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Tommy sat in the room wordlessly. It was a short wait. Technoblade was brought in a few minutes after him. The piglin hybrid now had all of his features hidden. It was almost like how it used to be. The pink-haired teen was allowed to be unrestrained with a guard standing in the room. Tommy smiled at him, sitting across from the other. "How have you been?" Technoblade gave a light smile. "Horrible. I share a room with this old woman, Helga, who threatens to give me, and I quote, 'Dunderhead'. So it's not exactly heaven on earth. What about you?" Tommy chuckled. "Shit. Wilbur and Dad keep fighting, plus now Wil's emo. Plus Tubbo hates me." Techno nodded. "Damn." Tommy smiled. "Uhm- how do I word this- I probably won't see you again. I'm uh- " Tommy paused to debate about telling his brother.

"I'm not gonna be... Fuck it, I'm gonna kill myself today. Just wanted to see you one last time, y'know?" Technoblade nodded. "Yeah, It makes sense. I can't stop you. Just- know that you have people that care for you. If you survive and need anything, just know you've got an ally at the asylum, ok?" Tommy smiled. Tears beaded in his eyes. "Thanks, Techno." Technoblade stood up and walked over to him before abruptly blanketing his brother in a hug. Tommy did not cry. He was fine and did NOT cry. they stood there for a minute or two before Tommy let go hesitantly. He wiped his eyes (for no reason at all, he was a very strong man) and left wordlessly. Not because if he said anything he would cry. After leaving the asylum, he returned to the mall quickly and returned to the roof after a while.

He sat at the top of the rooftop and grabbed his phone from the bag. He pressed onto the groupchat consisting of him, Tubbo, and Ranboo. He paused before beginning to type.

Bench boyz

This is hopefully a permanent goodbye. I love you guys so much and it's neither of your faults but my mental health has been super shitty and I'm just so mentally exhausted. You guys are my best friends, please, stay the good people you are. I'm sorry but your lives will be better without me, I promise. I love you.
Thank you for supporting me until my end.

Tommy felt his phone buzz in his hands. He looked down once more.

Tommu what the fcuk does thats mean pleas don't so anythinsg bad

Tommy wait where are you please don't

Tommy switched to the SBI groupchat.

Little Shits + Phil

I'm sorry. I love you guys a lot and I wanna thank you for taking me in but I just can't do it anymore. I won't be a nuisance to you for much longer. Thank you for all you've done for me. It's none of your faults
I love you

Phil immediately replied.

Wait what??? Tommy where are you what's going on

Are you srs Tommy please don't

Tommy felt regret. He was trying to get rid of himself to stop being annoying but all he did was make people worried. I guess nobody will have to be worried after today. He turned on I Hear a Symphony on loop. Tommy just sat on the edge, building up the courage to jump.

Tubbo grabbed his phone and checked Life 360 frantically. Tommy's location showed up as at the mall. Surely he's on the roof. The brunette stood up and took Ranboo's hand. "I know where he is boo, c'mon." Tubbo said, dragging Ranboo out. They went next door to Phil's house and knocked on the door. Phil answered. He looked insanely stressed. "Tommy's at the roof of the mall. Can you drive us?" The older's eyes widened before he nodded, telling Wilbur to go to the car. He grabbed his keys and the 4 all left, going to the Mall as fast as they could. Phil just undid his wings without a word and flew up to the roof. Nobody noticed really. The other 3 ran haphazardly up the escalator and to the elevator. Sitting in the elevator while their platonic partner and Wilbur's brother could be jumping off of the roof however wasn't exactly calming.

Phil flew up the building before flying one spot at the edge. "Tommy!" He yelled anxiously, seeing the boy at the edge. Tommy's eyes widened and he began to push himself off of the edge before Phil dived to grab him. The older embraced him, keeping him from escaping. Tommy clawed frantically and tried to jump once more before giving up and just going limp, sobbing hysterically. Philza landed on the roof and kneeled down, holding the boy close and petting his hair. It took the other 3 boys 5 more minutes to get up, and as soon as they did they immediately ran to comfort him, sputtering apologies under streams of tears. Tommy sobbed. "I-I'm sorry- I'm sorry!"

He had a panic attack that lasted around 10 minutes of him sobbing and apologizing before he just passed out from exhaustion. Tubbo held him in the elevator while Ranboo held his bag. Tubbo felt so guilty. I shouldn't have even been angry. Piglins can get those violent fits if they are isolated from the nether for extended periods. Or Techno could've had some mental breakdown going on. Tommy didn't even do anything, either. I'm a fucking idiot. Ranboo held Tubbo's hand to comfort them and they exited the mall. They got into the car and drove home, arriving there after 5 minutes. After carrying everything inside, Tubbo, Ranboo, and Tommy all just sat on the couch, with Tommy sleeping. The other two sat at the table. Phil wiped a few sweaty strands of hair stuck to his own forehead away. "So. What was that about, mate?"

Don't expect anything frequent
Plus I'll do a fun facts thing and like, a prologue and headcanons and shit at the end
-Signed, Allum [They/It/Xe]

Started: Tuesday, June 21, 1:34 PM
Finished: Wednesday, June 22, 3:31 AM
Words: 1034
Views: 193

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