Chapter 25

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Logan and Y/n arrived at restaurants , where they gonna date , meanwhile Laina, Athena , Amber and Secretary Hong are in a arcade , or mall 

( The place ) 

" It's pretty " Y/n said as she sat down , opposite to Logan , " It's private restaurant , but I booked the whole second floor, while the other customer where at first floor , In that way no one will bother us " Logan said 

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" It's pretty " Y/n said as she sat down , opposite to Logan , " It's private restaurant , but I booked the whole second floor, while the other customer where at first floor , In that way no one will bother us " Logan said 

" Us ? " Logan nod as Y/n chuckled , " Since when ? " " Now " Logan chuckled , "Let's eat " Logan nod 

Time passed , Logan and Y/n are currently talking and laughing about something ,while eating when . . . . 

" Explain , what happened that night ? " Y/n blurted , looking straightly at Logan , Logan looked up from his food , looking at Y/n , " Never mind , I guess Haru is right " Y/n waved her hand as dismiss 

Logan couldn't utter a word , he don't know where to begin , he deeply sighed and gathered his courage , and held Y/n hand 

" I'll explain , what happened that night " 


" Logan , you should come at this party " His friend persuade him , as Logan shook his head no , " No , I've promise to my kids and my wife , I will spend my time with them tomorrow " His friend scoffed ,

" Spend with them next day , This party is important " Logan chuckled and drink his wine , " I'm going now " " Come tomorrow " His friend shout 

Logan arrived at home , only to be met by silent 

He marched toward their shared bedroom , He was met by sleeping Y/n , Logan grin as he took a picture of her 

Logan took a bath before joining his wife at bed , who's sleeping peacefully and soundly 

The next morning 

Logan arrived at the party with his friend , " I told you it's fun here " 

" Logan " A faint voice called him from behind , Logan turned around and immediately frowned , "What are you doing here ? " " I'm invited here " Logan nod and immediately walked away 

' Logan , drink " Logan shook his head , " Stop , I'll already drank too - " Logan was cut off by his friend who shoved a wine at his mouth 

Time passed , Logan eyes became blurry , he almost fall when he walk ," Let me help you " Logan sway her hand , as he remember who's voice is it 

" Logan you've drunk " Logan keep swaying her hand from him , " Stop , I will just call my wife " The woman stomp her foot at anger , when he mention his wife 

Logan manage to entered a room , that his friend using , 

Later, the door opened revealing a woman 

Logan thought it's his wife , so he cling at her , " Logan, Are you okay now " Logan remember the voice , so he tried to pulled away , but the woman pushed him at bed , hovering at him 

" What are you doing , you've not my wife " He tried to pushed her , but his body won't cooperate , " Wife " A woman scoffed , " Logan enjoy the night with me , forget about your wife " The woman kissed Logan , Logan was sober but his body won't cooperate , as the woman slowly removed his polo shirt , " Stop " He mustered his strength and pushed the woman off him , 

At the same time , His wife entered the room , bad timing , 

" Logan , Eunhee " His wife sob at the sight , " Y/n it's wasn't like that " Logan stand up from the bed , making his way at his wife , but Y/n ran away , leaving the party 

Logan turned around and glared at her , with so much hatred , 

If looks can kill , Eunhee is dead 

" Look what you've done " Logan scream at her , " That b*tch steal you away from me " Eunhee said , " What did you say about my wife " Logan glare , " That b*tch - " Eunhee faced left as Logan slapped her , " Don't badmouth my wife , and no I left you myself, Eunhee your a friend only and she's my wife " Logan glared one last time ,before leaving the place 

Once Logan came home , that when everything shit down 

Flashback Ended 

Y/n head was down while tears is pouring at her eyes as she listen at Logan , 

" I'm sorry , I didn't know " Logan caressed Y/n hand and slowly lift Y/n chin , " Don't be , you're angry that time " Logan wiped Y/n tears 

Logan heard a music from downstairs , " May I dance with you " Logan extended his hand out to her , Y/n nodded and held his hand and they walked downstairs 

Unknowingly , Someone is watching them from afar 

. . . . 

( I know this part isn't exclude at the original , I just wanna make it ) 

Dan-tae , Yoon-chul and Kyu-jin was busy having fun even though earlier they almost died but money is more important for them than anything , talking about money 

" Wasn't Logan Lee ? " Kyu-jin mutter as he watched them from afar 

" Where ? "  Dan-tae asked as Kyu-jin pointed out , where Logan and Y/n position is , " Is that his wife or something ? " Kyu-jin said 

" Let's talk to them " Kyu-jin stated , " Are you idiot ? " Yoon-chul smacked his head , " He's probably enjoying his time with his wife , Were only gonna ruined their moment " Kyu-jin rubbed his head , where Yoon-chul hit . 

Dan-tae , Yoon-chul and Kyu-jin eyes widened , when they saw Logan kissing a girl 

. . . . 

" I'm really sorry Logan , I should listen to you first but I've always let my emotions control me " Y/n sobbed as Logan hugged her tighter , " Stop saying sorry , It's my fault also " Logan wiped her tears 

" How can I make it up to you " Y/n looked up as Logan smiled , " Be mine again " Logan whispered at her ears as Y/n blushed like a tomato , causing Logan to chuckled 

" Then court me again" Y/n teased , the tip of her nose touching his 

" Ohh, wanna be teenager again " Logan teased as Y/n playfully hit his chest , " Yah " Logan chuckled and nod , " I will earn your trust and your heart once again " Y/n cheek tinted with pink 

" Well you can do that but Laina is it " Logan frowned , " Why ? " " Laina seemed to hate you a little " Y/n nervously smiled , " Of course , Because she's a mamma girl " Logan gazed at Y/n lips 

Logan pulled Y/n more closer , no gap between them , " May I ? " Y/n smiled and nod 

smashing his lips onto her, their tongues moved along each other , he pulled her closer by waist , her heart was pounding , 

Y/n pulled away and put her hands around his neck , " What if i were to do some outrageous and drive you away ? " Y/n challenge him , " You can really be a handful , but I can't seem to get enough of you " He leaned down to peck her on the lips , " Let's go back at upstairs " Y/n nodded 

. . .. .

" This girl , I thought she say , I will not do a same mistake " " She's really weak with him " " It's her love life " " But if he hurt her again , I've not gonna watch here , I've gonna hunt him down forever " " Shut up , both of you " 

. . . . . 

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