Camping trip with the group!

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a few months? idk anymore  but i did meet a new friend on genshin and they are currently reading this I wont say their names yet but hey! if u seeing this Hope u enjoy<3 now lets go to the story! (btw ty mrstupid101 for the idea) * this means they are in a call

At alex's house

creators pov: Alex was still feeling sick but slowly getting better, Samuel was at alex's desk doing some homework that he totally didnt forget since the deadline is tomorrow. Alex scrolled through tiktok with a bored look on his face he stand up walked over to samuel, and sat on his lap while scrolling through tiktok (im calling you all mfs single including me) Samuel just hold his waist and said "awww is my baby that bored?~ Hold on im almost done with my homework" Alex just nodded and still watching tiktok. After samuel was done he picked alex up and went to the bed, He placed alex  on his lap while stroking his hair alex was slowly falling asleep until may called him 

he picked up the phone and put it on speaker

May; *HEYYYY my beautiful child how are you? i heard you're sick is samuel taking care of you?? do need us to come over?*

Alex: *Hey motherrr im feeling fine samuel has been taking care of me and i would love for you guys to come over just wear a mask*

May: *AAAAAAAAAA ALEX IHOPE UR DOING FINE ILL BRING MY HEATING PADS AND EVERYTHING I HOPE UR FINE- sorry sorry that was crystal i told her u were sick we also have a surprise for you both get ready and pack a few stuff!*

Alex: *oh alright when are you guys gonna be here?*

May: *hmm we will be there in 20 minutes be ready by then!*

She hanged up before he could respond

Alex's pov: "samuel go get ready.." alex said while yawning "as you wish my queen" he said laughing i just smacked his head and went to the bathroom to get ready while samuel was just grabbing his clothes

~after getting ready~ (heres the outfits)

samuel's outfit:

samuel's outfit:

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Alex's outfit::

alex's pov: "ALEX WHERE ARE YOU THEIR ALREADY HERE" "GIVE ME A MINUTE SAMUEL" i screamed running down the stairs, samuel was waiting for me puts his mask on and puts on mine and went outside

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alex's pov: "ALEX WHERE ARE YOU THEIR ALREADY HERE" "GIVE ME A MINUTE SAMUEL" i screamed running down the stairs, samuel was waiting for me puts his mask on and puts on mine and went outside. we saw them waving with may's car? i hold samuel's hand and dragged him outside crystal just shoved us In the car and whispered something to may
Crystal's pov: "baby mind going to target for just a moment? i need to buy some stuff for *****" i whispered she nodded and started the car, "hey guys im just gonna stop at target crystal needs some things" Alex nodded while samuel just nodded aswell. after waiting for 30 mins crystal opened the door with a bunch of stuff with starbucks drinks GODDAMN IT CRYSTAL HOW MUCH DID YOU BUY- cough cough* excuse me.

Samuel's pov: "oh my god.. crystal what did you buy-" "shh samuel its a surprise now give this to alex" she gave me our drinks and may started the car to somewhere wherever the hell were going 

-At the camping spot-

"alex wake up we're here" i kissed him all over his face he groaned and woke up to may and crystal waiting for us we both got our stuff and got out of the car "tadaa!! Alex i know you wanted to go camping with us for a long but since this stupid pandemic started we couldnt so i decided to book us a little house for the week! they had a really good sale so why not take it!"

(let me explain a little when crystal said 'this stupid pandemic' after that beach day the school had to shut down and go to online school since the pandemic is on going in this world aswell most of the students were either dissapointed or sad about the pandemic stay safe everyone and to the people who are sick may you feel better soon! and stay safe from the monkey pox)

"i told crystal to wait till you guys got you're vaccines but looks like you guys did if anyone needs me ill set up the grill and the fire and samuel come with me bitch your helping me" "Ill be unpacking stuff with alex then! call us if you need anything!" as crystal dragged alex inside of the house with their stuff 

-after an 3 hours passed its night time now-

alex's pov: "Alex baby and crystal! Go outside its dinner time" "alright! we will be there in a second" i screamed as crystal finished showering and changing her clothes well we were both finished with the clothes and other stuff so we rushed outside to see foods on a table while may was putting the last food on the plate "there you two are! lets eat before the food gets cold"

alex's pov: "Alex baby and crystal! Go outside its dinner time" "alright! we will be there in a second" i screamed as crystal finished showering and changing her clothes well we were both finished with the clothes and other stuff so we rushed outs...

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"i know its alot of food but take it slow me and may worked hard on these" samuel said as they ate the food like theres no tomorrow "thank you for the food!" they all said together

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"i know its alot of food but take it slow me and may worked hard on these" samuel said as they ate the food like theres no tomorrow "thank you for the food!" they all said together

-time skip when they're done eating since im feeling sleepy to continue this-

Alex's pov: samuel layed on my chest half awake half sleeping i kissed his forehead and his whole face "hmm? pretty boy is getting tired already aww how cute sleep well my dear"  i stroked his hair as they all fell asleep

HEYYYY CHILDRENS IM FINALLY FINISHED WITH THIS CHAPTER Im so sorry for not posting often school has started and im making this at 1am so im feeling really sleepy so hope you enjoyed im so sorry if it was short and a little confusing i will make their back stories soon maybe? anyways goodbye my children! stay safe and wash ur hands good morning/afternoon/night/evening!!

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