A Rainy sick day~

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GUESS WHOS BACK PEOPLE? Me<3 sorry for not posting Ive been busy and my mom is coming back in 5 days? that means i have to post short stories to make up time with my mom after not seeing her in 3 years and lets get on with the story!
making alex sick bcs why not? plus points im getting headaches

Btw ' This means they are thinking " this means they are talking

Creators pov: it was another rainy day birds were in they're nest, rain pouring on the school bus window people fucking in the back- wait what now?.. well alex and samuel skipped school since why not? 

~In alex's house (dw his mom allowed samuel to be in the house~

alex's pov: i rested my head on samuel's chest since i was having a headache "Aww~ darling whats wrong" "mm.. my head hurts.." i pulled the blankets on top of my body as rain poured down on the window, samuel puts his hand on my forehead and said "Darling.. you're burning up how about you rest and ill just grab some soup and meds okay?" i just nodded as he stand up and kissed my forehead before leaving the room, I grabbed my phone and watched some vidoes about a cute blob fish

~after samuel got the food and the medicine~

Samuel's pov: i opened the door seeing alex sleeping while in his hand a Video about A blob fish thats what hes fucking watching?.. I went near his bed and put the food on the table "Alex baby wake up its time to eat" Alex groaned and sat up to face me
"Feed me the food... I feel to sleepy to move" alex said in sleepy voice 'How adorable' "Say aaaa" i grabbed the bowl and spoon, "Aaaaa" "thats a good boy" i feed him the soup till it was gone

~after finishing the soup~

"Good boy now rest for a bit and drink the medicine okay?" "But i dont wanna drink the med!" Alex whined like a child I just chuckled and smiled at him while he kept complaining and pouting "now now stop pouting and complaining do you really wanna stay sick forever?" "n-no.." He stopped complaining and pouting "Good its time to drink your medicine" i poured the medicine in a another spoon and put it close to his mouth "Say aaaa Baby" Alex stayed silent and didnt open his mouth, I sighed "Alex if you dont drink this right know ill take your phone away and wont have any cuddl-" He took the spoon out of my hand and immediatly drank it "Ew- what flavor is this Cherry? Lemon? Orange? Strawberry?" I laughed in alex's questions "H-hey! stop laughing.." His eyes was slowly closing
"How about we cuddle? Im sure Your tired" He nodded as he layed his head on my chest i pulled the blankets on top of us and we slept together as rain kept pouring softly..

WOHOO NEW CHAPTER BBYY THIS IS FLUFT no smut for now! Alex needs a break im sorry if this is short but i love you all!!

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