hell, even a hoodie, even though it's hot as shit." Tubbo advised. Tommy looked at his closet. "I could wear a nirvana t-shirt and grey sweatpants?" "Sounds good bossman!"

Tommy threw on his outfit and grabbed everything he would need for the party, before going outside to meet Tubbo. The brunette wore black jeans and a green cropped t-shirt. Tommy grinned. "You look awesome big T!!" Tubbo thanked Tommy before the two hopped into the car with Techno and Wilbur. The ride to Dream's house was relatively short, and the 4 got there in 10 minutes. They all walked in before Wilbur and Techno broke apart from the two boys.

Tommy and Tubbo hung out, talking to Ranboo, Niki, and Niki's friend Minx. After a while though, the two younger teens decided to just talk to some people. They spoke with Dream and his friends, George, Sapnap, Quackity, and Karl. Quackity was Tommy's favorite, but he'd never admit it. Afterwards, he spoke to Wilbur's friends, Fundy, Schlatt, and Sally (which Tommy learned was Wilbur's girlfriend). After talking to most of the friend groups, Tommy and Tubbo fucked around with Quackity and Sapnap upstairs. It was all just talking about random shit before Sapnap pulled out a joint from his bag. Tommy and Tubbo gave eachother a collective oh shit look before Sapnap explained. "I brought this because I was gonna use this when me and Dream were gonna hang out, but I'm bored. Quackity, you wanna hit it?" Quackity took the joint after Sapnap lit it, pressing it to his lips and inhaling. He exhaled a stream of smoke before offering it to Tommy. The blonde hesitated before taking it and copying the other's actions. A burning dryness swept across his throat as he inhaled and exhaled. It hurt, but he liked it. He passed it to Tubbo, and Tubbo repeated before handing it back to Sapnap. Quackity smirked, turning to the younger boys.

"How'd it feelllll man? Best thing everr, right?" Tommy snickered. "Of course, of course big Q!" Tubbo laughed, and for a while the 4 passed around the blunt. After a while, everybody started getting high. However, Tommy and Tubbo decided to leave when Sapnap and Quackity kissed, knowing better than to interrupt. The boys found Ranboo hanging out in his bedroom and went up to him. "Hey Boo! How are you?" Tubbo said in a cheery tone. "Bro what the heck- Are you guys high?" Ranboo asked, confused. The brunette jumped onto the bed with him, and Tommy followed. "Of course, I love drugs and women." Tubbo pushed the split-haired teen's head onto his lap and played with his hair. "Your hair is pretty." Ranboo felt his face heat up. "I'm so confused." Tommy had tears suddenly running down his face. "I- *sniff* I don't wanna catch the gay from you guys!" Tubbo grinned. "Come. Be gay with usss!" He made grabby hands at the blonde before grasping onto his Nirvana t-shirt and pulling him into the pile of clingy teenagers, hugging onto him instantaneously.

Ranboo grabbed the remote off of the bedside table with his freakishly long arms and turned on the Tv. Him, being the polite, awkward emo he is, asked what they wanted to watch. And that, is how they ended up cuddling while watching The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt at 2am. Eventually, they let him leave, so he grabbed all 3 of them a Monster from the kitchen and went back up, hopping back into the pile. By then, half of the party was either passed out on the floor, or high on something and dancing like their death row visit to the electric chair was tomorrow. Ranboo had to be honest, if he had to rate a Friday of drinking Monster with his two stoned platonic soulmates, he'd give it a 10/10.

None of them slept that night. All three of them decided to go dick around in the city at 3 am, so they just walked around in alleyways and looked at store windows. After a while they all just crashed onto a random couch that someone dumped into an alley. "Bro, what's goin on in your guys' lives?" Tubbo asked. "My mom's at work 24/7 and Dream keeps getting into fights soooo... yeah." Ranboo said, shifting in his seat. "I just got adopted by Phil and I have like... high key depression and trauma since my parents were abusive, so not going very pog. What about you Tubs?" The other teen asked. "Welp, my dad's like an alcoholic and so am I kinda so I'm doing great." They all sat in silence. "Damn. We're all depressed. We should like, become vigilantes or something." "Tommy, people dont have super powers. How are we gonna do that?" Ranboo corrected. ".... That can be arranged." Tommy cracked his knuckles and grinned, sitting up. Ranboo pushed him back down, and the blonde just flopped onto the other. Tubbo copied. "Well what the frick man." "Just say fuck." Tubbo groaned.

"Bro. Do you guys just wanna stay out here for like, the rest of the day and just walk around?" Tommy asked. The other teens agreed. They all got up and walked around, talking about whatever came to mind. Tommy felt a vibrating in his pocket. He checked his phone. 20 missed calls, and Techno was calling him right now. He picked up. "Tommy what the hell- Where are you?" "I dunno." "HEH?" "We just kinda walked. I know my way back tho." "Bro- Phil is gonna kill me if your lost. Send me your location, you can stay out there, I just need to tell Phil where you are, nerd."

Techno hung up and groaned. God, he was tired. Why did he even agree to go? He hates parties. He was so incredibly hungover. His phone vibrated as Tommy sent him his location. Techno dialed up Phil. "Phil, Tommy and his friends are in _____, can he stay there for a little bit? He's hanging out." "I mean, sure? As long as he's back by 3 pm, I don't want him hurt but I'm happy has friends." Techno relayed what Phil had said to Tommy and hung up.

Tommy checked his phone after getting confirmation that he could stay. He looked over at the two and grinned. "Sooo.. What now?"

Hey guys! Its me! I hope at least someone enjoyed this. My low view count is kind of discouraging since I didnt even get 1 view on the last chapter, but i genuinely like writing this book, sooo

Date started: May 10, Tuesday
Date finished: May 17, Tuesday
Words: 1170

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