Chapter 26

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Laina rang their door bell since she's the only available . while Logan carried Y/n who's sleeping , at his arms , while Secretary Hong carried the two kids at his arms 

" Who is it ? " Akai eyes widened when he opened the door , " Come in " Logan entered followed by Secretary Hong , " Athena and I is sharing a room " Laina said as Secretary Hong nod and followed her 

" Where is Y/n room ? " Logan asked as Akai pointed her room , Logan nod and marched toward her room and entered her room 

Logan tucked Y/n at her bed , " Are you gonna stay a night here or do you want to stay here with her ? " Akai asked leaning at door frame as Logan looked at him 

" I'm gon- " Logan start but Akai cut him off

" Good night ,Don't be to loud " Logan shoot him a puzzled look , " Don't be to loud ? " " Yea " Logan blush as he realized what he's talking about , " Goodnight " Akai closed the door 

Logan looked at Y/n who's sleeping , He sat at the edge of the bed . admiring Y/n face 

Suddenly , " Instead of admiring my face , why won't you lay next to me " Logan was taken back before chuckling , " You awake " Y/n shook her head as no , " Lay with me , Please " Y/n plead

The next morning 

Y/n's POV 

I rubbed my eyes and groggily sat up ,  Logan is nowhere to be seen , I swear Logan stay with me , last night 

I heard the running water at the bathroom 

' It's must be Laina or Athena  , I have to rebuke Athena and Laina or they will play in the water for a long time ' 

I stand up and made my way towards the bathroom 

As I open the door of the bathroom , I've feel like my soul left my body. 

Logan was inside of the bathroom , before Logan could speak , 

I slam the door and ran from my room , I sat at couch , My face is so red so does my ear 

" Y/n , you've okay ? " Jodie put her hand at my shoulder , as I nodded only , " Is she okay ? " Akai asked Jodie who shrugged only 

I slightly slap my both cheek , " I'm fine, don't worry " I replied as Akai lightly smirk 

" Good Morning " Logan announced , coming out from my room ,fully clothed as Jodie looked at him , shocked 

" What are you doing here ? " Uncle chuckled , " He stay here last night at Y/n room " Uncle said as Jodie looked at me and smirk , " Bet something happened last night , is that why you are blushing and you ear are red " Jodie purposely said , loudly , 

" Nothing happened last night " I said , " oh really ! " Jodie raised her brow at me , 

" I warned Logan to be quiet last night " Logan was taken back , " but it's seem both of you like screaming each other name " Uncle teased ,  "Shut up " I hissed 

" Mommy " Laina hugged me completely ignoring Logan as Amber and Athena hugged Logan , " Laina , you didn't greet Daddy " Laina just shrugged and went to kitchen as Athena followed her saying , " you didn't say hello to Daddy " , Amber followed Athena who's following Laina who's ignoring her Daddy 

" Follow the leader " Uncle joked as I forced laugh and hit his shoulder , "  don't worry Logan , give her sometimes , she will forgive you " I smiled at Logan who's seemed sad because his eldest ignore him , 

" Are you still teaching at Cheong-Ah ?" I shook my head as no , " I already resign " 

" can Amber stay here ?, I've had a work " Logan held my hands as I nod , " Sure, Athena seemed won't let go Amber " Logan chuckled and caressed my hands 

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