Beach day (3)

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Hey guys! Creator/author here sorry for not posting! Im thinking of making this story hiatus for now since im running out of ideas and ive been fairly busy with problems and not to mention i cant work on laptop since my siblings will see and tell my mom (They are kinda strict) and get banned from wattpad So! Im doing it on my phone so its much more safer:') I also wanted to thank you all for 78 followers to other ppl its not alot but Im glad all of my friends/best friends supported me on this story lets start!

~In the bathroom~
(!WARNING!: This has smut and its starting right now!
Read it in ur on risk for goodness sakes AND I PWOMISE TO MAKE 4 CHAPTERS OF FLUFF OF ALEX<33)

Alex's pov: i suddenly got dragged to the middle stall and alex pinned me on the toliet "Oh dear alex~ You do realise im the one whos in charge So that means I. Do.What.I.Want.To.You." Samuel said in a flirtly tone "Why did i agree to make you top.. Tch Fine But after this im smacking you're face and giving me cuddles got it?." "Yes Your Highness~" He kissed to forehead to lips, He was a gentle kisser yet a rough one He pulled away and took my clothes off i Kept blushing none stop and he picked me up from the toliet and saw on the toliet and 'Carefully' Put me down on his Lap. He smiled at me and whispered "Dont be too loud okay sweetheart? We dont want any people hearing you're sweet moans~" i just nodded due to the fact this happend multiple times, He Smiled once again and Roughly Kissing/Bit my neck "Ngh~ S-samuel what if someone sees this.." i moaned while stuttering my own words. "Who cares? Let them know you're mine and mine alone." (Yandere Samuel when?) He then suddenly took off his own clothes (or swimsuits idk) I stared at his four pack abs Has He been Secretly working out?! "Like what you see pet?~" He teased snapping out of my mind "N-no! I think its fine i guess.." I blushed God damn it alex why did u have to stare for so long! "Less talking More fun~"

~Meanwhile with May and Crystal~

Crystal's pov: "Babe Do you think Samuel and alex is taking way to long in that bathroom?" "Well im pretty sure they are busy so lets just leave them alone.." May said in a worried tone "That stupid samuel is always horny!!"

~Back to the bathroom~

Alex's pov: He kept teasing Each time he makes a love bite on my skin, "Mhh Tell me pet do you want me too fuck you harder?~" "maybe.." "Then beg for it Love~" He smiled like a innocent child "Please fuck me till i cant walk for the whole day i want you inside me I want you to fuck me as hard as you can daddy~" "Thats a good pet~" He kissed me while grabbing my dick and massaging gentle but a little fast. We broke the kiss to grab some air Our saliva connected and he went back to kissing me My balls were in deep pleasure as i moaned each time as he kept playing around  "I think you had you're pleasure pet" He stopped doing what he did and placed me on the ground on my knees I think i know what he wants know.. "You already know the job cutie~" He took his pants off and i gulped due to the fact it was too big.. "Suck cutie~" He said waiting for me I just closed my eyes and grabbed it in my hands to massage it, He groaned I did this a few more times To tease him and he forcefully grabbed my hair and pulled it closer to his thing Hes already telling me to suck and so i did. I put it in my mouth and began sucking like im drinking milk from sippy cup "T-thats it pet.. Keep going~" He moaned I began to suck even faster Hes so cute when hes like this. He kept moaning a few times luckily no one came in the bathroom yet. "O-oh pet~ Im gonna c-cum" I smiled and began sucking on it like no tomorrow, he cummed in my mouth "swallow it." He demanded i just nodded and Swallowed it "Since you've been a good pet Ill give you a reward But first sit on my lap" I sat on his lap Then he pulled me close to his face and kissed me once more and Grabbed my dick to pleasure it once more, I broke the kiss to get some air then he suddenly Bent down and sucked on my balls, I moaned alot. I did that alot of times till we heard the door open samuel quickly heard a person coming in so He Put his fingers in my mouth and whispered "Be a good boy and behave." I just nodded and tried holding back my moans, they checked the stalls to see if anyone was there thanfully they didnt check the middle stall

~Ahem time skip when it was done (Dont worry the person didnt see nor check they're stall)~

Samuel's pov: Alex slept On my neck while i changed mine and his clothes aswell, after that i carried him in bridal style and went out of the bathroom "ALEX MY CHIL-" I shushed crystal and pointing at alex sleeping "You two took forever! Its been 2 hours And plus it time to go home half of classmates went home though Some are still here" May said in a annoyed tone "Well then lets just go to you're house and sleep over ill chat my mom and alex's mom

~Time skip when it was night and they all eat dinner~

Samuel's pov: "He slept again?! How rough were you on him!!" i ignore crystal and said my goodnights to them and slept with alex, Crystal was still mad at me but eh what the heck.


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