Chapter 2

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Y/n ' s POV 

I cursed as my phone ring , waking me up in process , I looked at the alarm on my nightstand and see 3:30 am , I took a deep breath before answering the phone call it must be important or else I will sue this person who call me . literally at this midnight 

 On the phone : 

Akai : Y/n ? 

Y/n : Yes , it's me what do you want it's literally a midnight ( I rolled my eyes although he can't see it ) 

Akai : Come here at head quarter, ASAP now . see you later ! 

Y/n : Hmm, Fine . 

End of phone call 

. . . . . . . . . . 

I stand up and made my way to my walk in closet decide to change since I look funny at my night wear 

I walked downstairs and saw Jodie awake , " Where are you going , it's midnight " She asked once she saw me dress up " Uncle told me to go at head quarter right now , " I answered while picking my keys and mask , she nodded and went back to her room

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I walked downstairs and saw Jodie awake , " Where are you going , it's midnight " She asked once she saw me dress up " Uncle told me to go at head quarter right now , " I answered while picking my keys and mask , she nodded and went back to her room . 

I marched toward the garage decide to use the black lamborghini and drive off toward head quarter

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I marched toward the garage decide to use the black lamborghini and drive off toward head quarter . 

. . . . . . . . . 

I arrived at head quarter at 3:50 am since it's there no much vehicle around , I park my car at back before leaving I wear my mask , I got out of my car and marched inside the head quarter , Straight at the top floor , While waiting at the elevator I was thinking at what Uncle need me for , If that was a mission or something I wish it was thriller , 

I smirk at the thought since it been a long time since I got a mission the last time was before I give birth at Liana , I sigh 

*Ding * 

The elevator dinged . I step out and walked throughout the floor , heading to Uncle office , I arrived at Uncle office I was standing in front of the big door , I can hear them " Don't worry , my niece is kind you two will get along , I promise " Uncle said , " I hope so that your niece will accept me " A voice said , 

My eyebrows furrowed , I push the door and sees one girl sitting on the couch while was Uncle leaning into his desk , I bow to Uncle and greet the one girl in the room . 

" Why do you call me here " I ask impatiently while tapping my foot ,  " Close the door first , will you " Uncle said instead of answering , I scoffed but I closed the door and walked toward one of the chair opposite from one girl  . 

I leaned back and crossed my legs and my arms as I stared at Uncle , " So , I call you here because I would like this girl stay with you , " Uncle request , I raised my eyebrow at his request , " Who are you " I asked the girl . 

" My name is Min Seol-ah , " The girl - Min Seol-ah - answered and bow to me , I nod and gestured her to sit down with my hands , I  look at Uncle , I raised my eyebrow at Uncle before speaking at Seol-ah , " I had one rule , " I said straightly looking at Seol-ah , " You cannot tell to any one who I am when I removed my mask later , You understand , " I added raising my eyebrow at her , 

She give a curt nod before standing up and make her toward to bathroom , I smirk at her although she can't see it . 

" So what do you think of her ," Uncle questioned , " She's fine maybe she can help me to take care of Liana and Athena " I answered ,  He shake his head but his lip showed an amusement. 

. . . . . . . .

We arrived at my 'house ' it's already 10:30 a.m. ,because I finish some report first before leaving  "We're here " I said as I shake Seol-ah a little because she was sleeping throughout the ride , " Here ," She asked a little shocked , Right now were standing in front of a shabby , old house , burn backyard , This is my short cut inside to my villa instead of driving for an hour   " No, not here , Let's go inside , " I replied as I lead her inside as I stop and she stop as well , and put my hand on the door knob .  I pushed the door and gestured to Seol-ah to entered first , She nod and step forward 

Seol-ah ' s POV 

I never thought that my life in States will be my biggest nightmare ever in my whole life , I was admiring the place here in Japan , later a minute , I feel myself drowsy so I just closed my eyes and fall asleep. 

I felt someone was waking me up and saw Black Rose because that what Mr. Akai told me  , I rubbed my eyes , And got out of the car and saw a shabby , old house , burn backyard , " Here " I ask a little stunned , " No , not here , let's go inside " She said , she walked first before I followed she stop in front of a door , She looked at me then gestured me to open the door . I nod and pushed the door and saw a mansion 

"Were here " She said , I was shocked and I looked at her and said "Is this your house ? " I asked , " Yes , this my house , " She answered ," C'mon , let's go inside " She added , I nod and followed her like a lost puppy

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"Were here " She said , I was shocked and I looked at her and said "Is this your house ? " I asked , " Yes , this my house , " She answered ," C'mon , let's go inside " She added , I nod and followed her like a lost puppy . 

" Welcome here at Shuichi Manor " She said and opened the door , 

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