Chapter 27

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A few weeks ago after Y/n ran Seok-kyung and Seok-hoon away from Dan-Tae 

And Y/n is constantly checking them before she go to work 

" So are you telling me that someone is tailing on this house ? " Y/n asked and Laito nodded " Yes, I check the CCTV yesterday and I saw it " Laito say 

" The CCTV footages " 

Laito opened his laptop and showed Y/n the CCTV footages from the past days 

As the two we're talking , Suddenly , The alarm rang alerting Y/n and Laito and indicating that someone tried to enter the gate 

Seok-kyung and Seok-hoon walked downstairs as they heard the alarm. 

" What is that ? " Seok-kyung questioned , blocking her ears as the alarm rang loudly. 

" Emika " 

Y/n called out and an AI child showed up at her side. 

" Lock the gate " Y/n order, and Emika nodded 

" Hai, Y/n hime " 

" Authentication , securing the gate " Emika said, and the gate that were locked. 

" Incoming Call from Kid " Emika showed the dialing call from Kid 

" Declined " Y/n respond 

" Laito , go check if they are still there " Laito nodded and went out as Y/n stayed inside and observe. 

Soon after, Laito went back inside " It's Joo Dan Tae and his secretary Jo " Laito tell and Y/n glance at outside. 

" What they want ? " Y/n questioned " Dan Tae already have suspicious and they are finding the twins " Laito stated. 

Seok-kyung and Seok-hoon look at each other, then at Y/n 

" Please Ms. Y/n , don't send us back there , I don't wanna stay there anymore " Seok-kyung begged and Y/n sigh and stared at the certain file. 

Suddenly, A plan formed at Y/n's mind 

" I'm not going to send both of you back there coz I have a plan " 

" But it's madness and crazy , Would you help me ? " 

" Crazy and madness is at my vocabulary " Laito smirk. 

" Just ask what do you need " Laito added, and Y/n nodded while smirking 

" Laito , I need the whole team help for this plan " Y/n instruct, and then turn to the twins. 

" Both of you , pack your things, don't leave any evidence and after packing give them to Laito and you meet me at ANNEX " Y/n explain while wearing her coat 

" I already told both of you , This plan I have is mad , Are you up for this one ? " Y/n remind and Seok-kyung and Seok-hoon give a curt nod , before leaving the house 

" Okay, Let's pack shall we " 

Seok-kyung and Seok-hoon went back to their room to pack their things, clothes, etc. 

And they obeyed what Y/n instruct to them 

Weeks Later

Y/n was sitting in the chair anxiously and keep glancing at Ms. Shim. 

Akai kicked her foot under the table as he noticed Y/n was distracted and Y/n looked at him with her eyes say fear, and her ear is pale and she keep biting her lower lip. 

" What's wrong ? " Akai questioned and Y/n raised a brow " What ? " 

" You seems distracted and not only that you're ears is pale and you look soulless " Akai responded, and Y/n gulped before speaking " I'm fine " 

Su Ryeon , Jodie , and Logan look at Y/n , worriedly 

Athena and Amber was playing in the living room while Laina is studying in their room and Amber accidentally step on the remote of the TV 

Y/n lower her head and continued to bit her lower lip and her ear perked up as she heard the TV was on and at the same time its was on news and the TV was on middle max of volume and it can be heard at kitchen. 

" Two bodies of teenagers were found on the side of the road and the authorities could identify them because of the stab wounds and the wounds on the face of the two bodies " 

" And not only that, the two corpses also had bruises on their bodies and there is a suicide note that was written by the one of the corpses before they completely took their last breath " 

" And one of the authorities said that the two corpses were " 

" Joo Seok-kyung and Joo Seok-hoon "

Su Ryeon dropped the chopstick that she was holding, and her hand found her mouth. 

" Impossible " Y/n gasped and immediately pulled out her phone and dial Laito's number 

On the Call 

Y/n : How did that happen ? ( She keeps her eyes on the TV ) 

Laito : Dan-Tae found us since he didn't find the twins with me; He bombed the other car that were the twins were using. 

Y/n : What ? ( She clenched her fist ) 

Y/n : Dan-tae found you but he bombed the car that was the twins was using. 

Su Ryeon gasped at she heard Y/n statement 

Laito : Yeah, I'm sorry I failed the mission to keep them safe. 

Y/n hang up the call and without the another word; She made a beeline on the front door. 

Akai and Logan ran after his girl / niece because they know what could happen if Y/n leave. 

" Let's go at crime scene but how about you Ms. Shim ? " Jodie said and Su Ryeon regained from her shock and dryly nodded at Jodie 

" Secretary Hong , you stay here with the kids, Is that okay with you ? " Jodie questioned and Hong nodded 

Jodie went to Su Ryeon's side as they made their way to the elevator. 

* * * 

Before they arrived a Japanese FBI S.W.A.T Team arrived and shooed away the residence that we're watching. 

Y/n, Logan, Akai was the first who arrived at crime scene and Y/n almost gagged at the sight. 

" Joo Dan-tae you keep giving me a reason to annihilate you  " Y/n mutter and Logan glanced at her as he heard her. 

" Ms. Shim Su Ryeon, she's our first priority right now, Uncle " Akai nodded at Y/n word. 

" Director Akai " 

" Deputy Chief Black Rose " 

Akai and Y/n nodded in respond 

" Captain Night Wolf " Y/n acknowledge and Night Wolf bowed in return 

" Darekaga watashitachi no mae ni kimashita ka ? ( Has anyone come before us ? ) Y/n questioned and Night Wolf shook his head as no 

" Īe, kuroshōbi jikan, FBI S. W. A. T. Ga jikandōrini tōchaku shi, jūkyo o oiharatta" ( No, Deputy Black Rose, The FBI S.W.A.T. Arrived on Time and Evicted the Residence ) Night Wolf answered 

" Where are they ? " 

" My twins " 

They turned around and were met by crying Shim Su Ryeon and concerned Jodie 

" Naitourufu, suryon-san o sogyon to sokufun no tokoro ni tsureteitte " ( Night Wolf, Take Su-Ryeon to Seo-kyung and Seok-hoon. ) 

" Hai " Night Wolf nodded and began to lead Ms. Shim, Akai , Jodie and Logan 

Y/n was staring at the blood with unreadable expression and Logan couldn't what she's feeling right now at first look, she could kill someone in a flash. 

Someone came up to them and Y/n looked at the person before nodding and the unknown person left with the other person. 

As soon as Y/n was alone, her phone start ringing and Y/n smirk as she looked at the name of the caller. 

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