Chapter 11

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The Next Morning 

Y/n's POV 

I woke up being greeted by the continuous sound of my phone , I looked at it and saw , my precious uncle is calling continuously . I called back Uncle to ask what is it . 

On the call : 

Akai : Finally you answered the phone after 6 times , 
Y/n : What is it ? 

Akai : Have you gathered a info ?
Y/n : No, But I visited Ms. Shim yesterday and there's a two prime suspect that night Seol-ah died 
Akai : Really , Who is it ? 
Y/n : It's Joo Dan-tae and Cheon Seo-jin 
Akai : The CEO of J.K Holdings and the Prima Donna of Korea , Woah , It's getting really interesting , 
Y/n : I know right ! gonna go , bye 
Akai : Take care ! Bye.

Call Ended 

I stand up and went to my bathroom and turned the shower on , I turned the shower off and began applying my strawberry scented body wash and then my vanilla scented shampoo and conditioner,  I turned the shower again and rinsed myself ,

I put my bathrobe on and my wrap my waist length hair in a towel , I go to my walk in closet and pick my outfits 

I put my bathrobe on and my wrap my waist length hair in a towel , I go to my walk in closet and pick my outfits 

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( Ignore the wine ) 

I walked toward the living room and see Jodie waiting . " What are you doing here ?? " I ask confusedly , " Let's go , I will drop you at Cheong- Ah " She answered , " For what ? I can do that " I said 

" Are you sure ? " " Of course " " Okay , here's the key " She give me the key , " Good luck , Put your feelings aside " She warned , " What do you - " " You will see " She wink 

' Weird ' 

. . . . . .

I arrived at Cheong- Ah School and saw a man , dressed in a grey suit , messy long hair , and a woman , dressed in a red dress , long wavy hair , they seemed waiting for someone 

The woman eyes landed on me and walked toward my directions , " Hello , Ms. Y/n , I'm Cheon Seo-jin the director of Cheong- Ah " The woman - Cheon Seo-jin - introduced , " This is Ma Du-Ki , He will show to you , your office " Seo-jin said , 

" Enjoy your stay here at Cheong-Ah , Ms. Y/n " " Sure , Thank you , Ms. Cheon , " " Let's go , I will show you , your office , Ms. Y/n " Ma Du-ki said , I nod 

Not knowing , A pair of eyes were following me 

. . . . . . . . 

I was standing at outside of the classroom , As I hear them talking from inside , " I heard will be having a new teacher " " Yah , Bae Rona , Just leave this school " 

Having enough , I slide the door opened, the whole class quiet down the moment I walked inside , I faced and put a poker face and say " Good Morning Class " 

" Good Morning , Teacher " They chorused , I examined there faces some are shock , some are amused , some are confused , 

" Everyone must be known me , to all who doesn't known , I'm Y/n Yui Shuichi , " I introduced , " And I will be your Science teacher " " And why do we need that we're a soprano " the pearl clip girl butted in , 

I raised my eyebrow at her , " Your name " " Yoo Jenny " The pear clip girl - Yoo Jenny - replied clearly unamused , 

" Ms. Yoo , Would you like to explain to me , what is power ?" I asked , Yoo Jenny remained silent, " It's something you all don't have , Plus you guys are here learning how to be a soprano , not a soprano , Because if you are soprano , then why are you sitting in my class instead of singing on stage " I remark , " Woah " "Silence "

" Plus , raised your hand if you wanted to answer or if only I call your named , I maybe kind but I will never tolerate who disrespect me , Understood " " Yes , Ms. Y/n " " Good ! Now I will start the class "

. . . . .  

A chuckle escaped from a man as he watched the woman from afar silenced a student of her 

' Still the same , still fierce as ever ' 

. . . . . . . 


The bell rang indicating for next class , Y/n lowered the chalk and addressed the student 

" Tomorrow , I want you all to pass the assignment on time , which I am giving today ,Understand " " Yes , Ms. Y/n " " Goodbye , Class! " " Goodbye , Ms. Y/n! " 

Y/n nodded , waving her hand at them with a smile as they walked out , Just as Y/n was about to take her things with her to her office , a small group of students stood in front of her with a smile except the tallest boy 

" Ms. Y/n " 

One of them called out , Y/n looked at them and nodded with a small smile on her face 

" I'm sorry about earlier , I didn't mean it " Yoo Jenny said 

"It's fine , just don't do that next time , Understand , What's your name  " Y/n answered 

" I'm Ha Eun-byeol , Yoo Jenny , Lee Minhyuk , - " 

" And you are Joo Seok-hyung and Joo Seok-hoon , we meet yesterday right , " Seok-kyung squeal 

Y/n silently curse at her mind ,  She knew that they were the kids that had bullied Min Seol-ah 

'The Hera Kids '

" Hera Kids , right ? " They nodded with a smile , 

" Nice to meet all of you , Let's talk again tomorrow "

" Okay , Ms. Y/n , See you tomorrow !" 

Y/N smiled sweetly and nodded , waving at them as they happily did back until they're out from her sight , 

Y/n's smile faded instantly and clenched her jaw , The way kids behaved with her , make her wanna puke . Y/n scoffed and walked towards her office 

Hours passed by and Y/n finally glance at her watch after typing some reports for her class and reports for her Uncle , She sighed when she saw the time , 

There was only three hours until school ended and she got up to get some fresh air . 

She sat at under the tree as she watched the students ran , Just as she was about to take a sip , her phone vibrated from her pocket , A smile formed at her lips 

On the call : 

Laina : Mommy , I heard from Aunty Jodie that you are teaching at Cheong-ah School , Is it true ? 
Y/n : Yes, sweetie , Uncle and Jodie were the who's gonna take care of you , now, since Mommy need to focus on teaching 
Laina : I miss you ! Mommy , 
Y/n : Miss you too, sweetie , Mommy gonna work now, Bye 
Laina : Sure ! Bye 

Call Ended 

. . . . . . . 


" Daddy " Amber called out, " Amber ,my baby " Logan carried her daughter , 

" Guess what " " What is it ?, Daddy " " I saw your mommy " " Really , can I meet her as well " Amber cheerful said 

" Of course , next time , I will brought you to your mommy " Logan sternly spoke as Amber nodded joyful 

' I'm gonna finally meet Mommy ' 

' Finally , Amber smiled , It's been a long time , I seen her smiling like that' 

. . . . 

Y/n suddenly sneezed twice 

' Who's talking about me ,  I'm gonna find you ' 

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