Chapter 9

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Logan 's POV 

It's already night , I came back to my hotel room since Amber is sleepy , But , I couldn't forget the woman , I keep tossing around , She looks like her ,  

I reached my phone at the nightstand and unlocked my phone and saw her , Yes , My wallpaper is my Ex-wife , Weird , I closed my eyes and flashback start in my head


" Y/n , let me clarify the situation for fuck sake ! " Logan shouted , throwing his hands in the air in anger as they entered their room. 

" How the hell are you supposed to explain something when I saw it my own eyes ! You were half naked in a bed with your friends ! That Kim Eunhee or whatever her name is , I saw it with my own eyes and I felt disgusted " Y/n grabbed his collar 

" Is that why you been cold to me , This past weeks , You been cheating on me with your so called friend !  " Y/n screamed in angry 

" You misunderstand it  ,At least let me explain to you " Logan gently tore Y/n's hands off of his collar , Y/n scoffed , 

" Don't touch me , Logan ,let's just divorce " Y/n spoke pulling her hand , " And I will take my kids " " Don't you dare to take the kids " I will dare , They doesn't need a father like you , A liar , A cheater " Y/n mocked 

" Here , sign these , I already signed it " Y/n throwing the divorce paper at Logan , " You can't to this " , " Don't worry , You don't need to go at bar just to meet your friend , just brought her here , Goody bye ! Cheater " Y/n spoke calmly leaving the room

Flashback End 

I tried to find them , I tried to explain it to her , But, she doesn't give me a chance , I tried to fix the marriage but she disappear like bubble with our daughter except Amber , 

I asked her friend , but they said , " You don't know she go back to her father  " , I never actually meet her family except her Uncle , 

I asked her Uncle , but he said , " This is there worst habit  , Disappearing like a bubble , Even I was her Uncle , I promised you , her father took here somewhere , I don't know " 

After some year , I got a news about her being an Idol , It was her dream to become an idol 

Who am kidding , It's my fault , Only if I don't come at that party , Maybe , Amber is still with her Mommy and her sister , Maybe , Were still a happy family  

' I hope , If that woman is you , Let me fixed everything , My love '

. . . . . . 

 An alarm blared through the hotel room that the Shuichi family were in , A woman groaned as her hand shot out from under the blanket and felt around the nightstand for her phone , The female grabbed her phone as her head peaked out of the covers. 

Y/n's POV 

I turned off my alarm and sat up , I looked at the clock on my nightstand and saw 6:30 a.m. " Y/n , We need to leave later , Akai call for a meeting regarding to Min Seol-ah , A woman came at the police station , And give a evidence about Min Seol-ah , And I already order for our breakfast " Jodie said knocking at door . I hummed and got ready for the day 

Just as I finished putting my thing inside my YSL bag the doorbell rang

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Just as I finished putting my thing inside my YSL bag the doorbell rang . " I'll get it," Jodie said , An employee came in with a cart that our breakfast . " Thank you " I said as the employee left 

" Laina , Athena , Wake up , Breakfast is here " I said knocking on the door "Coming , Mommy " Laina and Athena chorused from inside , 

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" Laina , Athena , Wake up , Breakfast is here " I said knocking on the door
 "Coming , Mommy " Laina and Athena chorused from inside , 

" Mommy , you told me yesterday that I will study here " Laina asked , " Oh , It's Kyodong Primary School , And Athena you be schooling at ECLC International Kindergarten " I answered , " Now , go to showers " " Okay , Mommy " 

" You enroll them ? " Jodie asked , " Yes, Because I can't leave them here at Hotel " I answered 

 " By the way , who's the witness ? " I added 

She just shrugged , " Mommy we're ready , " " Both of you , look good " I said , " Jodie , you go first at station , I will coming after I drop them at school " I stated , " Sure , See you there ! " " Me too ! " 

. . . . . . .

Shim Su- Ryeon POV 

I arrived here at police station , As I remember the police words yesterday 

' Come back here tomorrow , A FBI Agent will arrived here tomorrow , They can help you with your case ' 

" Excuse me , You must be Shim Su-ryeon " " Yes, I am " " Follow me , this FBI agent will help you at your case " 


The elevator dinged as the police speak " just walked and turned left at the end of the hallway  , they are in conference room" " Aren't you coming ? " " No, I'm sorry this floor is forbidden from us " , I nodded 

I step out and walked throughout the deserted hallway and turned left at the end of the hallway , heading at the conference room. I arrive at my destination . 

"You must be Shim Su-ryeon " " Yes " " Please be seated , Well start meeting later " " I'm Akai Shuichi " " Jodie Starling " 

Later , The door burst revealing a woman in black dress with a cat mask , " Hopefully , I'm not late " 

"Sit down , Black Rose " Akai sternly said , " Geez , Calm down " Black Rose answered , 

Black Rose sat at the opposite of Akai , " First , This is Shim Su-ryeon , She's the witness of that night , Min Seol-ah is murder " " I will handle this case " Black Rose declared , I turned my head at Black Rose

 " But aren't you handling a case already " Jodie asked , " So what , I am Black Rose for nothing , I will handle this case " Black Rose boldly answered , 

A smirk formed at Jodie and Akai lips " Fine ,You handle this case " "But on one term " " What ? " " No , minor or major injury will be given at any suspect , You understand it " Black Rose looked amused at Akai , " Of course , " " I know what kind of attitude you have , Black Rose " Akai said 

After meeting with the FBI Agent , I  immediately go home , 

'Black Rose ? Who's that ? '

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