Get a load of this monster.

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Tommy sat at Tubbo's bedside for weeks. He barely got any sleep and his days were spent sitting with Ranboo with teary eyes, having multiple panic attacks each day, and constantly worrying for Tubbo. The brunette boy had been in a blood-loss-induced coma for a month now and had death scares once in a while where his pulse would go dull. Tommy spent all of his mental energy on Tubbo, he would barely eat or sleep, and it was a battle to get him to move from Tubbo's bedside. Ranboo was the only one who could convince the blonde to practice the bare minimum of self-care.

After a month and 2 weeks, at 2:34 AM when Tommy pulled another all-nighter, he was the first to see Tubbo come out from his coma. The brunette's eyes fluttered open. "Wh- huh?.." The tired blonde watching him suddenly became alert, his eyes widening. His eyes watered. "T-Tubbo??" He said, lip quivering slightly. Ranboo's eyes opened, his hand still on Tommy's rubbing the other's knuckles. "Huh?- Wait, Tubbo?" Tubbo looked at the other two before jumping and leaning backward. The brunette pointed at Tommy. "G-get him away from me! Please get out please I don't want him near me-"

"W-what?.." Tubbo looked terrified. "Get away- Please get away-" He repeated. Ranboo looked at Tommy worriedly, only to see Tommy with a blank yet sorrowful expression. He laughed. "Th-this is- Your joking, right?" He grinned nervously. Tubbo remained in position but shook his head, looking almost disgusted with Tommy. He laughed slightly once more. "Ok. Whatever." He picked up his Monster and phone and then left without a word besides a "Love you Ranboo."

After exiting the hospital, Tommy walked down the sidewalk and put in his headphones, playing his normal depression playlist. This is Home by Cavetown came on. All he felt was bitter. The anger hadn't even kicked in yet. Maybe it was his fault nobody wanted to be near him. Maybe it was because he chose to be such as fuck-up that he landed in the foster home, and maybe he chose to be such an idiot to make friends with tubbo, inevitably leading to the pain of his partner. It took him around 10 minutes to get home. When he opened the front door, the house was silent. Phil sat on the couch, gently preening his wings with an anime called Bleach. The older looked over at him. "Hey mate, how are you holding up?" Tommy wet his lips and it was obvious he was about to cry. "I'm doing ok, d- Phil." He looked up from his wings once more and smiled. "You know you can call me dad, right Tommy?" Tommy gave him a bittersweet smile. "Ok, dad." He went up to his room. As soon as his door closed he let his tears fall down his face before beginning to quietly sob. "Fuck, man." He grabbed his phone and set his monster on his dresser.

Are you ok Toms?
I'm sure Tubbo is just out of it.
Love you <3

I'm ok, I think.
I don't even really care anymore, haha
Love you boo

He plugged in his phone, pressed his home button, and hit safari, going onto YouTube and throwing on one of Phil's stream vods before flopping onto his bed and clinging onto his pillow. His eyes fluttered closed and more tears ran down his face.

His eyes opened. He checked his phone. 10:29 PM. Only one message, from Ranboo.

Good morning Toms
We're leaving the hospital now
I hope your ok


Morning, I'm horrid <3 , have fun with toby.

Tommy turned off his phone and left for the bathroom. He stared at the cabinet for nearly 10 minutes before opening it and taking out his blades. He hasn't cut for a week. Guess I need to break that streak. He pressed the blade onto his thigh, digging it in before repeating the motion 3 more times. He grabbed 4 bandaids and slapped them on before going downstairs. Wilbur and Phil sat at the table, fighting. "I'm an adult, dad! I can do what I want!" Phil sighed. "Wilbur, your 16. Please, just don't smoke as much. I don't want you to waste any of your lives." "You shouldn't care! It's my lives!" Wilbur growled before rather loudly exiting the house. Phil noticed Tommy. "Hey, Tom. You ok? I hope we didn't wake you up." "I'm ok. You didn't. Can I go for a walk?"

Phil smiled "Yeah, of course, mate! Just be back before dinner, ok? And please don't be loud if you come home early, I'm gonna be editing." Tommy nodded and grabbed his phone before leaving. He walked to Ranboo's house and knocked at the door. Ranboo opened the door and smiled. "Hey, Toms. You ok?" Tommy nodded. "Can we hang out?" Ranboo's smile faltered. "Yeah, but Tubbo's here so- I don't know if you want to be around him." The blonde shook his head. "That's fine. I'll just go to a cafe and spend some time with myself. Love you Boo." "Love you too Toms."

Tommy walked away from the house and went to a Cafe-Bakery called Sweeter & Pie. Tommy opened the door and was greeted by the smell of fresh baked muffins and coffee. Niki stood at the front counter. All of the hatred he had towards the girl dissolved like sugar when she gave her signature honey-sweet smile that just felt like home. He walked up to the counter. "Hey Niki, uhm- could I get a Vanilla Cappuccino and a muffin? Also- am I allowed to just chill here for a little while? I don't like being at home." Niki nodded. "Of course! Would you wanna talk about it? I don't have any customers at the moment, so I'm all ears if you need anything." Tommy smiled. "Are you sure it's not a bother?" She shook her head. "Of course, it's not a bother!" Tommy smiled brighter and explained what happened with Wilbur and Techno. "Yeah, piglin hybrids probably have it a lot worse than most hybrids. I'm a merling hybrid but it's not really that difficult besides... The water problem." Tommy giggled. "What's the water problem?"

"When you're a merling, water makes literally EVERYTHING visible. Like, you go in a pool and your gills are visible, your scales are visible, everything! It's horrible, especially when you are at a fancy restaurant and you drink water and then people just see scales on your face." She giggled. "That sounds horrible! I'm happy I'm not a hybrid- At least I don't think I am-" Niki giggled once more. "At your age, you can't be sure! I remember when my parents just looked at me and went 'Your scales are showing.'" Tommy laughed. Niki handed him his order before another customer came in.

Tommy took a sip of his cappuccino and smiled. Maybe he was gonna be ok after all.

Andddd that's a chapter! This took me no time at all! I'm really excited to keep writing, the lore I have planned is really exciting me.
Tommy gets to suffer >:]
Signed, Allum [They/It]

Started: Wednesday, June 15, 9:42
Finished: Wednesday, June 15, 10:57
Words: 1172
Views: 141

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