The Confession (2)

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Alex's pov: "Well u see pretty boy Ive been wanting to ask u this for a long time now We have been hanging out for a month This may be to soon so Take ur time But- Will u please be my boyfriend" I said while being flustered

Samuel's pov: I stood there shocked And Cried And alex said "H-Hey! Dont cry Did i say something wrong?.." "N-No nothings wrong! Im glad u like me aswell because.. IVEALWAYSLOVEDUEVENFROMTHESTART" (if u dont understand this Samuel said "IVE ALWAYS LOVED U EVEN FROM THE START) "So i will accep-" I was caught off by alex grabbing my waist and Kissed my lips i was shocked and blushing yet still flustered "U talk to much pretty boy~" Alex said while chuckling "I-i Do not! Excuse m-" i kept getting caught off by  alex kissing me (HA WISH THAT WAS U HUH? @Alexsimps) "So its offical now huh?" "I guess it i-" He grab me by the waist and made him put me on his lap "Alex! T-this is soon!" "Oh?~ My bad pretty boy i cant help it you're pretty face and everything Im sorry if its soon~" "Just shut up! And hug me..."

~One week later~

May's pov: (OMG MAY HAS HER OWN POV) As i was talking to samuel He suddenly say "me and alex are offically couples-" I spitted my drink on the floor and screamed "WHAT SINCE WHEN?? U DIDNT TELL ME U GUYS ARE-"i got caught off by sam shoving a donut in my mouth "Shh! Everyones gonna hear it I dont want anyone besides u and crystal!" "U couldve told me sooner yk?" as i ate the donut And suddenly someone came up behind Samuel and hugged him It was!- "Oh? Pretty boy isnt thay one of you're friends?~ Nice to meet u im Alex or have we met before whatever it is i dont care as long as you're Pretty boy's friend ill be nice to u" Alex said it a straight sentence "Ah! U must be sam's boyfriend Nice to meet u Do u need anything?" "Yes i do i just need pretty boy if u dont mind~" "B-But Alex! We were talking about-" "Pretty boy did u forget our 'special playdate'" "ooo~ Go have fun with ur boyfriend sam" as i said while i saw alex picking him up in a bridal style while samuel was Well being samuel!

I KNOW I SAID I WOULD TAKE A BREAK BUT MY DAD HAS WIFI SO I TOOK THE CHANCE TO MAKE IT i hope u enjoy my lovely readers! Good Night/morning/afternoon/evening<3

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