To the Batman

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For once in your life, someone came to you for help. The Riddler had been going absolutely bonkers. He's been killing over and over and over again - now racking up a total of 4 killed and who knows how many injured.

"We need you as backup. I know it's not your forté, but you've been working with this case for a while now. We're hoping you have you on our team again." Gordon pleaded.

It pleased you knowing how well of a job you did if Gordon comes chasing back after you. Taking a moment to think of a rational answer, "Sure. Do I get the lovely pleasure of meeting the Dark Knight himself?"

"I can see what I can arrange."

The thought was interesting.
I really could mee the Batman? The actual Batman?

Oh how interested Edward would be. Wait. What if we brought Edward on this case too? He's been right about a lot of this Riddler stuff. "Hey Gordon,

His head swiveled around to find you, "Hm?"

"I have a friend, an outsider who has some information on the Riddler. Mind if I bring him along as well?"

Gordon pondered the question for a minute before returning with his answer: "I'll have to talk with a few co-workers about it. I'll see what I can do."

Information was exchanged in a civil way, regarding Edward Nashton, The forensics scientist.

A day or two passed before an email was sent out.
Dearest Y/N,
The GCPD has accepted your offer to bring Edward Nashton into the Riddler case. Any and all activities performed under case manager, James Gordon, will be monitored and recorded. Mr Nashton has been informed and will arrive to begin work on Monday, the 17th.
- Lara Smith
GCPD director

Soon enough, Monday rolled around and Edward was dispached to the office. He arrived in a buissiness casual outfit, a blue button up and khaki pants that fit him just a titch too tight. He had a biology tie, and his hair was slicked back. To finish the look, the signature clear framed glasses were placed perfectly on his nose. No dirty green raincoat in sight.

"Looking fancy there, Eddy."

"Trying to look like I know what I'm doing," He replied, adjusting his tie nervously.

"Don't worry about it, no one cares."

He sighed, pulled up a chair, and plopped down right next to you. Edward weaved his fingers and outstretched them, letting off the most awful crackling noise you've ever heard. "Alrighty-roo. Let's get started."

You swiped the papers off your desk in one swoosh and picked up a pen. "You were right about them livestreaming last night. We recorded it all and I was kind of hoping we could start off with that today."

"Of course." He said, grabbing a pencil and notepad from your desk tray.

The recording played, and you both scratched down notes, hoping to find anything to help. But observing more carefully, you noticed something in particular.
A green coat. A green rain coat.
With further inspection, it appeared to have the same question mark as Edwards. The shock hit you faster than a car, draining any color from your face.
So, I was right? He is the Riddler? Hold on, we still can't fully prove it.

Edward, the (presumably) sweet gentleman he is, was oblivious to the questions practiaclly circling around your head. He turned to you, "Catch anything interesting?"

You snapped out of the trance and faced him. "No, I didn't. Did you pick up on anything?"

"Yeah, if you look at the ceran wrap, and the way it fits his head, you can most likely infer he's a male."

Pondering this for a moment, it made sense now. This just added more to the suspicion. "Anything else, Eddy?"

He melted at the sound of his name and all the attention being given to him. "Well the background seems to look like the new apartments in Gotham. We could check there."

New apartments my ass, they haven't built any in years. Other than that, they were made of brick, not concrete.

"If you say so." You nodded and turned away.

"Ok, if you don't mind, I'm still on duty for forensics, so I'm going to head back there. But if I think of anything, I'll let you know!" He gathered his things, waved goodbye, and headed out the door.

The minute both his feet were outside of the frame, you collapsed onto your desk.
Edward. How can he, the most random guy ever, be the Riddler.

It wasn't a certain guess, but the odds were leaning towards your favor.

775 words

I know, really really short chapter. But it's 4:45 in the morning and I'm falling asleep. That said, I'll make sure to fuel you guys with more tomorrow <3

- Luca

Encrypted &lt;?&gt; (Edward Nashton x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now