Me explaining<3

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Hello everyone! Im just gonna explain and Just do random stuff on This and will be giving photos on what they look like Credits To the artists! These arent mine!!
The Emo boy

Hello everyone! Im just gonna explain and Just do random stuff on This and will be giving photos on what they look like Credits To the artists! These arent mine!!The Emo boy

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And The Fuck boy (I know it looks like a soft boy but pretend its a fuck soft boy<3)

The Names:The emo boys name: AlexThe Fuck *Soft* boy name: SamuelBtw they are in highschool so They're age Is around 17-18? Hope thats fine with yall Thank u all for reading this Wait for the next chapter

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The Names:
The emo boys name: Alex
The Fuck *Soft* boy name: Samuel
Btw they are in highschool so They're age Is around 17-18? Hope thats fine with yall Thank u all for reading this Wait for the next chapter

edit: Important note i may be editing some of these chapters since these are a bit old<3

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