You're Coming Back, and It's the End of the World

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Tommy fell onto the rich dirt, rolling a few feet into a tree. He yelped on impact and sat up quickly, his eyes meeting Dream. His hands shook. There was no getting out of this. "Y-you're a prick, Dream." Dream's stupid smile only grew. "Why is that, Tommy?" He bent down with his hands behind his back, taunting him. "You're a wrongen. Fuckin- 'Orrible." Dream feigned being hurt. "Why would you say that, Toms? We're best friends!"Tommy's scowl faltered. That's what Wilbur called him. "You're a fucking- Psychopath!" He said, almost exasperated. Dream's face went stoic. He kneeled down in front of the boy. He grabbed onto his hair. Tommy winced. "You want me to show you?" He bashed the teen's head off of the wood of the tree. Tommy heard a crack at the back of his skull. Tears fell down his face. Holy shit, this is how I die. Dream slapped him before standing back up, looking down at the younger. He grinned, kicking him is the face. A sickening crunch ran out. Blood ran down from the back of his skull. Dream's stupid smirk only grew wider. He reached into his pocket and pulled out-

The pocket knife. That. pocket knife. He kneeled next to a Tommy who was frozen in both fear and shock. He pushed Tommy's head into his lap and pet his golden blonde hair. Tommy shook like a leaf. "See Tommy? This isn't that bad. This is why you should trust me. I'm your only friend." He rolled Tommy over and pulled up the back of his shirt. He drug the knife across the boy's back. Tommy flinched at the sensation of the blade cutting apart his flesh as he breathing in and out slowly. Never thought I'd be feeling this again. He joked. Dream carved a smiley face into his back. Tommy felt like barfing. Dream retracted the knife after what felt like years and set it against his throat. Tommy froze.

The Benjamins weren't the best foster family, but never the worst.  Tommy had the day he was sent back ingrained into his memory. Tommy walked upstairs from the basement before pausing. Mr. Benjamin had a bottle in one hand and a knife in the other with it pointed at Mrs. Benjamin. Tommy just stood there, unsure of what to do. Both of the Benjamins paused f a moment. Mr. Benjamin grabbed Tommy by his shirt and pulled the boy in front of him, putting the knife at his throat. "You better get me my FUCKING CAR." Mrs. Benjamin tried to reason with him. "Please, John, I don't have the legal right-" Mr. Benjamin pressed the knife harder. Tommy's eyes beaded with tears as he shook. "John, please!" Mr. Benjamin slit the boy's throat. Tommy's hands drifted up to the wound. Mrs. Benjamin stared at him with horror. Tommy looked at his two fingers covered in blood. " 'S not that deep." The seven year old said.

Tommy was sent to the hospital after that.

Dream pulled the knife across his throat 5 times. That's definitely enough to kill me. Black spots came into the boy's vision. Dream pushed Tommy back up against the tree and punched him, sending the boy out like a light. After a little while, he should die of blood loss. Dream stood up and walked off.

Tommy's eyes fluttered open. Vulture Forest, again. Next to Wilbur's body stain. Was one time not enough? He sat up once again and looked around. No dream. His ears and tail were visible. That wasn't normal. He looked down at Wilbur's body- "WHAT THE FUCK-" His tail fuzzed up. Wilbur groaned, sitting up slowly. "Shut the fuck up- Oh what the hell?" He took his brunette curls into his hands, running his calloused fingers through them before letting it flop back over his eye. He looked at Tommy. "When did you get your hair dyed? And how am I alive?" "I never got my hair dyed. But uhm- I kinda made a deal with the goddess of death-" Wilbur just stared at him, looking for any sign of joking in his face. "Ok... Wait what the fuck happened to your neck?" He said, getting closer to see. Tommy flinched. Wilbur backed up. Tommy stayed silent. He reached up and touched his neck. Dried blood flaked off into his fingers. He hummed. His tail swayed behind him. The blonde stood up and checked his pockets for his phone. All he found was a black feather and a small obsidian charm that read 'XD' in golden letters. His head tilted. Must've been something Mumza left me. He stuck the items back into his pocket. Wilbur stood up. "Should we.. Go back home?" Tommy shrugged, so Wilbur just started on the way. The blonde followed.

"... So, what happened?" Tommy averted his eyes. "Dream killed me and I made a deal to be killed if you were revived." Wilbur looked confused. "What do you mean? Dream saved me." Tommy looked at him. "The fuck do you mean?" Wilbur shook his head. "No, you just- He's good. He wouldn't." "Dude, he literally killed both of us." The brunette waved his hand dismissively. "You must have been dreaming. Or you could've been delusional. He didn't do anything wrong." His tail and ears stuck up, fluffing up out of frustration. "Wilbur, he killed me! What the fuck do you mean! That bastard fucking-" Wilbur stopped and stared at Tommy. "Shut your fucking mouth. Dream didn't do shit, your just trying to attention seek. You know I wouldn't let you near him if he was dangerous. Do you even trust me? Because right now I don't feel like you trust me anymore!" He snapped at the younger. Tommy just looked at the floor, his ears flattening. "I trust you, Wilbur." Wilbur abruptly turned forward again and stomped off.

Tommy just huffed and walked the faster way out. He got out and walked to the house, forgetting to hide his hybrid features. It took him like, 30 minutes to get there though with his massive headache and the feeling of the layers of skin on his neck heal back together. By now his just had dried blood crusting a large scar on his neck. If there were people on the streets at the time he knew he would get stares. He arrived home and knocked on the door. Phil opened the door swiftly and stared at him with horror. "Wilbur's back." Phil just opened the door for him. "Did you make a deal with Death?" Tommy nodded. "How'd you tell?" "You came back with a scar after being missing for 4 days, and you just said that. I heard stories of people making deals with death before." Tommy just looked at him. Phil took a moment to actually look at him. Blood and dirt was matted into his hair and ears, and blood was smeared onto his clothes and neck. His legs and arms were scratched up. Bags hung from his eyes. "You're old." Phil just chuckled. He encased the younger in a hug before retracting, a smile on his face. "I'm a minor, Phil." The older shook his head fondly. "Can you help me wash the blood out of my hair?" "Yeah. Just wash off your neck and shit and then we can wash your hair off." The younger blonde nodded and scurried off. Phil chuckled and took a sip of his coffee on the table.

Ayup boys! Wilbur is back and he's more of an asshole than ever! I have a little bit more ideas before I end the book, but afterwards I'll still upload Oneshots and shit to ao3! Thanks so much for your support, love ya boyz

Finished: August 28
Words: 1300
Views: 953

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