Chapter 12

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Y/n's POV 

It's been a day since I start teaching at Cheong-Ah. 

I was walking back to my office when I hear some yelling and gasps , I headed towards the balcony where the students were gathering , Scowling , I stepped forward and an image of an girl standing on the railing with a mop in her hand , swinging it towards the students 

" Bae Rona ? " I mutter , gasping in horror , 

I marched toward Rona to stop her , " Rona, stop it now " , Suddenly I felt a sudden push that caused me to lose balanced and slip through the rail 

Rona was about to ran and step in to save me from falling but a man in a blue sport wear had jumped from the railing and catch my hands ,

I clutched my right arm in pain where the wounds is still raw and where the man hold , I silently mutter to the man " thank you " , 

" Rona , Are you out of your mind , you almost killed Ms. Y/n " Jenny screamed ,  

" I just need to go at infirmary " I said , " Let me help you , Ms. Y/n " Rona said assisting me ,

Rona wait in the outside while the nurse is treating me , " Your fine , Ms. Y/n , just some scratches on your hand , " 

I nodded , my eyes trailed to the nurse's name tag on her left chest 

" Thank you , Ms. Kim " " You're welcome , Ms. Y/n " " Anyway , mind calling the student in the outside " " Of course , Ms. Y/n " 

Later , the curtain opened that was covering the bed where I was laying in , " Ms. Y/n , I didn't mean to push you " Rona sincerely said , " It's okay , It's an accident " I reassured , 

" How about you , are you okay " I softly asked , " I'm fine , Thanks to you , Ms. Y/n " Rona answered , 

Suddenly , the door slammed open revealing Seo-jin and Ma Du-ki , along with the Hera Kids . 

' They must tell it to Ma Du-ki , then Du-ki tell it to Seo-jin ' 

" Bae Rona , Did you forget you're on probation right now, And now you make ruckus earlier , you even almost killed , Ms. Y/n " Seo-jin spoke anger is evident in her voice , 

" It's okay , it's an accident " I stated , " No, It's not Ms. Y/n , Rona pushed you " Jenny said pointing her finger at Rona  

" Enough , Jenny " I said , " Rona didn't pushed me , someone else , I was in front of Rona , how will she do that ? " I added , 

" The nurse said , I need to take a rest , Would you all like to leave me " I announced ,  

I put my hands on my pockets to felt my phone, but it wasn't there 

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Logan's POV

I'm about to leave the balcony , when my eyes caught the phone near the rail , I took the phone and examined the phone 

I opened the phone and saw Y/n's face in the phone 

( A/N : Imagine this Y/n's face ) ( Lock screen ) 

( A/N : Imagine this Y/n's face ) ( Lock screen ) 

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' Is this Y/n's phone ' 

I smiled at the lock screen , I unlocked the phone , keyword tried , After a many times , I finally unlocked the phone , 

My face heated up at her home screen , 

She's decent at her lock screen , but in her home screen it surprise me , 

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She's decent at her lock screen , but in her home screen it surprise me , 

I was staring hard at the picture , when the bell rang , 

I quickly turned off her phone , and put her phone in my pocket , I'm gonna give her phone later (or maybe not ), 

I jogged at the gym to see the students waiting except for Bae Rona 

" My name is Gu Ho-dong , and I will be your gym teacher ! but call me Mr. Gu and let's get along well in my class ! " I spoke with heavy satoori accent , before I beam at them with my biggest smile , showing my crooked teeth. 

" Let's starting with stretching , shall we ! " 

Y/n' s POV

I was stunned when I didn't feel my phone in my pocket, 

'Don't tell me , No it can't be , I lost my phone , It has so many important things ' 
' No Y/n , Calm down , I might misplaced somewhere or maybe it was in my bag '  
'I'm dead to Uncle '

I stand up from the bed and walked toward the balcony , where I almost fell , I tried to find my phone there but it wasn't there even in my bag , I started to cursing in my mind 

It's been an hour since I searched for my phone but no hope , as all students gone home , 

As I was looking for my phone 

" Ms. Y/n " Rona called from behind 

" Rona , why are you still here ? " I asked 

" I still need to attend the penalty , Ms. Y/n " Rona answered , 

I felt bad for Rona because not only was she bullied by Hera Kids , She's physically and mentally bullied by everyone , until an idea popped in my mind , As long she have that , she can stay here and continue her dream , 

" Rona , Can you bring your parent here tomorrow , " I said , Her face show fear  " No , don't be scared , I see some potential in you , Who's with you " I added 

" My mother, Ms. Y/n " Rona answered , " After our class  ,bring your parent here tomorrow , Understand " I said , Rona nodded 

" Off you go now , " Rona nod last time 

'I still have some report need to do , f*ck that phone '

. . . . . . . . . 

A man looked back at woman who was practically searched for her phone and the phone he's holding , whether do give it back or not 

Decide not to give it , He hide the phone in his pocket and leave the place 

. . . . . . . . . 

" Y/n is not calling us nor update us " " Ugh, she's ghosting us again " " Maybe she's busy or something " " That girl was a pain " 

. . . . . . . . . 


The story flow will be not following the original story flow , Of Penthouse : War in Life , 

I will adding some new character on this one 

So please don't hate me 


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