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Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo had went to Ranboo's and just played Minecraft for a while. "Hey Tubbo?" Tommy asked, building his house. "Yeah?" Tommy fidgeted with his phone case for a moment before continuing. "Do you still hate me?" The brunette shook his head. "Why?" Tubbo started mining a tree. "Because, your my partner, and it was stupid to hate you in the first place. You literally didn't do anything." Tommy nodded and continued to build his house. "If you guys pass by my house could you give me some- ow holy shit that hurts-" The blonde immediately dropped his phone and grabbed onto his head, wincing. The other two immediately darted to his side. "Are you ok??" Ranboo asked. Tommy shook his head. Tubbo held his hand. "Do you want me to get Wilbur and Phil?"

Tommy shook his head again. Ranboo darted up. "Wait here, I'll get you some stuff." He left and after a few minutes of hearing the frantic sounds of panicking in the kitchen came back up with a pile of items. He rushed to Tommy, who was now curled in on himself. The monochrome-haired teen grabbed an ice pack and laid it on his head before grabbing him pain meds and a water bottle. The blonde accepted the water and medicine before taking it. "Thank you.." Tubbo's eyes widened. "Holy shit he thanked someone! Now we know somethings wrong." Tommy glared at him before taking another sip from the water bottle. "If I wasn't literally about to die I'd beat your ass"

Ranboo rubbed his back as Tommy gripped at his hair. His head was pounding. The blonde groaned. Pressure grew on his skull and tailbone before it slowly dissolved. Tubbo and Ranboo's eyes widened but Tommy ignored it, instead letting his eyelids droop. "Holy shit- What the hell?" The brunette teen shrieked, looking at Tommy's newly-grown ears & tail. He grabbed Tommy bridal-style and looked at Ranboo. "We have to get Phil, what the fuck!" Tubbo took Tommy downstairs.Ranboo grabbed Tommy's bag before following Tubbo, the air filled with wordless panic. The shorter sprinted down the sidewalk with Ranboo close behind. Tommy was out cold. It took them 5 minutes to get to Phil's house. They frantically knocked onto the dark oak door.

Phil was exhausted. He felt like he was going to pass out from stress. The blonde man absentmindedly scrolled through YouTube, attempting to find a new idea for a minecraft build before being interrupted by a rapid knock at the front door. He shot up, noticing the urgency of the sound. The elytrian dashed downstairs and swung open the door, only to be met with Ranboo and Tubbo, as well as a passed out Tommy. His wings flexed out in alarm. He grabbed Tommy and curled his wings around the boy before sitting down with him. "Did his features grown in?" Ranboo nodded, holding Tubbo's hand gently to calm the teen down. Phil left the room quickly and came back with bandages and a wet towel. The man dabbed Tommy's ears gently, the younger stirring ever-so-slightly with every touch.

After wiping off the blood from his ears, Phil wrapped the bandages onto them. Tommy winced in his sleep before his eyes fluttered open. "D-Dad?" The older let out a chirp. He brushed it off before petting the blonde's hair. "You're good, Toms. Is it still sore?" Tommy nodded. Phil drew his hand back and walked off to the kitchen before returning back with pain meds. After giving Tommy the medicine and taking care of his ears and tail, Phil looked at the two boys watching him. "I'm gonna go pick up a few books on raccoon hybrids, can I trust you two to take care of him?" The two nodded and he left wordlessly. Ranboo walked over to Tommy who just rubbed his eyes. Tubbo followed as well. "Are you good big man? Do you need anything?" The blonde shook his head.

"If your comfortable answering- uhm, are you guys hybrids too?" Ranboo paused before chewing on his lip. "Uhm. I'm an enderman hybrid- I'm sorry I haven't told you guys." Tommy grinned. "I could tell, Big R, your fucking huge." Ranboo snickered. "I recently found out I'm a goat hybrid. Or, a satyr. Whatever you wanna call it. Now that we all know, do we need to hide our features anymore?" Tubbo asked. Tommy and Ranboo shook their heads. Tubbo put his hands over his hair and pulled them off, showing tiny horns that sprouted from his head. He repeated the action on his tailbone and legs before pushing his hair back and revealing the fluffy goat ears hidden underneath. Tommy beamed. "You're so fuckin fluffy! Also you just have goat legs, what the fuck!" Ranboo beamed aswell, petting the shorter.

Tubbo snarled at him, making the teen back away. Ranboo shrugged it off before revealing his tail, horns, and ears. "Why are you so pretty?" Tommy asked. Ranboo blushed and looked away. "What?" Tubbo stared at the enderman hybrid. "Damn. You're like, metaphorically glowing." And they were right, too. He had long, neat nails, smooth pale skin that split to black, green and red eyes that glinted in the light, he had it all. Tubbo turned the taller's face to get a closer look at his eyes but he was sidetrack let out a series of chitters. Ranboo blushed even harder. "Sorry-"

Tubbo suddenly got an idea, it was obvious from his face. He threw is hair over his eyes and then looked at Ranboo again. "I'll just walk around like this!" Ranboo smiled. "Guess I'll die." Tommy laughed. "Point and laugh." Tubbo grinned. Tommy paused. "Shut up for a second, I think I might throw up." He dashed up the stairs. "Oh yeah, I forgot about that." The brunette blinked. They heard their partner vomit upstairs. "Shit!" The shorter ran upstairs, with Ranboo in tow. Tommy was hunched over the bowl. His taller partner hunched down next to him and started to rub his back. Tubbo followed and played with his hair, but it was mostly a distraction for his emetophobia. Tommy sat up. "Ugh- what the fuck- I hate my life."

His phone buzzed in his pocket. He checked the screen. A few beats of silence.

"Holy shit."

What's up nerds, it's me, Sock
I was gonna finish the story after Tommy's attempt but I have so many ideas
Also, I really want Phil and Mumza to start dating
I have some actually wholesome plans for this story! There will still be angst but i have so much ideas for fluffy shit!!!!

- Sock [They/It/Xe]

Started: Thursday, June 30, 8:39 AM
Finished: Sunday, July 10, 12:27 PM
Views: 353
Words: 1143

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