Hanging out.

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Tommy smiled at Ranboo. "Your shit at Mario Kart." Ranboo groaned. "Listen, I'm sleepy! I'm not on my A-game-" The monochrome-haired boy was interrupted by a knock at the door. "That's weird. It's literally 1:37 AM." He said before going downstairs to get the door. Tommy sat, still grinning. He heard a tired voice from downstairs speak to Ranboo, but he couldn't make out who it was. Two pairs of footsteps came upstairs. The blonde turned to the doorway to see Tubbo with bandages wrapped on his face and arm next to Ranboo. Tommy waved hesitantly with a blank face and went back to picking his character. The other two boys sat on the bed, with Tubbo sitting as far away as he could from Tommy. Damn. That hurts. Ranboo grabbed the second controller and chose his character before beginning the game.

The two boys play and shoot the shit, speaking about whatever came to mind. Tubbo stayed silent, watching the two. After the match, Ranboo set down the controller. He giggled and slid off of the bed. "I'll grab us monsters. What flavors do you guys want?" "I'll have an original." Tommy said, grabbing his phone and checking his phone. "Me too." Tubbo said, checking his Tumblr. He switched his phone into his scarred-up hand, wincing. "Ouch." Tommy looked up. ".. You ok?" He spoke hesitantly. "Dude, please don't talk to me."

Tommy glared. "Tubbo, what? Bro, all I asked is if you were ok. I don't know why you suddenly hate me so much, man." The brunette set aside his phone. "I hate you because you let your fucking brother attack me! I didn't even know hybrids existed before that happened. Half of my fucking face got ripped off!" The blonde clenched his fists. "You act like I don't care! I fucking sobbed, every fucking day. I thought you were gonna die! I didn't know hybrids existed either. I watched over you every day. I helped to get Techno off of you. And now you're blaming ME?" "Yes! You are literally ASSOCIATED with the man who almost KILLED ME. AND NOW, YOU'RE ASKING WHY I HATE YOU?" "OF COURSE I AM! I FUCKING LOVE YOU. YOU'RE ONE OF THE ONLY REASONS I GET UP IN THE MORNING. I HELPED. I CRIED OVER YOU." "WELL NOW, I'M NOT SURE IF I LOVE YOU. IF I'M ONE OF THE ONLY REASONS YOU'RE AROUND, THEN YOU MIGHT AS WELL NOT BE. YOU RUINED MY FUCKING LIFE!" Tubbo yelled. Tommy's eyes widened. The shorter glared at him with a face filled with disgust. Tommy clenched his teeth. "Maybe you're right, I shouldn't be around. Especially since all you fucking do for me is mess things up." He snapped, grabbing his phone, and sliding off of the bed. Ranboo stood in the doorway, stunned. Tommy waved to the other before going down the set of stairs and exiting the house.

The blonde walked to his house in silence. He got there faster than usual, due to his faster-than-usual pace. After arriving at his house he walked in. Wilbur sat on the couch on his phone and Phil was typing away on his laptop. Tommy walked over to the man. "Dad, could I have a hug?" Phil smiled. "Of course Toms." The two hugged wordlessly before Tommy asked the same of Wilbur, who hesitantly agreed. Afterwards, he went upstairs to his room and grabbed his bag. He put his blade, his phone, 20 dollars, a pass for the psych ward Techno was staying at, and his headphones in his bag before zipping it and walking back downstairs.

Tommy smiled. "I'll see you guys later. I'm going to visit Techno. Love you." His two family members exchanged goodbyes, and he left. He walked through the warm town, looking around. He examined everything around him. The pedestrians gossiping. Car horns honking. The sounds of the nearby highway. The doors of businesses being opened for the day. He absorbed it all. After 12 minutes he arrived at his final destination, a mall. He walked through the doors, observing the shoppers and food court. The blonde hopped onto the escalator- God, I'll miss those- and went up to the second floor. The teen walked over to the elevator and got in. Nobody was in there. Score. He pressed a button that read, "Roof - Authorized personnel only." After listening to the oddly catchy elevator Musik, he finally arrived at the roof.

Tommy walked out onto the concrete before sitting down on the edge. He pulled his phone and headphones out and played The Last Words Of A Shooting Star by Mitski. The song began playing. He felt warm tears slip down his cheeks, and before he could halt them they flowed down like a flood. He began to sob, quietly singing along with the song. He had a bittersweet smile on his face all the way. He pulled his blade from his bag and quickly pressed it to his thighs. It felt like he lost consciousness because as soon as he tuned back into reality, the song had switched to I / Me / Myself  by Will Wood and he had cuts lining his thighs. His mind went blank. Shit. I didn't bring bandaids. He bent over and just wiped the blood onto the red part of his red and white hoodie.

He smiled for no reason. He felt unreasonably happy. I mean, to be fair, he was being freed from existence today. So that's a pretty good thing to be happy about. He left the mall and skipped down the sidewalk. He got weird looks- after all, he was an extremely tall child with bloodstains on his hoodie and heavy eyebags skipping to the sound of a Will Wood song. He went on his way to the Psych ward, and it only took him a few minutes, since it wasn't far and he was skipping. He threw his phone and earbuds into his bag and pulled out his pass. He entered the ward and walked up to the receptionist. "Hello, welcome to Saint Billiam Psychiatric Ward. Are you hear to see a patient?" The man, who looked suspiciously like Ranboo asked while eyeing Tommy's visitor pass. The blonde nodded.

"Yep. Could I visit Technoblade Watson?" He set his pass on the desk. "I'm registered as Tommy Simons Watson." The receptionist checked the pass. He typed up his name into the system's search bar and found his profile. He smiled and nodded. "The visitor's room is the first room your see. Tell the staff who you're here for and they'll bring him out for you. Thank you for your cooperation." Tommy nodded. "Thank you." He walked into the door with his pass and then to the door labeled "Visitor's Room." He went up to the staff worker who resembled Niki and showed her his pass. "Uhm- I'm here for Technoblade Watson?" The woman nodded. "We'll bring him out for you. Can you go to the Visiting Room? It's upstairs, you just need to check the sign." Tommy smiled and nodded, exiting the room.

And that was the chapter. We're getting into some dangerous territory babez <3
Ik nobody reads this but idrc
We're getting to the end of the book.
-Signed, Allum 💛 [They/It]

Views: 187
Started: Friday, June 18, 11:42 AM
Finished: Monday, June 20, 12:08
Words: 1234

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