Chapter 3

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Y/n's POV 

I looked at Seol-ah she looked shocked the moment she the villa behind the door , "C'mon , let's go inside , " I request , she and followed me . 

" Welcome here at Shuichi Manor , " I announced . I giggled at her reaction at inside of my house , She looked around of my house while I removed my mask , I looked at her and said 

" Feel free to explore  " I said smiling at her before I left her . She looked at me shocked , " Y/n " I hear her muttering 

Seol-ah 's POV 

I can't believe my own eyes , I was living with my idol , Y/n was famous worldwide idol , That is the reason why she told me that don't tell anyone who is she behind her mask , 

" Feel free to explore " Y/n said smiling at me before she left , I nodded and explore myself 

The first I noticed here in the living room was the painting on the wall that was very high , then I walked across the hallway , then I passed another room like a living room she had two living room

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The first I noticed here in the living room was the painting on the wall that was very high , then I walked across the hallway , then I passed another room like a living room she had two living room. 

I passed the dining area and kitchen , 

I walked toward the stairs and I opened the first door and saw a pink room that seemed for a child , I moved to the next door and sees a another pink room that seemed for a child , 

I moved to third door and saw room , I guessed this room for a kid as well because there's a toy scattered at floor , 

I moved to fourth door and saw many gown . 

" Like this room " A voice said from behind , I jumped at the voice and turned around saw a blonde woman , " Oh , Sorry , I didn't mean to scare you , " The blonde woman  said , " I'm sorry , I didn't meant to enter here , " I said bowing to her , " Nah ,it's fine , I'm Jodie , Jodie Mila Starling , " The blonde woman - Jodie - said handling her hands. 

" I'm Min Seol-ah , nice meet you " I answered shaking her hand. 

"C'mon , let me show your room that your gonna stay , " She declared , I nod and followed her . 

" This room is guest room but this yours now , " She said opening the door , " Oh , by the way , Y/n 's room is in upstairs only and mine is at the of the hallway or just the rang this bell if you need anything ,  " She added and handed me the key , I nodded and got inside of the room . 

When I was inside of the room , I was impressed at interior design of the room , there's chandelier on the ceiling , there's a bathroom and walk in closet that was empty and there's a balcony it's has a hanging plant

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When I was inside of the room , I was impressed at interior design of the room , there's chandelier on the ceiling , there's a bathroom and walk in closet that was empty and there's a balcony it's has a hanging plant . 

I sat at the edge of the bed and took a deep breath , I brought back to reality when someone knock at door . 

" Seol-ah , you there ? " Y/n said outside of the door , I stand up and opened the door , " Yes , Ms. Y/n ," I answered , " Just call me Y/n no need to call me Ms. , by the way , here some clothes for you there still new , " She answered giving the bag to me , I nod and took the bag , " Thank you " I said , " Welcome " She replied ,  " There some food at downstairs if you want , plus it almost lunch time " She added before leaving , 

I closed the door and sat at the edge of the bed , looking at clothes Y/n give me , Whether to change or not , deciding to change , I walked at bathroom . 

Y/n 's POV 

After giving some clothes to Seol-ah , I marched toward to my office , I made some background check on Seol-ah but everything was lacking , no parents, all there was that she grew up in an orphanage called Hope Orphanage  , no other record 

I was doing some search about Hope Orphanage in my laptop , when someone knock on my door , " Name and business " I spoke , " Jodie and lunch is ready " Jodie answered in annoyance , " Okay , coming down " I said , I looked at my clock at the wall , 12 : 00 a.m. , Kids will be arrived here later . 

Sigh , I closed my laptop and walked downstairs , I entered the dining area and seat at the first chair . 

Later , Seol-ah and Jodie arrive in the dining room , " C'mon , join us , Seol-ah , " I said , Seol-ah sit opposite of mine and Jodie sit opposite of Seol-ah , " Eat more , Seol-ah , " I speak , She nod , " Or else , the other person here will the food all by herself , " I added with chuckle , " Yah ! Are you talking about me , " Jodie utter , " I'm offended , " She added with a scowl , " I never said it was you , Glad you know " I respond , " Drama Queen " I whisper at Seol-ah who snicker  , "Who's Drama-" Jodie started but I cut her by shoving a meat in her mouth , " Just eat , will you , " I speak . 

An hour later , After we ate , while the maid was cleaning the table , The front door opened following Athena's  shout of "mommy" followed by Liana shout of " Amy , don't run " 

" In the dining room, " I shouted back 

Within a second , I feel a small hands hugging me , " Mommy , look I got stars " Athena said showing her hands , I carried Athena in my lap , " Mommy , where are you earlier ," Liana said kissing my cheek , " Mommy just visit Uncle Akai earlier , " I answered while I ruffled her hair . 

" Are they your daughter ? No offense , " Seol-ah asked shyly , I smiled and looked at Jodie who nodded , " Ah, yes , girls introduce yourself " I answered , Liana and Athena looked at Seol-ah , " Hi , I'm Liana Mae Shuichi , You can call me Lia or Ana ," Liana declare bowing at Seol-ah , " Hi I'm  Athena Kate Shuichi , You can call me Amy or Kate , " Athena declare bowing at Seol-ah , " Who are you , Miss. , " Liana asked Seol-ah , " Hello , I'm Min Seol-ah , Nice meet you , " Seol-ah respond 

" Mommy can we play , please , " Athena state showing her puppy eyes , I can't say no at that eyes , " Sure , but first go changed " I replied , " Yay! " Athena and Liana chorus , Dragging Seol-ah out of the dinning room to their play room . 

 Maybe isn't bad to stay here , Seol-ah thought 

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