Chapter 5

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Third Person 

Y/n was laying on her bed , listening to her playlist with her headphone in a full volume , After dropping Laina and Athena to school ,and doing some house chores, and after doing some report for her daily report being as Deputy Chief in Police , and after recording and practicing her new music . She finally have a good rest but she couldn't to worry about someone . 

Min Seol-ah ,

It's been a month since Seol-ah left

She frowned when she suddenly remember something after scanning through her memories while listening to the melody and lyrics , She instantly shot up from her bed into sitting position , pausing the music as she unlocked her phone and opened the messaging app 

Seol-ah hadn't texted her nor called for a week now , Y/n tapped the call the button and waited for a response with worries washing over , It rang two times before Seol-ah picked up and answered, 

On the Phone : 

Seol-ah : Hello ? 

Y/n : Seol-ah , Thank god you're still alive 

Seol-ah : Of course , I am 

Y/n : Seol-ah , Are you okay there , Is Korea treating you good ? , Do you need anything , How 's the audition in Cheong-ah ? 

Seol-ah : Hmm, I'm okay here , Actually the audition well be held next week , so in short I didn't audition now , Can I tell you something ?  what about you 

Y/n : Were okay here , Hmm, What's is that ? I'm all ears , 

Seol-ah : (Took a deep breath and mumbled "here 's goes nothing " ) , Umm, Ever since I came here in Korea , I find trying to find a decent job , And . . . 

Y/n : And . . . C'mon , continue , did you get a job , what kind of job is it ? , where is it ?  did they treat you well ? , are they kind to you ? , are they mistreating you ? are they abusing you ? do you want me to come there ,

Seol-ah : Hold your question , Yes , It's a tutor , It's in Hera Palace , Nope , I just got hired yesterday so , I still don't know , No need come here , You already help me so much , I'm feeling like a burden to you 

Y/n scowled at the familiar name 

Y/n : Hera Palace ? , And no your not a burden to me Seol-ah , you are like a daughter to me ,

Seol-ah : Oh , I forgot to tell you , It's a place where the wealthiest people stayed in , The place was known as most tallest building in Korea , I'm sure you've heard about it , It was so beautiful , I will be tutoring the kids there , 

Y/n : Okay , just be careful and tell me if anything happens , but if anything did happened , I'd fly there in a heartbeat , Remember Seol-ah , don't hesitate to call or text me if anything happens , And don't let them abuse you ,if they're mistreating or abusing you don't stay quiet , speak up , be strong

Seol-ah : Hmm , Got it , Mom , I need to go now , I'll call you tomorrow for the update, 

Y/n : That right , listen to your mom , Alright , Bye , Seol-ah , Stay safe 

Call Ended

. . . . 

 "Seol-ah " A muffled voice called ,  " Oppa ?! your still there ? " Seol-ah asked as put her phone to her ear again , her brother chuckled " yes . . . who was that ? , She sound familiar , " Seol-ah smiled at the photo , It was her and Y/n , Laina , Athena , Jodie and Akai before she left Japan , " An angel , " She replied , 

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