Technical difficulties

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The computer had been glitching in and out lately. It became so frustrating that you slammed the mouse really hard, breaking any piece of plastic on it. Springs flew everywhere, bits of meteal came flying at your chest, burying themselves in your clothes.
God fucking damnit. I thought this was a top of the notch computer, now I'm wearing a death trap.
Carefully getting up, making sure that the shirt doesn't scrape you anymore than it did, you walked over to the lost and found. A white shirt with a few grease stains on it was the only thing there - it didn't fit. Of course it didn't fit. It was better than nothing though. You threw it over your head, carefully slipping your arms through the holes.  

"Now what do I do," you muttered, looking over the disaster that at one point, was your mouse. Cupping your face with your hands, a sigh escaped your lungs. 

Might as well grab lunch. Maybe run into Edward. He seems to always be there anyways.

You grabbed your keys, coat, some paperwork, and left the office.

He started his walk too, departing from behind the building. He trailed you, making sure to be at least 20 feet away. A morbid curiosity lingered around him, what are they going to do when they find out? Of course he'd been pondering this question for while now, ever since he knew your name and where you lived.

It was no suprise that when you'd arrive, Edward was there too.

"Don't you have anything better to do with your life than sit here at a crumby diner all day?" You approached him and asked.

"I have a job too, y'know. It might just be your timing. Maybe I'm not the creepy one, maybe you are."

"Doubt that, you seem to be running into my arms all the time anyways."

"That may be true, but you never neglect helping me."

"So you're telling me I might have a little crush on you?"

He shrugged, taking a bite of the burger set in front of him. "That's something for you to figure out."

You grabbed the stool next to him and sat down. "I can't tell you that one."

He looked at you for a split second, pondering your words. In a quick movement, he snapped back to the food infront of him. "So how's the discovery going?"

"Great. I have amazing leads." You had hoped the sarcastic tone in your voice would help him figure it out. For a smart guy, he's not very bright on emotion.

"Oh. Care to share?"

"You know damn well I can't. GCPD policy."

"What a shame. Maybe Riddler will go live tonight. You could get something from that, probably"

"And how do you know that?"

"I've been keeping tabs on them, I think something will happen tonight." Confidently, Edward drummed his fingers on the counter. He met your confused gaze, and immediately changed the subject. "Who's shirt are you wearing?"

"I've got no clue, something broke and got metal in my old one."

"Are you ok? Aren't you cold?"

To be frank, it was a thin shirt. What type of crazy ass gym bro would wear this to work? "A little chilly, but nothing terrible."

"You know damn well you shouldn't be wearing a shirt with no overcoat. Its 30 degrees outside."

"Eddy, I'm fine."

He gave a look of disproval before standing up, throwing a five onto the counter, and grabbing you. "I'll walk you home."

You accepted the offer, as he handed you his nasty rain coat. Taking it from him, something caught your eye.
A question mark? It's kinda cool, might want it as a tattoo later.

You both headed down the street as the rain pitter pattered on the coat. Edward was soaked, for his only protection was given to you. He felt, vunerable. Like at any minute you could turn around, whip out your handcuffs, and arrest him right here. The thought exited him.

"Eddy, have you ever washed this?"



"I figured because I wore it so much, the rain would do the trick."

You gagged and threw the coat back at him. He only stood there, laughing at your reaction. "Oh man, you should have seen your face. Golden I tell you!" As he continued to laugh, it set something off in you. You started to laugh too. And there you both were, cackling maniacs on the side of a road. Just two people sharing a memory together. Would people think your psycho? Probably not, they'd just think your wasted as hell.

The laughing subsided, and you were pulled back into reality. "Oh man Eddy,"

He wiped a tear from his eye before replying, "Oh that was funny. Sorry about grossing you out, Y/N."

You gave a small chuckle in reply and threw your arm around his shoulder. Flinching a little, Edward relaxed into the touch. Human-to-human contact was not something he experienced a lot. He... enjoyed it.

After a few missed turns, and 20 extra minutes out in the rain, you made it home. "Thanks, Edward. I hope you don't live too far, I can call a taxi if you'd like."

He put his hand up for a minute, "No need, the fresh air's good for me anyways."

"Alright, well, I'll see you around,"

"Wait," He dug in his pocket for a minute or two before taking out a slip of paper. "Here's my number. Feel free to call me if anything pops up with the Riddler."

A grateful smile emerged from you as you took the piece of paper from Edward. "Thanks, I'll definitely call you if something goes down."

He gave a small wave, and started walking to his apartment. The minute he heard the door close, it was almost if he had swapped bodies with a completely different person. One that pulled out the more sinister things. The Intruder, as he liked to call it. If any intrusive thoughts were to happen, the Intruder would let them. It was displayed when he did nothing but look up at your window for a solid 20 minutes after you'd left.

1031 words

An oh so very special shoutout to my friend who payed me a dollar and a few scooby snacks to reveal my Wattpad account. Those cinnamon bites of goodness are too good to be true. Anyway, these next few chapters are going to go off the rails, and not stick to the original plot of Batman. Sorry about that. Hope you enjoyed today's episode!

- Luca

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