Who's Edward?

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The sunshine peeking through your windows was enough be awoken by, as well as the upstairs neighbors.

God, who the fuck vaccumes at 6:30 in the morning?

Either way, you were just glad the sleep you'd recived was more than 120 minutes. A solid 6 hours would do very nicely today. Climbing out of bed was the worst part, however. The sheets were crisp and cool, and the window was open just enough to let in a delicious breeze. Suprisingly, it wasn't rainy outside, and there were birds chirping- oh how lovely the sound of seagulls outside the window is.

Maybe today would be the day you'd figure out Batman's secret little boyfriend. That's all the media covers anyways. "Another letter to Batman?" "Who's next? Will Batman be able to stop this masked figure?" they would read. Did they ever once stop to think about the team behind Batman's efforts? Sure you didn't a lot of coverage, you were the secret backups - The person who traced any message to the masked superhero. Batman barely did anything, other than beat up the folk who've stolen a tube of lipstick once or twice. Did you agree with everything he did? Absolutley not. Gordon did though. That's why they brought you in, to make sure he didn't let Batman pulverize teenagers in the bathroom who just happen to be vaping at lunchtime.

The clock hit just about noon, and you were off to work. Off to have another super fun day of getting dead ended leads, another day of getting piles upon piles of paperwork, another day of reciving calls from angry families, another great day of dealing with Batman.

The office was awfully quiet today, where was everyone?
Oh shit, the Mayor's funeral,

Flying down the street, you barely caught up with Gordon.

"You're awfully late" he said.


"No way, there was one annoucment, with one date, and one time, and you 'forgot'."

"You'd be suprised, those late night shifts you've been putting me on are taking a massive toll on my ability to remeber."

"Well either way, please remeber to be respectful. This is a funeral, not a crime scene."

"Of course, Gordon."

The line of citizens was absolutley massive, leading all the way outside and around the corner. Who knew so many people could like this guy? Not to mention the lines of cars filled with Gotham's richest. Now that you think about it, who's got the time to come here? You barely even knew the guy. Perhaps you voted for him in the election. Too bad he's dead. Guy kept Gotham decently safe.

Out of the corner of your eye, someone familiar popped out of their car.
Bruce Wayne. Oh god. If he's here, somethings up.

He walked up the steps and into the quite large building, your eyes trailing him. No way he cared enough to be here, so what was he doing? Although, the sudden tap on your shoulder startled you out of your thoughts,

"Excuse me, are you with the GCPD? If so, we'd like you to show some ID." A drowsy traffic officer asked.

"Yeah, hold on," You answered, digging in your pockets. After flashing him your detective ID, he stepped aside only to repeat the question to some poor soul who had seemed to forgotten his.

"Oh golly, it seems I forgot mine. I'll see if one of my buddies can confirm it for me." He scanned the crowd in hopes of finding someone. His eyes landed on you, and he bolted over. "Hey you remeber me, right?" he questioned.

"Oh! Edward right? I didn't know you were with the GCPD."

"Technically, I'm not. But I figured I could find the murderer here, y'know how they always like to see the reaction of the audience?"

"That's awfully smart, so you're taking on the case of the villain yourself?"

"I wouldn't say villan, they had a right to kill him. He was a bit of a bastard if I may say so myself."

You nodded, understandingly.
People have their opinions, I guess.

"Anyways, I need your help. Can you 'confirm' that i'm with the police?"

"Only this once. If i get caught lying, it's all over for me."

He gave a reassuring smile, and you both headed over to the officer.

"This guys with me. We work together." You told him,

He glanced at the two of you, and went back to work.

"I'll take that as an ok" Edward stated.

"Just one thing real quick, take off your coat. You look homeless."

He grunted and removed the quite large army jacket he had on. "Anything else I need to do? Don't want to make you look bad."

This sarcastic bitch,

Just as you were about to lecture him about how he's disrespecting a law enforcer, and you could take his ass right to jail, the sound of tumbling bricks and screaming people echoed throughout the room. A car came flying through the crouds of citizens and crashed itself right into the stairs. Someone had stumbled out of its broken doors, his mouth taped, and a bomb on his chest. You absolutly bolted off of the balcony, making sure that you wouldn't crash with the broken structure.

Turning around to get Edward, he was just standing there, looking at the absolute mess that had brewed. You could have sworn you saw him grin. Even if it was just for a moment.

"Edward! Get your ass over here!" You practically barked at him. The rest of the GCPD had safely gotten off, all that remained was you and him.

"Sorry, sorry, just in shock." He replied.

You both carefully stepped over the peices of rubble, and down the stairs to the main entrance. Looking back, guess who was there.
Batman. Of course. He just has to interfere with every damned thing going on in Gotham.

Never mind that, where'd Edward go? Y'know what, fuck that. Who is Edward? No one is just "in shock" from something like that unless they know that person. Did Edward know anything about that guy? Rather, what does Edward know that you don't?

It wouldn't matter in a few hours or so though. The paperwork from Batman's little adventure would circle back to you, and all the juicy pieces of the crime would be revealed. It would be best just to wait it out. Until then, you'd have so much fun being on the wait squad. Oh fun times.

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That's all for today, still can't recall the entire Batman plot, so wing it with me here. Other than that, excuse any spelling errors that may have popped up here or there. Hope you enjoyed!

- Luca

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