"The Hangout"

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(Btw im adding Samuels friend and They're name is! May! Heres the photo Enjoy! Remember these arts arent mine! Credits to them!!)

Creators pov: Samuel and May are Talking beside the lockers The class were cancelled for a few hours So as they were talking May said: "Oh by the way i want u to meet my girlfriend" "U HAVE GIRLFRIEND?!" "Yes? Didnt u hear me before? Oh here she i...

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Creators pov: Samuel and May are Talking beside the lockers The class were cancelled for a few hours So as they were talking May said: "Oh by the way i want u to meet my girlfriend" "U HAVE GIRLFRIEND?!" "Yes? Didnt u hear me before? Oh here she is! Baby! Over here!" (Here what she looks like)

(Her name is Crystal) Then Crystal said "Darling! O-oh! Is this ur friend u have been talking about?" May said "yes Baby Meet Samuel, Samuel meet Crystal my girlfriend" Then samuel Said "aww! U guys are so cute ur lucky to date Hmph!" "N-nice to m...

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(Her name is Crystal) Then Crystal said "Darling! O-oh! Is this ur friend u have been talking about?" May said "yes Baby Meet Samuel, Samuel meet Crystal my girlfriend" Then samuel Said "aww! U guys are so cute ur lucky to date Hmph!" "N-nice to meet u samuel! Im crystal i stutter when i m-meet new people so im really sorry!" "Dont worry I understand Im samuel Nice to meet u crystal" Samuel said while looking around May Kissed crystal infront of samuel "Oh come on guys I know im single and all of that But u didnt need to kiss infront of me!" Samuel pouting and turning the opposite direction "Hehe Sorry Sam Its almost time for our class we have history" May said clearly lying as May picked crystal up in a bridal style and walked away "H-Hey! May! Put me down" Crystal said May didnt say anything Leaving Samuel at his locker "Hmph! I always have to be the 3rd wheel" Before samuel could even leave He got pinned behind his locker once again He didnt know who it was till he heard A familiar Voice "Pretty Boy~ Are u ready for 'Play Date?~'" "A-alex! Now its not the time for our 'Play date'" Samuel said clearly blushing Alex just went closer and closer to his face and whispered in his ears once more "Whats you're number?~ i would love to get to know u better Before our 'Special play date' Happens" Alex said while chuckling "I-i- Just give me you're phone! Ill add it" Samuel said red as a tomato and alex gave his phone while Samuel was putting his number "There! Now would u please stop teasing m-" "Hmm~ How about a no Pretty boy~" Alex said while laughing And came a little bit closer to his face with no space He was slowly leaning in Till He stop and said "Hmm~ How about we do this On our 'Special playdate' Pretty boy?~" Samuel just stood there blushing his mind was blank Every single of his body part was red "I-i- U-um" "Nothing to say Hm?~ dont worry pretty boy Daddy will Give u it soon" *DADDY??* Samuel thought His mind became even more blank and Said "D-daddy?! WE ONLY MET A FEW DAYS G-" He got caught off by alex putting his hand on his mouth saying "Shhh Keep it down or else we will get detention Pretty boy~ Unless u wanna do it there Im fine with it hmm?~" Alex then put his hands away from his mouth and walked away chuckling "H-hey! Ur just gonna leave me here?! Hmph! How rude! But Chat me some time!" "I will pretty boy keep ur head up" Alex said while smirking and laughing
(Btw this '' means they are texting)

~Time skip when its time to go home~
Samuel was waiting for his mom to pick him up then got a text notification from alex saying 'Aww hope you're still okay Daddy has more plans for the playdates Pretty boy~'
Samuel replied to him with a blushing face 'Could u stop calling me pretty boy and Why are u calling yourself daddy?! Ill see u in hell!' 'already there Im waiting for u down here~' alex replied Then samuel just kept blushing "W-whatever! Ill see u at school again' 'Lets hang out tomorrow after school pretty boy~' 'fine! If it makes u shut up' Alex didnt replay but simply put a black heart on his text Then He saw his mom and went into the car "Hi honey how was school?" His mum said "Its fine mum theres just a new student nothing to worry about" "Hmm you sure? U look red are u sick? Do u need food? Water?" His mom became a bit worried "no dont worry mum Im feeling fine i just need to rest" He said

~Time skip when hes about to sleep~
Samuels pov:  Why cant i stop thinking about that emo! Im already blushing enough lets just sleep..

And thats a wrap for today! Thank u all for reading this and to my best friend for helping me with this and to my readers i love u all so much! See u all soon love u all Wait for the next chapter!

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