Joke Chapter (maybe)

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I'm in the fucking school-WRITING THIS SHIT??? I feel so fucking Tired writing this I just need to be quick as fuck so let me do a short one and btw

What if I do a yandere Fluff? About my classmates? JUST WHAT IF.
 and no these arent their real names we are only using nicknames for now just incase uh people ask us about private things or whatever

Creators pov: A normal day sky was blue Birds were on top of the school building its time for School everyone went into class like normal talking to friends taking pictures How about we go to our main characters? Kei sat near the window as he waited for his boyfriend He saw his classmates filled with joy one was asleep in class trying to get the energy needed one was talking to its friends beside them one is just looking A out the window Checking if the teacher was almost here As someone opened the door and closed the door loud and hard as Hell made everyone silent it was only kei's boyfriend, Roux. "Gago ka roux ang Lakas Amp Yan" (translation: roux fuck you that was so loud child of whore)  Lily said groaning how her sleep was interrupted while other didn't give a shit roux just stared at her as she nodded her head (meaning she forgives him_  before sitting beside his boyfriend Kei Everyone knew they were Dating honestly getting a boyfriend at age 18? Not bad EVEN THE TEACHERS KNEW! Roux gave him a kiss on the cheek before sitting down and talking to Him Jam was just taking photos with the Class the teacher interrupted And went on with the boring class Pauline was 20 minutes left due to sleeping in once again Due to Pauline being late she had to get an hour of detention She sat down beside the window with the  plants and waved at her friend's a hello Some waved back one was sleeping but mumbled hello before the teacher smacking Lilys head and telling her to listen and look at the Bored Back to the couple roux and Kei kept flirting which the teacher did not give a shit why? She has dealt with them at worst times

-lunch break!-

creators pov: After class it was lunch break Lily was just brushing Paulines hair due to a deal they made she wouldn't pull out a pitou and she would let  brush her hair  was talking to Kei while roux was just staring at her due to jealousy Rose Was laughing at roux because she was laughing at the fact roux was jealous because of Amora "PUTANGINA GUYS NANDITO NA SI TEACHER BILIS" one of the classmates screamed in fear since the classroom was chaos One was on the floor passed out two classmates are Fighting who gets the goddamn sandwich geellan was minding her own business ignoring the noise Before anyone could get back to their seats the door suddenly open to their surprise it was.. Kaycee that was in the bathroom "HOY SABI MO NANDITO NA SI TEACHER BULAG KA BA??" "GAGO SORRY NA KALA KO KASI NAKITA KO SYA EH" (translation: "HEY! YOU SAID THE TEACHER WAS HERE ARE YOU BLIND??" "FUCK I'M SORRY I THOUGHT I SAW HER" everyone argued before the classroom had a fight Keith and roux was just sitting their watching their classmates fight as they talked about their Day lily was recording on top of the chair while Pauline and jam kept saying "G if u fall then I'm not fucking catching you" Coline was also minding her own business not a care in the World till.. A disaster started the principle announced That the school has a shooter in the building and told everyone to lock the doors

Part 2? Pls ignore the bottom


so what if i make them into a fucking yandere shit and then to flufff like why am i making a fanfic about these two im so concered about myself what the fuck i need help rn people think im typing shit i dont understandn WHAT TH FUCK 100+ FQTE4S WTFFFF IS DAT I DEMAND SHIT LOL IMAGINE THEY THINK IM TYPING I HAVENT FUCKING UH FINISHE DFOLDING IM S O FUCKING TIRED TYPE WELL ME I NEED HELP PLSLSLLSLSLSLSLSLSLSLSLLLLLLSLLSLSLSL,SLSLSLSSLLL IM SO FUCKING TIRED OF LIFE I NEED MENTAL HELP MY SANITY HAS GONE LOW I REPEAT SANITY HAS GONE LOW AS FUCK. IM CONCERED IM GONNA CRY MYSELF TO SLEEP IM TYPING AS IF THIS IS MY LAST WORDS BEFORE DYING BUT WHAT IF I JUWRGJWRGBGJIBHIGBIJGBWIUGBWIGBWIUGWBWIUIUT4HHIIHH LOL PULINE NO SORRY ATE THIS IS JUST ME TALKING SHIT HWHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEEHEHEHHEHEHHHEHEHEHEHEHEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEE im so fucking tired thgat my life is broken okay lang ba ako imagine i sneded this shit by accident pls dont future me im gonna cry my eyes out if you do send shit imagine i made a smut to fluff to yandere arc actually no fluff to smut yandere arc ginhnh53u9rhrghhr5uhuwh5uyou3jhoijihown yung buhay ko ay hakdog ayoko na pagod na ako wtf xiao pls come home plslslslslslsllslslslsslslslslssls im begging on my life lord pls give mee xiao i beg of u eginoeginorsgnjoigbnjugbwgiubwgiuehbuetbthhhthtetmngnneffnsnte HAND IN MARRIAGE VENTI PLS I WANT U TO CUDDLE MEWRGI0NWGUBWGUBOGRQUBGUBGWURGWBWRGIBWRIBGBBHBUHBHBHGTJ PLSLSLSLSLSLSLSLS IMAGINE HAVING A CRUSH ON A POKEMON LMAOALSO ME IN AGE 7 has a crush on lucario human form plslslslslsls dotn send shit this will be eembrassimg af ate sorry yayayaayayayayayayayayayq sleepy lily is stupid as fuck pls type apple dont wair for me wWHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA WONDER HOY IMAGINE I JSUT POOF THIS video ga,ee lover lmao

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