I Remember!! [18]

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A/n:I'm so glad you guys liked the last chapter! Don't forget to vote for this one because ITS THE LONGEST CHAPTER YET!. Well enjoy.


Mitchy looked around in the black abyss, seeing no sign of light or anyone anywhere.

She felt as if the darkness was consuming her until a voice was heard. "Mitchy..?" the voice. The same voice she hadn't heard for 13 years.. the same voice that made her smile, the same voice that made her cry.. the same voice that made her miss him more.

"Dad...!" Mitchy shouted looking around frantically. "Mitchy!" the voice called out again.

Suddenly mitchy jolted awake. "GAH!" she shouted as she fell out of the bed. She looked around to see she was in a small room. The bedsheets were pink, the room had a pink theme and it felt quite.. homely to the blonde girl.

Mitchy kept looking around until she heard a creek of a door.

She immediately snapped her neck to the door, a man with black hair and looked quite familiar to mitchy. The man smiled and ran out and hugged Mitchy. "Mitchy!" he shouted as he collided with the younger blonde.

"D-d-dad..? I-is that you..?" Mitchy stuttered out. The man nodded against Mitchy.

Mitchy felt overwhelmed with feelings, she felt overwhelmed with... Sadness... Happiness and tears? She was crying! Mitchy wrapped her arms around her father, Takero, and cried into his shoulder.

"I missed you s-so much d-dad.." Mitchy said in between cries. Mitchy's dad pulled back slightly and smiled at Mitchy. Tears in his father's eyes. "I missed you too princess.. But what are you doing here?" Takero asked his darling daughter.

Mitchy wiped her tears with her sleeve. Releasing her father from a hug. "I-I don't know.. I was listening to the guys conversation.. Then they said I was childhood friends with them and I.. Felt a huge pain in my  head and then I guess I passed out- wait.. If your here.." Mitchy's eyes suddenly widened in fear.

"I died..?" she chocked out. "I-I-I...
Died?!" Mitchy shouted panicked.

Mitchy's dad eyes softened. "No Mitchy.. You've gone into a coma... I won't allow my daughter to die at such a young age.." Takero said, his lips slowly curling into a smile as she brushed some of Mitchy's hair out of her face.

Mitchy let out a sigh in relief. "How long am I gonna be here..?" Mitchy asked her dad. Takero simply shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not sure Mitchy but- oh! Would you like to meet my friends?!" Takero shouted excitedly.

Mitchy rolled her eyes playfully. Her father will never change...

Mitchy nodded her head just before Takero grabbed her wrist and pulled her out the room, trailing down stairs where 5 women's were there.

2 had blonde hair, one short and one long. A woman with lilac hair and a woman with black hair. Also a woman with brown hair then lastly a woman with long dirty blonde hair.

"so this is the famous Mitchy our boys have taken a liking too, eh?"
A woman with short blonde hair said.

Mitchy looked at her weirdly before speaking up. "um, if you don't mind me asking. What are you talking about?" she asked her. The woman just smiled at the young blonde.

"oh that's right, you don't know me. I'm Cana. The mother of Chifuyu Matsuno." Cana said. Mitchy's eyes seemed to widen.

A woman with long lilac hair spoke up next. "I'm Trina. The mother of that Takashi." Trina said folding her arms in a huff. You can see where Takashi gets his mood from...

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