"The hangout" (2)

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(Hello everyone! Sorry for the delay once again Hoped everyone understands!)
Alex's pov: (Omg alex finally got a pov😩😳) The alarm clock Ring Waking up alex from his good sleep and dream He groaned and turned it off as He went to the bathroom And shower After that He changed and went down stairs to eat his breakfast He saw another note saying *Hi sweetie good morning sorry I had to go early for work but i made u breakfast you're lunch is in the fridge -mom<3* "Thanks mom" He said in a sleepy voice As he ate his breakfast and Put it in the sink grab his lunch and bag and went outside to wait for the bus

Samuel's pov: Samuel woke up by his mother screaming His mother thought he was late Again! But they still have 40 minutes- Samuel realised he only has 40 minutes left he quickly rushed to the bathroom and showered after that he changed and quickly ran downstairs almost tripping "Samuel! U are about to be late Eat ur breakfast quickly!" his mother said as She threw him his lunch box and bag after he finished eating He kissed his mom on the cheek and said "Bye mom! Love u!" His mother replied "Love u aswell! Stay safe"

~Time skip when it was at the bus~
Creators pov: One by one teens were getting in the bus then samuel came in and sat down besides the window sit then alex came In and sat down besides "Oh pretty boy~"

Samuel's pov: as i was looking and the window i saw a familar person walking towards me And sat beside me Please dont tell me its- "Oh pretty boy~" Speak of the Emo devil "What is it alex? Dont u have something else better to do other than flirting with me?" "My my~ Such harsh words coming from my Darling~" Alex laughed While i huffed "Yeah yeah just do you're own business" Then he suddenly grabbed me by the waist and placing me onto his lap "W-when i mean do you're own business Not this kind of business!" I said as i blushed "But i have nothing else to do~" Alex said "Whatever! Just dont move to much!" "whatever you say pretty boy" He laughed

~Time skip when they are im school~

Samuel's pov: As i got off of alex's lap and went out of the bus door quickly as i went inside the school someone hugged my waist then heard them saying "Pretty boy How about u and me Hang later hmm?~" "I dont have anything to do Later so ill accept it"
"Good Meet me after school Bye bye now pretty boy~"

~Time skip again bcs im lazy~

Alex's pov: As i waited for him infront of the school doors I saw him walking out saying "Alright come on! Lets go" I heard Samuel saying As i smiled and hold his hand And dragged him to the place, once we arrived there Samuel's face was Shocked and walked around the Tree "I love this place but what makes it so special?" "Well pretty boy This is where my mother and father hanged out Back when they were in highschool" As i sat down on the blanket besides Samuel i heard him saying

Samuel's pov: "Do u think u can tell me the story? I would love to know Alex" i Said while smiling Alex just Chuckled and Said "Well back then my mother and father met here This was their favorite spot They hanged out everyday after school They would Say "No matter what age Time nor day We promise to stay by our side til the
End of the time One day they confessed to each other under this tree I thought why not bring u here to tell my parents story" Alex explained and he looked at me and i was sound asleep He laughed quietly and wrapped around his arms around my waist And Then saying "Goodnight pretty boy sweet dreams" He said he kisses my forehead and Slept together

Thats all! Thank u all for reading this and yes this was at the afternoon Kinda it was a bit dark? But i love u all stay safe! -@Animeisnowmylife aka Ur creator!

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