The confession?

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(HOLY SHIT- my readers im so sorry! I made a mistake on my last nights announcment im gonna be leaving on friday! Not today Please do accpect this chapter as my mistake)

Creators pov: Its been a few months since Alex and Samuel Have been good friends The both of them love each other dont get them wrong they just wont Confess Like Alex is only flirting so Samuel wont see him Blushing And samuel Hes already giving out hints! Sigh* Lets just Look at them Alright?

Samuel's pov: Alex texted me Once again saying 'Hey lets meet at the tree from yesterday yk? The cherry blossom one See u Dear~ -Ur beautiful lover' 'For the last time! We arent in a relationship After school ill meet u' I Texted back Sigh This boy Really doesnt get my hints does He? Should i just confess Or Should i wait a little more longer.. "EARTH TO SAMUEL" May screamed in my ears making it almost bleed "OW WHAT THE FUCK MAY" "Oops- HAHAHAH sorry! I just wanted to say the bell rang come on get you're ass to class" "Hey nice rhyme-" I said while may dragged me to class Oh Alex When will u get my fucking hints Emo boy

Alex's pov: As i texted alex if we could meet later His text was making me chuckle But then the teacher yelled "ALEX CARTER! EYES UP HERE YOUNG MAN U DO NOT WANT ANOTHER DETENTION!" i didnt respond and just smiled and looked at the board Honestly the teachers are such a bitch U cant blame me for that

~αfter school~

Nobody's pov: Alex waited for samuel to arrive at They're tree As soon as he was about to leave samuel came in running while panting "I-im h-here alex D-did i make u wait to long?-" "No u didnt pretty boy here Take my water and come sit down with me" Samuel took the water and sat down while drinking the water "Phew- Thank u Alex Also why did u Texted me to come here?" "Well u see Pretty boy ive been wantin-"

Ahem! Cliffhanger for now my sweet readers Did enjoy? Did u hate the cliffhanger! Wait for the next Chapter for this! For now goodbye my lovely readers<3 -@Animeisnowmylife aka ur creator!

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