Chifuyu's Flashback [4]

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Normal pov

Takemichi has been living with the boys for about 2 days now. School started in 3 days. Takemichi got along with everyone. She got along with angry, Chifuyu and mikey the most. But she also like talking to baji and the rest.

Draken was a challenge but he's  now his kind and thoughtful towards takemichi.

Even though they've only just met her they feel like they've known her for ages. Takemichi cooks them dinner every night which the boys absolutely love! Especially mikey. Takemichi was currently sitting on the couch when Chifuyu walked in took a sit beside her.

Chifuyu's pov

I walked into the living room and took a seat beside mitchy. Mitchy scrolling threw something on her phone. Until I moved and tried to look at the screen. "hey what are you doing?" I said to her. She looked at me and shrugged. "I was looking threw Instagram..." she said as she turned her phone off. She put her phone on the sofa and stood up and walked to the bathroom.

I got curious so I turned her phone on and looked at her Instagram. She had posted a pic 3 hours ago. I had 498,991 likes. I was a picture of mitchy in her.. T-towel... What?!

I scrolled through the comments. My face getting even more flustered by the second.

"hey kitty whatcha doing?" mitchy said. She was by the door. Next thing I knew.. I blacked out.


I'm currently at the park playing with my toy in the sand box. That's when I saw a doll in the sand buried in. I quickly dug it out. "huh whose doll is this...?" I questioned my self. No one was around so I decided I'd play with it to.

In my game the doll had magic powers and could summon animals with her keys. I named the doll hana. It seemed to suit it.

I was playing peacefully when I felt a tap my shoulder. I turned around and see a guy with blonde hair. "hey where'd ya get the doll?" he said. I looked at him then the doll. "I found it in the sand." I coldly said. Its kinda weird for a 6 year old to be cold. He looked at me. "I think it's my friends" he said. I sighed before passing him the doll.

"Go give it to her then.."I said in a sad tone. The blonde haired guy walked off.
I watched him walked up to a girl with short yellow hair. She was around 4 years old. Me and her looked in each others eyes before she started walking to me. The blonde haired guy following in suit.

I looked away and carried on playing. Trying to ignore the fact that they were coming closer and closer.

Until I felt a presence infront of me. I looked up to see the pretty yellow haired girl there. She smiled at me.

"hey kitty whatcha doing?" she said kindly. I looked at her "playing.." I said. She looked at me and sat down. She got her doll out. "mind if me and my friend play?" she said.

I nodded and began playing with them. "I'm Chifuyu matsuno by the way.." I said. The girl looked up. "I'm takemichi hanagaki" she said. The blonde haired boy spoke next. "I'm mikey sano" he said.

Mitchy (his nickname for her) gasped and dug her hand into her dress pocket. She pull a little bracelet out. Mikey had one and it was red on his wrist. Mitchy had one and it was pink on her wrist. She brought me a dark blue one. She put it on my wrist and then she smiled.

"it's expandable so when we get older we can still wear them!" she said giggling. "what are this for?" I said as I  kept looking at it on my wrist. It had a white heart on the center. "it's something to show that your my friend! And in our friendship group!" she said.

I liked that word.. Friend..


Chifuyu's pov

I woke up breathing heavily. I looked around mitchy was beside me. "am I in the living room?" I asked mitchy. She looked up and hugged me. "DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT AGAIN!" she shouted at me.

She pulled away and looked at my confused face. "I asked you what you were doing and you blacked out... I called the ambulance and they said that you were recovering from memory loss? They said you were remembering something from your past. Like I triggered it.." she said.

I then remember my Flashback. So it was real? Takemichi's a hanagaki? Also me and mitchy were child hood friends? I remember being chid hood friends with mikey... But not with mitchy...

Also how the hell did I loose my memory.. I wonder if my friends know at all.. "do you know how I triggered it...? " mitchy said. I sat up and looked at her. I wanted to tell her so bad... But i think she forgot to. "Chifuyu?...." she said. "Chifuyu?" she said again. "CHIFUYU!" she shouted. That's when everything went black out again.


I'm currently in a limo. Its Mitchy's birthday today! She turned 5. She looks super happy.

Were on the way to a party. This is the kids limo. There's ; me, mitchy, mikey, draken, smiley, angry, baji and Mitsuya. All of us have our bracelets on. There's also a grown up limo. It only got mitchy's mom and our parents in.

And then theres a girl limo. That's got all mitchy's girl friends in. The only thing is. Mitchy wanted to ride with us instead.

We were driving on the way to the party when we all heard a loud truck horn. The next thing we know. The truck slams into the side limo. The limo flips over and the driver gets launched out of the window.

I don't feel any pain but I feel water dripping off my forehead. So I touched my forehead and looked at the liquid.

Blood. I looked over at my friends. Angry had a deep cut on his face. Draken had a very deep cut in his stomach. Angry, Mitsuya and baji were all knocked out. Mikey was hugging mitchy trying to protect her. Mikey was trying so hard to stay awake and not to go unconscious. Mitchy looked around. Broken glass everywhere. Blood everywhere. At least three of us break a bone.

I could smell and taste the bitterness of the blood. I coughed. "mit... Chy.. Mik-ey.." I said. Mitchy and mikey looked at me. Horror in both there eyes. Mikey and mitchy were both crushed under the weight of the truck. Luckily it had nothing in it.

I heard sirens coming. Mikey had now lost consciousness. Mitchy began crying." mit... Cy... Don't... Cry..." I said. Before my eyes dropped and I slowly lost all consciousness. "CHIFUYU!" was the last thing I heard. I forced an eye open to see mitchy... Looking lifeless across from me.. I closed my eyes and fell into a very deep slumber...


"Hu.. Hu.. Hu... I'm alive?" I whispered. Mitchy was hugging me. Asleep. "you're alive.." I whispered to mitchy.

One question was on my mind.

We all lost our memory but is there a possibility of mitchy remembering us...?

A/N:finally posted. Hope you guys enjoy! It's 1200 words! Junamae out!

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