Love Struck

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Love stricken, is that what I'm feeling right now?
The moments that happened just prior had made you question everything. Whether Edward's secret was truly safe with you, or if the GCPD was to know. The only problem being Batman. He knew everything about you two. Gordon could give less of a shit if Edward disapeared, or if you found him. It wasn't unheard of for a detective to go missing whilst working on a case.

Something poked at your side, causing you to jump almost 5 feet into the air in suprise.

"You alright there?" They asked.

Thinking of a snary remark was difficult, so you just nodded.

"You're looking a little red, what happened? Oh man! And your hurt too!" Their hands ran up and down your arms, scanning all the bruises and cuts.

"Nothing, it's ok. Just knocked over a bottle and got so startled I stepped on it."
Liar. Tell them the truth.
Of course you couldn't tell anybody. This was your little secret.
Edward and Y/N sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-
Shut up.
Oh arguing with yourself was so fun.

"Hey? You seem a little lost there." They practically shook you back to life with the amount of force applied on your shoulders.

"I'm fine. Is Gordon here?"

"Waiting outside."

Getting up, all the damage was visable now.

"You must have put up one hell of a fight, I'm really impressed." They remarked at your gafaw.

Outside was stunning tonight. The smell of post rain was lingering, and the droplets glisening in the city's bright lights. Police cars were wailing, people were shouting. A lovely night to be out, you'd have to admit.

Gordon saw you, waved to the person he was talking to, and began to walk over. "Where were you? You weren't even supposed to be in there! And now we got video of some kinky chair livestream with you and Riddler! How do we explain to the public this is the person who's been chasing him all this time?" He frantically threw his hands up in the air, catching them in his hair. Gordon must have pulled so hard, that his eyelids recced back with his forehead.

You, just so happened to be undisturbed by this. The flashbacks to what happened minutes before had come flooding in, making your face a horrible shade of pink.

Gordon caught notice of this. "Y/N, don't tell me..."

"No no no, absolutely not." you waved your hands in dismissal, trying to move on to the next question. "I'm just a little bit chilly."

He slowly nodded in disbelief. "Well, go get your car and head home, you're dismissed. Good night."

You, of course, didn't drive here. You took the Batmobile. Walking home in defeat was an awful feeling, but it soon dissapeared once the memories of your little encounter with Edward had resulted in. What was next for you both? How would you continue to work with him at the office knowing he's killed multiple people?

Shaking your umbrella off and throwing it in the holder beside your door, you'd noticed something.
Where's my extra key?
It wasn't behind the umbrella holder like normal. It was misplaced inside of it.

You had left your gun in the lounge, so there was nothing to protect yourself with. The umbrella had a perfect tip for poking someone's eye out though.
It'll do.
Grabbing it out of the holder, slowly opening the door, and taking the first step into your (perhaps broken-into) appartment was absolutely terrifying. But alas, there was no intruder. Nothing was out of place, and nothing was broken. Thank the lord.

You turned on the kitchen light, which had revealed the banged up sofa found on the side of the street, your living area, and a working desk. Upon closer examination, something laid on your coffee table. Unless you'd left something out this morning, that hadn't been there when you left.

At this point you didn't care if someone was on your couch waititng to attack. The object(s) on the table were taking up too much of your curiosity. Sadly, there was no one on the couch ready for assult. But there was something there you hadn't left out.

A boquet of flowers and a letter. "For Y/N" It said.

Plopping down on the couch, you opened and read the letter.

Dearest Y/N,

I'm reaching you regarding the events of tonight. The way everything laid out can only make me ponder, how do you feel about me? The way your lips moved with mine implies the feeling of emptiness being fufilled, so I can only presume you can return the same feelings.

And as for the compliance of your actions, I wanted to reward you with these. I thank you for working with me on this case, and I hope we meet again soon. Until then, if you continue working with me, you'll make it out alive.


It had made your heart skip a beat.
"You'll make it out alive" What could he mean by that?
Other than the psycho love letter, did he truly have feelings for you? And if so, did you return them?

872 words

Again, sorry for the short chapter. I haven't had time to upload a bunch thanks to my upcoming finals. So glad to have pumped out another chapter though. Anyways, make sure to take care of yourself.


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