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Tommy's eyes fluttered open to see Tubbo playing with his hair. If he wasn't so tired and comfortable he would've farted out of that house in 2 seconds, but shit, he didn't realize how much he loved people playing with his hair. He leaned into the teen's touch. His legs sat on top of Ranboo's. "...What the hell-" He rasped, the exhaustion seeping through his voice. The other 4 immediately looked at him. Silence. "Hey-?" Tubbo paused from petting his head and Tommy whined. "Uhm- Big man- You good?" Tommy glared at him. "No, you son of a bitch. You stopped petting my hair." The rest of the people in the room exchanged glances. "Toms- You remember what happened, right-?" Ranboo asked cautiously.

"Yeah, but let me ignore it. I'm sleepy." He flipped over and wrapped his arms around Tubbo's waist, which he was now digging his face into. Tubbo resumed playing with his hair. Phil smiled lightly. "You know we have to talk about this, mate." Tommy groaned, hesitantly sitting up. "What do you want." He whined. "Why- Why did you try to kill yourself?" Wilbur asked, genuinely flabbergasted. "Mmh. I had nothing planned." The blonde teen responded bluntly. "Wot-" Tubbo asked. "I was a little sad. Your boy went monkey mode, innit. Kinda fuckin depressed, if you-a know what ah mean." The rest of them just stared at him with concern. "What?" The teen asked. "Toms- You know that's not normal, right?" Ranboo asked nervously. "It's not?" Philza pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'll schedule you a therapy appointment- Just- Come here."

Tommy stood up and walked over to him before being blanketed into a hug. The older let go after a minute of silence passed and literally just went to the kitchen to make some coffee. Wilbur looked at his younger brother who was now just standing in Phil's spot and falling asleep. The taller nudged him. "Tommy go sleep in your room, when you fall asleep while standing we can't move you." Tommy's eyes crept open to flip off the other before he just went up in his room without any more rebuttal. Tubbo and Ranboo shared a confused look before they followed him upstairs and chose the door with copious amounts of glittery Terraria and Minecraft stickers. They opened the door to see his room for the first time (at least for Ranboo). It was chaotic in every sense yet still clean.

He had ruby red walls that were plastered with band and video game posters as well as stickers. His furniture was built with white wood and he had a dull red comforter and sheets. Tommy had collapsed directly onto his grey carpet. Ranboo walked to his side and picked him up. He was suspiciously light, especially since he was decently tall. Ranboo raised an eyebrow but ignored it for the time being, setting the younger into his bed. Tommy's eyes fluttered open. "Come sit with me. I'm cold." The other two teens exchanged a glance before obliging. They sat down on the bed before Tommy grabbed them close. After 10 minutes he groaned. "Well, now I can't sleep and have to face my problems." Tubbo looked up from Tiktok and smirked.

"Well maybe if you didn't try to jump off a building you wouldn't have problems. Also, just so you know, if you ever try that again, I'm gonna bust your kneecaps backwards before punting you to the sun." Tommy and Ranboo both stared at Tubbo with a look that said I fear for my life. The brunette just grinned, reigning hellfire onto his partners visibly on his mind. Tommy sat up and rubbed his eyes. "We should probably go downstairs." He said, mid-yawn. Ranboo nodded and Tubbo wordlessly agreed, so all three of them went downstairs. Wilbur was scrolling on his phone at the table while Phil was making something in the kitchen, judging by the sound of pans and food frying. Phil heard the boys come downstairs (somehow, the sounds of good frying and pans clanking far overshadowed their footsteps. Tommy guessed his ungodly hearing ability had something to do with him being a crow hybrid,) and poked his head out of the kitchen.

"Hey boys, I'm making pancakes. Do you guys want anything in them?" Tommy beamed. "Can i have strawberries?" "Could I maybe have chocolate chips?" Tubbo asked. "Uhm- do you have blueberries-?" Ranboo sheepishly followed up. Phil nodded. "Alright! You guys can sit at the table or something. Pancakes should be done in like, 15 minutes." The trio nodded and all 3 of them sat at the table, talking about whatever light topics they could muster without getting too far into it. Tommy was talking to Tubbo about the 'superior' Minecraft block before he paused, wincing and putting his hands over the top of his head. Tubbo's gaze went onto him, and so did Wilbur's when the conversation went silent. "Are you ok big man?" The younger brunette asked.

Tommy nodded, still cringing. He bit his lip. "M' fine. My head stings again." Wilbur's gaze snapped to Phil and Phil did the same. They shared a knowing look. "Toms, do you know if your parents were hybrids?" Tommy raised his furrowed brows, trying to remember. "I don't think so. My mom probably could've been. She always complained about hiding features and I heard them arguing about hybrids quite often." Every other person looked at him like he just told them he was their undercover boss. "Toms, you might be a hybrid." , Was all that Ranboo said. "What?" Tommy said, exceedingly confused. "Your mom sounded like, super sus." Tubbo said, cracking a grin at saying 'sus'. Tommy rolled his eyes. "Welp. How do I know if I am a hybrid?" Phil walked out to the dining room and wiped his hands onto his green apron.

"Usually, you start feeling pains in weird places like your head or back. Also, your nails. Usually, the day that happens is when your ears or nails or whatever start to grow. Do you know if your mom mentioned an animal excessively?" Tommy hummed. "Yeah, she talked about raccoons a lot." A few beats of silence. "Should've known. I saw your stash of our shit." Wilbur said, a shit-eating grin on his face. Tommy began to sweat. More silence. "Listen I steal Techno's crown, your hoodie, Phil's bucket hat, your guitar picks, Phil's hair clips, and techno's cape ONCE, and all of the sudden I'm a raccoon. Wow. Real brotherly of you, baldbur." "Tommy you little shit, I've been looking for those for weeks!" Phil groaned, clearly exasperated. Tommy just grinned.

It's meeeee

Started: Thursday, June 23, 9:23 AM
Finished: Wednesday, June 29, 3:14 PM
Words: 1132
Views: 245

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