Ripping Corners

700 22 4

It had all come together. The lounge, and the next victim, Carmine Falcone. You weren't going to involve yourself with Batman's family drama, so your main insights were on the Riddler. You had to find Edward, and fast. Lots of people's lives depended on it.

Batboy had taken you both in his jacked up car to the Iceberg in hopes of getting there before Edward. You'd have never know if you did beat him to the spot or not, or if this even was the right place. But man you sure could hope. In fact, the matter was so desperate, you prayed.

Panic flowed through your body, knocking the sense out of you as if you were put under. Batman didn't even bother parking. He literally jumped out of the car, and left it moving with you in it. Suprisingly, it parked itself.
Fucking rich people.
The thought distracted you from the impending doom looming over the building. It hurt to think about how you'd have to betray Edward. He was a close friend, and in this day and age, those are hard to find.

A deep breath and a few awful thoughts later, you made your way inside. A trailing line of injured bodies had led you exactly to where Batman was. Shouts and a few screams were heard echoing through the lounge, but that wasn't what you were here for. The club had cleared out pretty well, but a few people still remained.
Fuck this, where do I start?
A wave of anxiety hit you, and every hair on your neck stood up. Clutching the gun you had oh so thoughtfully brought, you slowly turned around, ready for what was behind you. Whipping the gun out, nothing blocked it, except an elevator. It had an extremely unplesant aura floating off of it, as if to say "Don't come down here, you're not ready to face it."

Slowly, one foot infront of the other, you made it inside. Clicking the last floor button, the only one on the keyboard.
Again, your stomach churned, and your breathing hitched as the elevator dinged. The final floor was dead silent. Nothing dare move, or make any noise. Your eyes scanned the room, and landed on an envelope laying on the bar counter. Keeping your gun at the ready and infront, you treaded slowly to it. You weren't taking any chances, so whipping the gun around was the only option left.

"To the Batman" It read. "Oh god," you murmerd. "Is this,"

"You weren't supposed to find that."

Your instincts told you to grab the gun and turn around, but a blow to the head said otherwise. The adrenaline was really running now, your fist plowed through the chest of your attacker, and he grunted. He wasn't down long enough for you to escape though. He stood up and grabbed your ankles before throwing you over his shoulder, and onto the ground. The blood pouring out of your mouth and the lack of breath wasn't enough to stop you from swiping your leg onto his shins, causing him to fall on the ground. This was the first chance you got to look at him now.
So this is that Riddler bitch. Hi Eddy.

It was time to leave, let the GCPD handle the rest. Sprinting to the elevator, he got up and started limping over to closing doors. He was getting closer and closer to the elevator, and you frantically pressed the "Close Doors" button. About half an inch remained, and he stopped moving. What did it matter though, you needed to get out of there.

Falling onto the tiled elevator floor, you let out a sigh of relief. Why'd he stop though? You pondered the question, but didn't care enough. It was time to leave. Standing up, clutching your chest, you pressed "Top Floor". It didn't budge. You pressed it again. Nothing. Again, and still, no movement.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck
The realization washed over you.
What had Edward done?
The only way out was to go back out there. The thought sent you back to the state of panic you'd previously been in.

It took 10 minutes before you could finally sum up the courage and press the "Open Doors" button. Once they had opened, there was nothing in the room. It was if though it had been untouched before your previous encounter. Before anything, you looked for the gun. It was the only thing that could even remotely protect you from Riddler.

The letter was still there, the weapon, however, was not.
Of course he would take it. It's the only thing that I could fuck him over with. Are there stairs here? There have to be. In case of the elevator breaking down.
Scanning the room for a second time, the stairwell was wide open.
This is a trap if I've ever seen one.
It was your only hope at this point, so why not. You began the walk by ducking underneath the counter, and following it around the circle until it stopped by a booth. Hopping over that was the final step, and the stairwell presented itself in all of it's escaping glory. Reaching for the doorknob, you felt a hot burst of air on the back of your neck.

"Hiya, Y/N."

You ducked this time, avoiding the the gun crashing down. Tackling him, he fell back again. You just happened to be on top of him this time. Grunting, he brought his knees up and knocked you off of him. He took this time to finally finish the job, and straddled you. Pinning your legs down with his, and his thighs squeezing your arms to your sides. The heavy breathing really threw you for a loop.
Don't tell me I'm enjoying this.
you tried thrashing, and in response, he forced his hand over your mouth to silence you.

"Ah ah ah, we need to be quiet, otherwise the police are going to find us." He giggled.

1002 words

Not going to lie, this was a really stressful chapter to write. I wasn't looking forward to the action scenes, because I have no idea how to approach them. I think they turned out ok. But I'm really excited to write the next chapter.
Lots of luck to those who are getting ready to take finals! Drink lots of water, and eat something that makes you happy.

- Luca

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