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It had been a few years since the incident at Gotham. Of course you didn't live there anymore. They've been (trying) to track you down because you had an affiliation with the Riddler. It wasn't very successful since the move to Italy.

Florence was a subtle place. Good food, even better views. You'd closed any chance of a love relationship with anybody in hopes your Prince Charming might come along and save you again. Again, highly unlikely.

The sunset was lovely tonight, so lovely, you decided to watch it on your balcony. You swirled a drink around in its glass until it began to reflect the final sun rays of the evening. Taking a sip, you left it on the mini table next to the chair you'd so thoughtfully brought out. The laptop next to the beverage was enticing and practically calling you.

It opened to a black screen. Tipical. The computer you paid $1,000 for had crashed.

Suddenly, the symbol <?> popped up. The little green letters began furiously running across the screen, leaving you frantic to read them all.

<?> Good to see you again, Y/N.

<!> Who exactly are you?

<?> You'll figure that out soon enough.

Slamming the computer shut, you booked it out the door onto the bustling street in hopes of finding him. You knew exactly who he was, just not where he was.

Your phone buzzing brought you out of your thoughts immediatly.


"Hello, Y/N. Suprised to hear from me?"


"Good to hear you, sweetheart."

The comment made you furiously blush, you forgot how "charming" he was. "So you escaped?"

"And was able to figure out where you are too."

Putting the phone to your side, you looked around frantically. The hopes that he would reveal himself and you could leap into his arms was incredibly high. "Where are you?"

"In Florence, somewhere."

"A diner? A house? Where?"

"Get in the Impala."

You followed his instructions, desperate to get to him.

"Now listen. Follow my instructions, and maybe you'll find me. Be careful, they're coming for me too."


"Good. Take Via Delle Ruote up to SS 67."

You took the car up to the roads instructed and waited for further statements.

"Take the roundabout to Via Della Madona Della Tosse."

And so you did.

"Where are you now?"

"Via Faentina."

"What road are you approaching?"

"Viuzzo Del Bruni."

"Take it. There's a bakery, 'Panificio Vadi'."

The road took you to a small eatery with a sign "PANIFICIO". You had the right spot.

Edward on the other hand, was no where to be seen. The call had been disconnected and left you with no further leads but to go inside the bakery.

"Ciao, sto cercando un tipo che potrebbe essere passato prima. (Hello, I'm looking for a fellow who might have dropped in earlier.)"

Encrypted &lt;?&gt; (Edward Nashton x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now