The Day Ill meet him (2)

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-at class

Samuel Sat on his chair besides the window as he didnt pay attention To the teacher since the lesson was boring till he heard the teacher say "Class please welcome our new student Alex Carter" It draw Samuels attention and looked at Alex since he looked like the boy who bumped into him He was wearing Black clothes cute face and all of those Samuel didnt realised Alex was staring at him while smiling a bit  till he went back to his frown "Please sit beside Samuel Anderson" Alex just walked to his chair and sat beside Him As Samuel said "Umm Hello! Nice to meet u Alex right?" "Of course my name is Alex didnt u hear the teacher say my name Pretty boy?" "U-uh PRETTY BOY?? excuse me! Im Beautiful Not pretty although thank u.." "Hm isnt that the same word? Whatever u say pretty boy" Then they heard the teacher say "Boys! Stop talking and focus do u really want detention!?" The boys said in sync "No maam im sorry.." "Good! Now Listen here eyes here on the board!" Alex said "Ugh good job pretty boy u almost got us detention" "Excuse u were the one who tease-" Samuel got caught off by Alex Using his hands to cover his mouth "Shush pretty boy Ur gonna get us caught Unless u wanna do something in detention Hm?~" As he took of his hands from Samuel's mouth "W-we just met! Now shut up!" "Hmm~ Whatever u say pretty boy~"

~Time skip when it was lunch~

Samuels pov: Ugh! That alex kid has some nerves flirting with me although it was kinda sweet.. As samuel was thinking about him His friend is saying "Hey! Earth to samuel!! Ur face is all red" "Oh huh- Im sorry i was thinking of something.." "Let me guess ur thinking about that new kid Hmm?~ Ooo" "N-no! Im not He was just being flirty and annoying lets just eat!" "Yeah yeah whatever u say come on!" His friend runs off "Hey! Wait for me!"

Alex's pov: "How cute" He chuckles "That Pretty Boy is intresting" As he walks away while eating his lunch

AAAAAA thank u all for reading this!! I hope u enjoy this! To my best friend thank u for helping me get ideas And my readers pls enjoy! I love u all!!

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