Catching Stars

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It had been a few days since the capture of Edward. It was all the media covered, Riddler this and Riddler that. Your feelings for him had still remained strong, but had dulled down after the arrest. Gordon wanted to congratulate you by giving you a few days off of work before starting the next case. You really didn't want to, considering catching criminals always ended up with hearts being shattered. At least, that's what had happened with you and Edward.

You clicked the TV on only to be greeted by the same warm smile he'd given you at the diner. It stung so much, you immediatly turned it off and went to go do something else. Hopefully a book would get your mind off of him.

Edward sat in his cell, alone and pondering. He had sent the letter to you, but you'd never responded. It was a good thought. Something to keep his bored brain out of the slowly approaching insanity. There was one thing Edward regretted not telling you, and he was bound and determined to do so.

Hey Y/N, Arkham contacted me in hopes of reaching you regarding Edward Nashton. He wants to see you.

The thought made you anxious, what could he possibly want? He'd already talked to you about everything he was going to do, he's in jail now too. What could happen?

Thanks, Gordon. I'll be there in 50.

Throwing on something on the floor that didn't reek too bad, you grabbed the car keys (something you haven't used often) and headed out the door.

The garage smelled more musty than you remeber, which sucked for your vehicle. A "family heirloom" he called it. Your father had passed it down to you after you'd moved to Gotham. A 1967 chevy impala in which had awful suspension and would launch you out of your seat at even the slightest pebble in the road. Alas, it was the only thing that could get you from the apartment to Arkham.

The drive was gloomy. A hanging sense of doom lingered in the car's limited space. Trying to get rid of the feeling, you turned on the radio.
It's always nice to see you says the man behind the counter,
The road narrowed into a path
To the woman who has come in, she is shaking her umbrella
The Arkham gates opened
And I look the other way as they are kissing their hellos
And the arua of doom came back at a striking force.
And I'm pretending not to see them and instead I pour the milk

"Glad you could make it, Y/N." Gordon greeted you.

"Can't say the same." You closed the door, and began walking with him. "Why'd he want to see me?"

"Because you worked with him? We aren't quite sure as of right now." He nodded and oppened the visitor entrance door.

The place was practically like a castle on some knock off Dracula film. The security was mighty heavy, and everything was boarded up and re-enforced. Guards lined the walls, monitering everything. At least that's what you thought. Some of them seemed to be sleeping.

"I'll have you step right through here. Please remove your shoes and anything metalic." The voice startled you, but resulted in being an overtired guard.
Do they just work their employees until they die of exhanstion? The pay better be incredible though.

You followed their instructions, and placed the articles on a tray. It slid through a machine in which didn't even stop to check if there was anything possibly dangerous.

"Thanks, you can go. Visitor's gate 203, that's where you'll find him." They pointed off and sighed, relaxing their head into their hands.

You nodded in thanks, and began to head off.

"Alright, Y/N. This is where I'll be departing. You're on your own, but if anything were to happen, call me. I'm sure it won't be anything much, but just in case." Gordon waved and gave you a plastered smile.

Returning the gratitude, you began the journey to Visitor's gate 203. The hallways were incredibly musty, and suprisingly noise-less.
This is the place fot the insane, right? Why wouldn't it be louder?

The thought rattled your brain, but immediately departed when you looked up to find the gate. What were you going to say to him? What was there to say? You'd told him you loved him, he returned the feelings, you both kissed, then he was arrested. Either way, it was time.

The door creaked open with a mighty force revealing who else illuminated the room. He looked up to meet your gaze and melted. He practically oozed into the chair provided.

Saying nothing, he gave a small wave.

"Hi, Eddy."

"Hiya, Y/N. Good to see you."

"Yeah, sorry it had to be in circumstances such as these."

"Oh no worries at all, you were just doing your job."

"I had a choice, Eddy."

"You really didn't. It was bound to happen either way. You or Gordon. I'd much rather be arrested by you than that grimey old man."

You laughed in reply at his words, and continued into the conversation. "Don't let him hear you say that."

"Well he's not here, is he?"

"I suppose not."

"Speaking of which, what's Gotham up to now that their main villan's out of the picture?"

"A little sad, y'know? Working with you was fun and all, but now I have nothing to do. I guess now that you're gone, I'll be thrown back on the clean up train for Batman."

"You might want to watch what you say." He tapped on the busted camera aimed at the both of you. "Not sure if it works or not, but I'm not going to find out."

"The security here doesn't seem to care all that much, at least from what I could tell."

He giggled at the remark and finally settled himself in his chair. "Alrighty, Y/N. This is probably the last thing you're going to hear from me, but I would strongly advise leaving Gotham."

1018 words

Oh god, I have like 7 finals tomorrow and I'm practically shitting myself. Either ways, hope I caught you doing good. This chapter took me forever to get written mainly because I didn't know how to write it. But every word I write gets us closer to the end. Not looking forward to that either. Anyways, see you next time!


(p.s. if you get the car reference, you're super cool)

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