A Flirty Emo

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(MAN- I CANT BELIVE YALL ARE READING SO FAST I GOT LIKE 48 READERS- TYSM ILY U ALL!!! also btw This sign "" means they are talking ** This is thinking<33)

Creators pov:  Ever since alex came His mind is full of Alex carter Aka The Emo flirty Bitch He always acted like he Hated That new kid but in reality He may or may not have feelings...

Samuel's pov: *Ugh! Why wont this new kid get out of my head Each time i speak or think about him I get shy and Tongue twisted!- Wait no! He only moved here i shouldnt be having a crush already right?..* As he was thinking His friend kept saying "Dude dude! Hello?? Earth to samuel again!"
"AH- Shit man u scared me" as samuel sat down on the bench and ate his lunch "Yeah yeah whatever Who were u thinking about? U have been zoning out for 20 mins now" "N-none of ur business!" "Dont tell me ur falling for the new kid" As his friend said it while laughing "Shut up! Or else ill throw ur food at u." "Mmm yeah sure Anyways Class are starting in 5 mins I need to go grab something at the vending machine" As his friend walked away Samuel stood up packing his lunch up and walking to his locker Till he Met alex when he was just about to go to class "Oh? Pretty boy what are u doing here~ Dont tell me u came to find me so we can-" "first i came to get my books second! We only just met so shut up!" samuel said as he closed his locker and looked at alex "What do u want anyway? I have class in a 3 mins" Alex didnt say anything but just came close and closer to Samuel till he was pinned To his own locker and Whispered "Pretty boy~ ur shoes are untied" As the both of them looked at Samuels shoes and Samuel said "Huh? what do u me- o-oh Thank u i guess now can u please back up" Samuel said while blushing Alex didnt respond again while slowly Leaning in Till He heard the teacher saying "Ahem! Boys u know u have class stop flirting or u will get detention immediately!" The teacher said ruining the moment as The teacher walked away Alex said "Aww looks like our Little 'Play time' is over pretty boy~ Dont worry i have more games we can play soon" As alex backed and walked away laughing due to alex being like a bottom Samuel just stood there and His face was red everybody part is red. He walked away acting like Hes fine but in reality his mind was blank his face was red Lets hope Samuel is still alive For his next 'Play date'
Andd! Thats a wrap for today thank u all readers and friends and everyone who supported me with this stay safe ily u all!! @Animeisnowmylife Aka Ur creator!

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