Beach Day (2)

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before we get started on this shit I wanna Say warnings first<3 (ps. ty for 71 followers<3 i love u all<3 credits to the artists)

Warnings!: Swearing (cough alex cough) And a little Smut/Nsfw for my little... Uh Hornknee children/readers<3 and a bit of a fight scene I also got the idea from from the @A1mondT0fu on they're Xiaother story/book So please give them some love And Full credits to them!


(Ps i forgot about this so uh- IM making this at 12 pm on june 19 so happy fathers day<3)

edit: i forgot about this

Alex's pov: I woke up at 3am due to my stomach annoying the shit out of me, i wanted to get up but samuel kept pulling me back down i had to rip his hands away from my waist and put a pillow infront of his arms To make him think it was me. i went to the bathroom and did my stuff there

~After alex did his own stuff~

Alex's pov: i got out of the bathroom and see samuel still sleeping and hugging the pillow i laughed quietly and got in the bed and took the pillow away from his arms. He suddenly whined whispering "may... Dont take alex away from me.." I Kept laughing but quietly He kept looking for my waist I took the chance to grab my phone and headphones before he grabbed my waist and stopped whining (why tf did i almost typed moaning) i wasnt surprised hes the clingy type top or bottom he will always be clingy, i opended my phone and plugged my headphones in- OW shit my eyes i forgot to turn the brightness down I quickly turn it down and watched tiktoks videos

~after alex watched about a 20-30 tiktoks~

Alex's pov: Oh shit its already 4am? Oh well who gives a shit anyway i kept watching tiktoks till i felt a angry and worried presence i turned around and saw a half awake samuel "Pet... its 4am why are u watching tiktoks" he looked like he thought i was sick and was angry at me for me not sleeping "Samuel!- Why are you awake..." "I should be asking u the same thing pet and for the last time Call me Master or just Sam" he took my phone away and putt it on his desk then pulled me closer to him "now sleep darling... you will need the energy for tomorow" he played with my hair till i fell asleep

~the next day~

Samuel's pov: I woke up from someone shaking the shit out of me "Alex if you're the one shaking me stop it..." "BITCH WAKE UP ITS MAY breakfast is ready hurry the fuck up" Great way to start my morning May screaming in my ear i stood up from the bed and went to the bathroom to do my daily stuff

~after that and went downstairs~

Alex's pov: "Goodmorning Sam~" i said in a flirty voice "Mmm~ Goodmorning pet~" Samuel said as he blushed "alright you love birds hurry up and eat you're breakfast We Don't wanna be late now do we" crystal said while may almost chocked from laughing We all ate breakfast and showered one by one, This time we took may's car

~in the car~

May's pov: "does anyone want mcdonalds? just a little snack" i said "Bitch we just ate breakfast but im down for fries and nuggets' alex said I drove at the drive thru "Hi yes Can i get a 4 medium coffee 4 fries medium and- Wait what do you guys want?" "Two happy meals one for alex and me" "ill eat anything and may hurry up we have 40 minutes left" "shut up samuel- ahem sorry Ill also get a 20 pieces of nuggets and two happy meals" I said "alright that will 400 pull up to the next window"

~after all of that~

Crystal's pov: "alex what toy did u get i wanna see" "i got a My little pony toy its Rarity" "lucky! i got Fluttershy" We both flexed what we got while eating our food "18 years olds yet still wants happy meals" Samuel laughed while may was trying not to laugh "Alright you bitches We are at school get out ill park this car"

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