A visit from Death

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Tommy cuddled into his blankets, tears running down his face. He felt so stupid. A goddamn cigarette butt was all it took for him to be sobbing over Wilbur. Since when did he even get so attached? It was like he got at Phil's house and suddenly he had a family. He'd been so focused on all of the shit happening in his life that he forgot to rebuild his walls. He was stupid for getting attached and even worse for forgetting his place. He was a runt. Why was he trying so desperately to be loved. This was nothing like him. Was it Tubbo and Ranboo? Or maybe the fact that they treated him so kindly? He didn't know, and a part of him was scared to know. He grabbed his phone and tapped onto an old vod Phil had made.

He shut his eyes and let himself sob into his pillow, feeling ashamed for getting tears on his pillow. He cried himself to sleep that night.


Tommy's eyes opened and he was met with an abyss. He sat up swiftly and surveyed his surroundings. "Ph-Phil?" He said nervously. He sat up and walked a few feet. "Hello?" The darkness in front of him dissolved into a flurry. Someone- no, Kristen? Appeared from the dust. But she looked... different? She wore a flowy deep purple double slit dress with black flower accents with elbow-length black gloves and black stilettos. A black witch's hat and veil hid her eyes from Tommy's view. She had black lipstick on that suited her a lot. Her brunette hair was floor length and flowed in a gravity defying way and faded into a Galaxy design at the end. Two sets of golden wings sprouted from her back, the lower set being smaller. She had a smile that put Tommy at immediate ease. "Kristin?" Tommy asked.

"There you are, my little songbird." She approached him. The woman clasped her hands in front of her in an almost prayer-like way. "I didn't get to really talk to you in front of Phil or Wilbur. Your so big, Dear. I remember watching over you when you were a small little thing. XD, you must've been what? 3? 4?" Tommy's eyebrows furrowed. "What?" Kristin waved her hand dismissively. "Enough of that past talk, I'm visiting you now, and right now I have an offer for you!" Tommy raised an eyebrow. "Visiting? Wait, Offer?" She smiled. "I made a compromise with XD, and we have a way for you to bring Wilbur back!" Tommy's eyes widened. "WHAT??? How the fuck do you even have the authority to do that??" Kristin paused. "Wait haven't you caught on?" Tommy shook his head. "I'm a god!" She said, putting her hands to her sides. "WHAT THE FUCK???" He yelled. His scream bounced off of the void, echoing for a moment. Kristin and Tommy paused the conversation to listen to it. The woman spoke again. "Okay Tommy that was a bit much-" She gestured to her clothes. "I'm wearing this ensemble," She threw her hands up, "And I literally am visiting you in your dreams! Like the fucking ghost of Christmas past!" Tommy made a blank face. "My dreams can get weird, man." Kristin shook her head. "But still, how do I bring Wil back?" He asked desperately. "Well, you kinda have to die and then be revived-" She said sheepishly.

"Will it take long?" He asked with no hesitation. "No, but it's traumatic and affects your body. Prime will have to realign your fate so there's no telling how you will die. You could be dropped with a murderer or die in your sleep. Either way, after you die me and XD will meet your spirit and do a sort of life trade; part of your soul will be traded to Wilbur and you'll both be revived." Tommy nodded. "I'll do it." Kristin giggled. "That's the most forward a mortal has been with me." The blonde just shrugged.  "Sooo- What do I do?" Kristin's face went blank for a moment. "Oh! Yeah. I'll do it, just-" She held his face in her hand and waved a hand in front of his eyes, and suddenly, Tommy's eyes fluttered open.

He was met with a forest? Tommy paused. "Vulture Forest?.." He muttered under his breath. He sat up.  A body stain on the grass sat a few feet away from him. Wilbur's body stain. Tommy shivered, reliving that night. He stood up. Dream was leaning on a tree in front of him. "D-Dream?.." The blonde's grin widened. There was something different about him, though. He had a mask with a crudely drawn smiley-face covering the upper half of his face. "Hey, Tommy." He slipped the mask off and threw it to the ground. "What-? I thought you were in prison after trial?" Dream folded his hands behind his back and began approaching him. "Your acting like you're not happy to see me? I thought we were friends." He tilted his head in an antagonist manner. "You fuckin- You killed Wilbur! I wouldn't be happy to see you!"

"Wow Tommy. That's not nice to say to someone who broke out of prison and traveled all this way to see you. What would Wilbur th-" Tommy chucked a stick at Dream's head. "Shut the fuck up, you fucking prick!" Dream paused and stared at him, the grin swiped off his face. Tommy's angry demeanor melted into fear. He stumbled up and turned around, sprinting in the other direction. Dream kept up the pace, following the younger. "Come here, Tommy!" He yelled, the grin back on his face. Tommy was weirdly fast but Dream was almost faster. Dodging trees, Tommy tried his best to get away. Tommy ran as fast as he could but the lack of oxygen he was getting from dashing made him delirious. Running through the forest in the dark was making his vision shake, and the adrenaline wasn't helping him enough. Dream was the captain of the football team, after all. He was starting to trip and Dream was only getting closer. Tommy just needed to keep running. If he was only a bit faster he could-

Tommy tripped on a tree root.

And that's a chapter! I'm really excited for the next chapters. Anyways, mumza pog
Two chapters in two days? Under my goblin bridge? It's more likely than you think.
Fun fact: I'm goin school shopping while writing this

Finished: August 22
Words: 1097
Views: 850 (51 views in 1 day??? Wtf??)

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