Chapter 6

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 Seol-ah sighed as she sat her now wet self in small couch , arms rubbing her sides in hopes to gain some warmth , A buzz vibrated from her pockets and she trembled a bit as she pulled it out ' Mommy Y/n ' she smiled sadly , Taking a deep breath to calm herself she picked up the call , 

On the phone 

Y/n : Seol-ah ! , How are you ? 

Seol-ah : Y/n -ah , I'm fine ( smiled sadly) Thank you at the money you send , How about are you there ?   

Y/n : No need to thank me , It's alright , Were fine , Are you okay you sound so sad , 

Seol-ah : Nah , I'm fine ,I'm just happy you call ,Thanks for asking ,( Tears welled up in her eyes ) 

Y/n : Are you sure , tell me the truth  , what happened there , Is there someone bullying you , Are those kids mistreating you ? , Tell me Seol-ah , 

Seol -ah can't hold back her tears anymore and start sniffing , 

Y/n : Seol-ah , what's wrong ? , ( Worried laced in her voice )  

Seol-ah : Y/n-ah , I been accused and worse got pushed in the pool ( She cried at Y/n , like a child wanting to with her mother ) 

Y/n : Vent it out , Seol-ah , Don't hide it , Tell me what happened , I'm all ears , 

Seol-ah even cried harder while hugging her dog Sugar , After she regained herself she started telling everything at Y/n , From the very start , 

Y/n : Seol-ah , go lay at your bed , I'm sorry for what happened to you , I'm sorry for not able to protect you , 

Seol-ah obeyed Y/n and lay at her bed , after she changed her clothes 

Seol-ah : Don't apologize , Just talking to you and comforting me was enough for me , can you sing lullaby to me again , It help to fall asleep fast and it was comforting ,   

Y/n :  I thought it was only the kids who liked , Sure , close your eyes and relax your mind  ( Y/n cleared her throat , before she start singing ) 

( This the lullaby that Y/n sing to Seol-ah and the kids  )  Credits to LeeandLie (AmaLee)

After Y/n sang the lullaby , She hear a light snore from the other line , 

Y/n : Good night , Seol-ah , I protect you from afar from now on 

Call Ended 

The next morning 

Y/n 's POV 

I couldn't focus on my report , After Seol-ah tell me what happened to her there , 

Without a second thought , I call my friend which is in Korea , right now , It rang three times before she answered 

On the phone 

Y/n : Hello ? 

Miya : Y/n , besties , you call, so what's up 

Y/n : Are you in Korea , right ? 

Miya : Yes , Why ? 

Y/n : I have favor to you ,  

Miya : Sure ! 

Y/n : There's a girl named Min Seol-ah , she's tutoring the Hera Kids , can you please look out her , and update me , She's been bullied and humiliated , Will you do that ? 

Miya : Of course , bestie , I owe you , So she's tutoring the Hera Kids at Hera Palace , 

Y/n : Yes and ,Thank you , Bye 

Miya : Welcome , Bye bestie 

Call Ended 

'I can be at ease for now , someone will be looking at Seol-ah

'I should never agree at Seol-ah , I should stop her ' 

" Is something wrong ? " 

I turned to Jodie who was looking over at me , with her concerned eyes , 

I sighed , resting her head on my palm , 

"No , It's nothing , " I answered , " Why are you here?," I added , " Okay , Akai is calling you at his office ,ASAP " She answered 

'Uncle , what does he wants ?' 

Akai's POV 

Yesterday Night , the Kusatsu Special Prison dialed me and said " There's a criminal who escaped , we need help ," 

I was surprised at the news , the Kusatsu Special Prison was the powerhouse of all jail's in the Japan , 

This is the first time the criminal has escaped under the Kusatsu Special Prison in the entire 11 years 

If that so , then I need send my niece Y/n she was the only one who's capable of pursuing someone twice her size , Plus she's been bugging me a lot to give her a mission 

Immediately , I asked Jodie to call in my office , 

I was in the deep thought , I didn't even notice the door opened ,

" Uncle , you called me " 

I looked up and saw Y/n looking at me with her curious eyes , I took a deep breath before speaking , " Y/n , I will assigned you on a mission " 

I saw the glimmer in Y/n's eyes as I mentioned the mission involved in this .

" Really , " Y/n asked , I nod and slide the folder in front of her , " A criminal escaped from Kusatsu Special Prison " I announced , " I want you to pursue this guy and bring him back and come back in one piece , " I added 

" When they called you ? , when this guy escaped ? " She asked , " Yesterday night , that what I don't know " I answered , " What if this guy , already escaped long time ago , but them being pride tried to catch this guy but can't , so now there asking for our help " She reasoned 

'How come I didn't think that '  

" But , what about my kids , who's gonna take care of them , since these prideful people , asked for our help , were gonna loaded with work , nor you Uncle , nor Jodie , can take care of them , right now ," She added 

" How about Guinevere , I'm pretty sure they were willing to babysit Laina and Athena , " I answered , " Are they in Azerbaijan ? " She asked 

" They already return last week , I'll ask them , " I replied , she nod , "I will be going now ,  I will do a further investigation on this , " She said taking the folder , 

I nodded and went to back to my work 

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