Chapter 19

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The Next Morning 

Sunlight hit make Logan wakes up with close eyes he puts his hands on his side to find you 

but after sometimes he realize you're not there . he sat up while rubbing his eyes , with soft fluffy hair 

" Y/n " Logan called out in a husky voice , 

after a while when he can't find Y/n in room so he take his t-shirt from floor and go downstairs , looking for her 

when Logan go to downstairs he saw Y/n in living room playing with Amber, wearing his white long t-shirt 

" Good Morning gorgeous  " Logan said , " Good morning too " Y/n mumbled her cheeks tinged with pink  , without saying anything he go near to her and warp his arms around her waist makes a tight backhug 

" I thought you leave already " Y/n can feel his not breath on her neck , " I didn't know Amber is a morning person " Y/n said as Logan hug her tighter , 

" Well she got it from me " Logan kissed her shoulder as Y/n turn around at him and says , " Logan , Amber is here " " I know and you don't have class " Y/n shook her head as no , " I was wondering if you'd be my date " " For what ? " 

" For business dinner with Dan-tae " Logan scowled , " That b*stard , What if he question it ?   " Y/n clenched her fist , " I'll make something up, he won't it since he wants to do business with me " Y/n bit her lips " Please ? " " Fine " She mutter unknowingly pouting as Logan smiled and pinch her cheek , " You're so cute " 

As Logan and Y/n were having sweet moments , Amber secretly took a picture of them in her own Ipad 

" Mommy , I'm hungry " Amber whined pulling Y/n out of Logan hold and drag her to kitchen ,

. . . . . . 

Y/n arrived at Cheong-Ah after some minute , mainly after Akai lecture her when she got back , 

. . . . . . . 

Seok-kyung's POV 

I still can't believe what happened yesterday , I can't believe it it's felt so unreal , 

I always thought no one will care for me except my twin brother , mother abandon me she only care about her daughter who's in the hospital , father always beat us whenever we did wrong , 

Until I felt Ms. Y/n touch and her warm yesterday making me realized someone still care for me , except my twin brother and that is Ms. Y/n 

I was grateful for Ms. Y/n not only she let us cried in her shoulder , she even help us to get away from our father , she reassured us 

' Ms. Y/n is late today ' 

Later , the door opened and Ms. Y/n walked in , " Good Morning Class " She said , " Good Morning Ms. Y/n " We greeted as she smiled in my direction 

" Are we goods today ? " She said , " Yes, we goods " We answered as she laughed , shaking her head , " Let's start the lesson " 

Time passed , the door burst opened revealing a man , red hair , in a tuxedo , mid-40 age , He looked like Ms. Y/n but male version 

' Is he Ms. Y/n brother or something ' 

Y/n's POV 

I was teaching the students , suddenly the door burst opened revealing

My Father , Raiden

My eyes widened and my breath ragged , He walked forward to me as I ignored him and continued the lesson 

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