Rainy Day

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(Ahem! Hello my lovely readers im so sorry for not posting I had a few ideas but it was just to Uh...Limey? Not the right word but It rained like a few hours ago and it gave me an idea i hope u enjoy!)

Edit: so uh I forgot i needed to post so im currently finishing this! Also this is really long

WARNING!!: It will Contain a Bit of smut And Fluff if u do not like it Please exit now If u are still here u have been warned!

Samuel's pov: Another rainy day Like Always Ever since Alex confessed to me He became Much more flirty honestly Its not like i hate it Its just to much to handle As i looked at the window I heard The bell ring "Finally im Out of here" As i grabbed my bag and headed to my locker "Whats my next class" As i was Checking whats my next class I felt someone hold my waist and Heard "Oh pretty boy~ Ive missed u so much!~" "Alex its been 30 mins" "Hmmm whatever~"

~Time skip after school~

Samuel's pov (again): Alex Chatted me to wait for him outside school I agreed then suddenly I felt someone Grab my waist Speak of the devil "Oh Sweetie!~ Im glad you came!~" He kissed My cheek "Of course i would come- Oh hold on my mom texted me"
I opened my phone and 'Samuel ill be leaving for work But i locked the house since i thought u were going with you're boyfriend so have fun!" I blushed a bit and alex noticed it and Looked at my phone "Ooo~ Looks like its just me and u later pretty boy~" "Great.. Whatever lets just go Dear" "Mmmm u called me Dear for once im flattered" "Shush! Lets just go" As i took my umbrella And walked With alex

~Another Time skip at Alex's House~

Alex's pov: "Well then Heres my house pretty boy" i said while taking off my shoes "It looks pretty But not as pretty like u~" Samuel teased That was the first time he Flirted with "Ohoho~ Pretty boy Flirting with Me?~ This is an honor~" I said While i dragged Samuel to my Room.

~At Alex's room~

Samuel's pov: "Hey alex Do you even do anything in here Dont get me wrong It beautiful but It looks boring"
(This is What alex's room looks like)

Samuel's pov: "Hey alex Do you even do anything in here Dont get me wrong It beautiful but It looks boring"(This is What alex's room looks like)

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I looked around his room And Sat on his bed "I see You're still in the 'Emo phase' everything here is black and white-" alex just looked at me Offended "Pretty boy You will get a punishment later for saying that~" Ah shit Here we go again

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I looked around his room And Sat on his bed "I see You're still in the 'Emo phase' everything here is black and white-" alex just looked at me Offended "Pretty boy You will get a punishment later for saying that~" Ah shit Here we go again.. I regret saying that "Whatever! Ill just be on my phone" Alex lay down next to me and pulled me to lay down with him "A-alex! What the heck are you do-" Alex Kissed my neck "Mmm Just be quiet and Give me you're consent pleasee~" "Consent for what" "For later They say always ask for consent or I dont fucking know" He kept giving me His puppy eyes its too hard not to resist "Fine fine! U have my consent for later whatever the heck that is.." alex pulled me close And whisperes "Thank you pretty boy~ u wont regret it i promise u will feel good~" "Feel good? alex what the Fuck are u gonna-" "Mmm~ its a surprise pretty boy~ Now sleep ill wake you up when dinner is ready"

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