This bitch is fucked lmfao

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Wilbur laughed. "Really? Dude, no. You're not getting anywhere near Tommy. I don't wanna hear whatever weird nonce reasons you even want to be alone with him, if you hurt my fucking brother I'll kill you." Dream stuffed his hands into his green jacket. "I'm warning you, Wilbur. Give me what I want, or meet me at Vulture Forest tonight. You don't have your brother to protect you anymore." Wilbur grinned. "Fine then, asshole." The blonde's face twisted into something that could only be described as a grimace. He stalked off, the only sound remaining being harsh "oooh"s from bystanders.
The brunette man rolled his eyes and walked to class, ignoring the students gossiping about it in the halls.

Who did Dream think he was, being a creep to my little brother? I swear to god, if this bitch does anything, I'll kill him. Wilbur was pulled out of his thoughts when Niki tapped on his shoulder. The brunette put on a smile. "Here are some cookies from my last shift at the bakery, can you give Tommy some too?" Wilbur nodded and tucked the bag of pastries into his messenger bag gingerly. Niki tilted her head. "Are you ok Wil? If you want to vent I'm here." Wilbur shook his head, obviously still deep in thought. "Yeah, I'm fine, It's just- Dream wanted to be all creepy to Tommy and I wouldn't let him and- yeah." The pink-haired woman's face turned into something that could be described as exasperated. "Did you agree to fight him?" Wilbur nodded, embarrassed.

Niki pinched herself to make sure she wasn't having a nightmare. "Wilbur, are you fucking insane?" Wilbur covered his face. "Dude, he's literally the second-best fighter next to Technoblade." "I know.." "So what the fuck made you agree-" The pink-haired teen took a deep breath. "Just- don't get hurt, Wil." The brunette nodded and turned back to his notebook on his desk.

Tommy threw down a skip before placing his next card. Tubbo glared at him before putting down his card. It was a free day in Mr. Bad's class, so he and Tubbo were playing Uno. The bell screamed out and students swarmed out of the classroom. Tommy gathered the cards into his dirty Uno case (wrecked because the kid he hated stepped on it. Tommy subsequently told him he was built like a McMuffin and ran away) before standing up. "Do you wanna ask Ranboo to hang out?" He was cut off by Dream approaching his desk. "Tommy, Tubbo! There you are. I was wondering if you wanted to come over and hang out with me and George tomorrow? Ranboo's gonna be there." Tubbo looked at Tommy. Tommy grinned. "Of course I'll go Big D!" Dream visibly deflated. "Why would you ever want to say that??"

Tubbo thought for a moment. "Yeah, I can come." Dream's grin grew. "Alright, perfect." He walked away. Tommy looked at Tubbo. "Is it me or is he acting a bit fuckin weird?" Tubbo shook his head. "He's probably a drug addict or something. That's normal, I mean, we're in 7th grade. Also, he's a senior so he's probably depressed." Tommy nodded and with that, they left the classroom. Tubbo punched his locker, opening it. "Damn school lockers." Tommy opened his and stuffed his Uno cards inside. He grabbed his lunch and turned to the other. They started talking about something irrelevant. Ranboo walked to his locker quickly. "Hey, Boo." Ranboo didn't respond, he hunched into his locker, looking in the mirror with something in his hand. Tommy stood next to him, trying to see before his eyes widened. "Holy Fuck!"

Tubbo got next to Ranboo before his eyes widened too. A slice ran from the taller's nose to his cheek. The tilted cut still bled rampantly as he dabbed it with a square of gauze. Tommy led the teen to the bathroom with a bag he snatched from his locker, and Tubbo followed suit. Tommy sat Ranboo down against the wall and opened the bag, pulling out a small rag. He poured a small amount of hydrogen peroxide onto it and dabbed it onto Ranboo's cut carefully. Tears dripped down his face leaving painful ashy streaks across his face. The taller bit his cheek. Blood still dripped from the cut, but at the very least, Tommy ensured it was clean. Tommy grabbed a paper towel and wiped off the blood for a split second to see the severity of the cut. "Beans." He muttered under his breath. Tubbo let out a laugh. "I'm sorry- what the fuck?"

Ranboo giggled a bit. Tommy blushed. "Shut up-" He threw away the paper towel and wet a rag. He knelt down next to Ranboo and lightly wiped off the blood and tear streaks from his face before pulling out steri-strips. He lightly patched the wound with them. "They should fall off on their own. Now, who the fuck did this?" Tommy had a murderous look on his face. Ranboo shivered under his gaze. "Uhm- I can't tell you.." "Are you sure? Cuz I have a knife at home, I can start stabbing shit." Ranboo shook his head. "Awww I was looking for someone to test my homemade shock pad on." Tubbo pouted. Tommy beamed. "Wait try them out on me!!!!" Ranboo put his head in his hands. "God please save us."
Fellas, we got ourselves a chapter! I have so much lore in store, and your boy is thinking about uploading this to Ao3 or maybe drawing some cover art!!! If you guys would like a handmade playlist for this book I think I might make one, but I don't think my book is good enough for that, let alone ao3 lmaooo like what a nerd
Sorry chapters take so long, depression is a slimy strip club and I'm a prized patron :]

Started: Sunday, July 17
Finished: Monday, July 25
Words: 1000
Views: 530 (like, holy shit)

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