Chapter 14

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Logan's POV 

Secretary Hong and I were talking , how Amber got the bruised in her body , I never hit her nor my brother 

' You better hide , who ever are you ' 

Suddenly , the door opened revealing a man wearing a lab coat , he's a doctor , he looks familiar but I couldn't point.

" Y/n , you're still alive , I thought something happened at you " He beamed at Y/n 

Why do I felt a little jealous , but a part of me longed for her or did she already found someone else 

" Y/n, I'm not allowed to talk about this to you but I think you should know " He started 

I know listening at other conversation is wrong but I was darn curious 

" The Black Organization was spotted here in Korea this past week " He said 

' Black Organization , what is that ? ' 

" No bullsh*t " Y/n said . " Akai told us  " Y/n look at him dumbfounded , " Everyone know it , but I don't " Y/n scoffed. 

" Be careful, they might ambush you " He warned at Y/n. 

' Ambush , Why ? ' 

" I'm not done with this Alfonso Moretti case and Min Seol-ah case   , now this Black Organization shown up , out of nowhere " " You have case ? " 

I looked at Y/n wide eyes ," She knows about Min Seol-ah " I mutter enough to secretary Hong to hear 

" Yes there is . . .  I can't tell you that " " Message me later " Y/n hummed 

" I'm going home, just call me when they're awake , " Y/n announced , " Will do " 

" A fight between Black Organization and Black Rose more like confrontation between a daughter and a father , brother's , The question is if they can really hurt Y/n " 

. . . . . . . . . . 

" Are you sure she's teaching here , " " Yes, I double check it " " Just wait  , just try ghosting us now " " Come on , let start with our disguise first " 

. . . . . . . . .

Y/n's POV 

When I left the hospital , I hurried to Headquarter, after cursing some agents trying to stop me 

When I arrived his office , I kicked his door causing the door swung opened , I saw him and Jodie flinch but I don't care , 

" Why didn't you tell me ? " I shouted at Uncle , " Y/n , we can talk this matter later , " Uncle replied calmly 

" Y/n , Calm down " Jodie said , but I shoot her a death glare , " You didn't tell me , what's your reason , let me hear it " I banged my fist at his desk , "Jodie leave us first" 

" Maybe they're my family , but I don't care  " I angrily yell at Uncle , " Y/n , calm down first " Uncle pinned my head at his desk , but I kicked his knee and pinned him instead and I pulled out the knife in my thigh , I point the knife in his neck 

" You see that , you let your emotion control you " Uncle gently removed the knife in my hand , " You still haven't forgive yourself at what happened in the past didn't you instead you ignore it , you ran away from it , that's why I didn't tell you because I know you will a make stupid decision or you will try to attack them " Uncle softly said

" Try to forgive to yourself first before I explained to you everything " Uncle said fixing his suit 

I lowered my hand and looked down as I felt my tears drip in my face 

He's right , I didn't forgive myself instead I ran away and ignore it , I'm so dumb , the way they scream , the way they begged , the way they cried , 

"Will I be forgiven after those innocent people die in my hand" I looked at my hands as they tremble , 

" Their bloods in my hand , Those money I accept after killing a innocent people " I confessed , " Y/n , you were brainwashed at those moment , you were alone, that's why they took advantage of it , they know you were angry at those moment " Uncle hugged me as I trembled 

" I know you already change your life but , all of them are nothing if you didn't forgive yourself , you ran away from your past and you didn't even forgive yourself " Uncle wiped my tears as he continued to hug me 

" You changed for your daughter's and joined the police as FBI Agent  " Uncle softly said , "Please Y/n , forgive yourself  " Uncle begged 

I ran away from my past instead of accepting it , I didn't forgive myself instead I ignore it , what kind a monster I am 

I fall on my knees , crying , 

" Uncle , I'm tired from running away I want to accept it and forgive myself but, I can't I feel scared and fear every time , I try to accept and forgive myself " I hiccup 

" Shh, Uncle will help and guide you " Uncle reassured me , 

" Uncle , I feel dirty at myself every time I remember what I did in my past , I merciless killed those innocent people , I ignore their scream , their beg , their cried , " I crying confessed as Uncle hugged me tight , " It's okay , Y/n let your emotion out , I'm here " 

Unknowingly , I fell asleep in his embrace 

. . . . . .

Akai shook Y/n as he noticed Y/n wasn't moving , He hear a lightly snore coming from Y/n , and smiled as he realized Y/n fell asleep 

He easily carried Y/n like a baby, because Y/n 's height is 5'1 and Akai's height is 5'9 , Jodie's height is 5'7 

He brought Y/n at couch and covered her with a blanket , " You must be a mother but you're still a child for me " 

'Y/n, please forgive yourself ' 

" Akai , Ms. Shim is here -" Jodie came in with Ms. Shim but abruptly stop once she noticed Y/n was sleeping soundly , As Ms. Shim eyes darted at Y/n  " Let her sleep , let's talk at the meeting room " Akai announced 

" How about Laina - " Akai shot a look at Jodie to stop as Ms. Shim became suspicious , " I'll just call Subaru about it " 

' Akai is Y/n's Uncle all this time and who's Laina's' 

'Sh*t , I almost reveal Laina and Athena in front of Ms. Shim '

"  Ms. Shim , let's move at meeting room " Jodie said as Ms. Shim followed Jodie quietly 

" Let's hope Y/n will forgive and accept herself " Jodie mutter 

' What is going on ' 

. . . . . . . 

After the meeting with Ms. Shim , 

Akai and Jodie brought Y/n home at Fairmont Hotel , " Subaru call me and said the kids is awake " " You go there Jodie instead Y/n  need to take a rest , she's too tired from every thing " Akai sighed deeply 

" Tomorrow is weekend , No class " Akai said 

" Poor Y/n , Do you think she will accept and forgive herself " Jodie caressed Y/n's cheek 

" I don't know because of them , Y/n thinks she's a monster , They forced Y/n to kill an innocent people " Akai spoke venomously 

" Y/n already suffered much because of them  , that's why I won't let them get near at Y/n again " Akai promised 

The all day Y/n is sleeping soundly 

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