Duct tape and dry eyes

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"Ah ah ah, we have to be quiet, or the police will find us."

Shocked by the situation you were in, it was only a matter of time before the adrenaline would kick off and you'd be left feeling completely stranded in your thoughts. Although, it wasn't the worst thing that could happen to you.
Edward could have killed me by now, but no. Am I that important to him?

The sound of heavy footsteps upstairs rattled your thoughts away, but also set off Riddler. He kept muffling you, all whilst violently grabbing your hips and sitting you on his lap. He scooted back underneath one of the tables, applying pressure now more than ever, thanks to the situation at hand. The elevator dissapeared, then re-appeared with people inside of it. They stepped out, and began running their flashlights over everything in the room.

Edward had been prepared for this. He turned his back towards them, and faced the wall. The people came closer to you both, and you could feel his breathing hitch. Something told you to struggle and make them know your presence, but something told you to hold on. Maybe you wouldn't be killed this way.

The satisfyed grunts and the clicks of flashlights allowed them to leave, and Edward sighed with relief.

"Oh what a good job you did," He cooned, releasing his grip on your mouth. "Struggling would have had heavy consequences. Im glad I didn't have to waste  a bullet on that pretty little brain of yours."

Should I be offended by this? Or flustered?
Either way, your face went a bright shade of red.

Through the mask, you could tell he grinned. Riddler was pleased with himself. He had a hostage, the person of his dreams, and his little crush all in the same place. Oh what a day it's been. While you were distracted, he began to carry out with his plan. Knocking you out with the gun was the first step, and he did that flawlessly. Picking you up, tying to you a chair, and figuring out how to live stream this was no hassle at all.

"Wakey wakey, Y/N."

Opening your eyes was the most difficult part of them all. The heavy, swollen, and beat up eyelids have had their share of roughhousing. A small head roll was all Edward needed to begin. You listened to his foot placement, trying to make out where you could kick him. But the sudden realization that all your limbs were tied to legs of the chair, and your arms behind the backrest.

He had wandered off to a booth or something, but he was distracted. The sawing began. Moving your arms up and down in a repetative motion began to start the friction break. The rope starting to fall off was the best accomplishment of the day. Next, the legs. You could easily untie them now that your hands were free, but with that, Edward began to wander back over.

He stood infront of you, and clasped his hands together.
"Hello Gotham! Behind me, I have the detective, Y/N L/N. If only Batman were to kill Carmine Falcone, maybe they would be released." He shrugged and moved out of view, showing your beat up body. "The choice is yours." He stood infront of you again for a minute, than wandered off to the camera.

This was your chance, you started furiously untying your legs, but he began to head back. Quickly, wrapping the rope loosely around your ankles to give off the illusion you were still tied. 

"Thanks for that. I appreciate the cooperation." He graciously said. The ripping of duct tape followed his words, and began sending a panic through your body once again. He delicately placed it over your eyes, and moved backwards to examine his work. "It's funny, Y/N. I know who you are, and you don't know who I am,"
Oh but I do.
"But I would like to thank you for all your hard work on trying to catch me! It made me feel, loved. A type of love that maybe you wouldn't even understand. Your co-worker Edward? Oh well he wants to thank you too. You've made this such a fun puzzle for us both, and quite frankly, we have something for you."
What could he possibly mea-
He planted his lips onto yours in one swift motion. Edward began moving from top to bottom lip, leaving delicate pecks on both of them. Before you had a chance to return the favor, he pulled away. You stood up, ripped the duct tape off your eyes, and grabbed him.

Smashing your mouth onto his startled the daylights out of both of you, but he began kissing back after the realization had hit. Both bodies moving in unison, Edward cupping your face, all this had made you forget the current situation you'd previosuly been in. At this point, he'd picked you up and set you on the counter. He shoved his tongue down your throat, making you need so much more than just a few kisses. The heat remained, you both still furiously going to town, it made him remeber all the times he'd thought about this exact moment. All the times he'd imagined you in this perfect position, loving him.

Edward finished by gropeing your ass, giving it a good squeeze, and a finishing peck to your forehead. You, on the other hand, were absolutely bamboozled by what had just happened. It was pracitcally a blur of white and lust.

"Mm," He wiped the spit from off of his mouth. "Thanks for that, Y/N. I think I might keep you alive for now. As long as you don't tell anybody our little secret." He winked, and landed a final kiss. Edward left you there, sitting on the counter, a hot mess of fluster and love. He left the lounge, and went back to doing whatever Riddler things he had planned for next.

How am I going to explain this.

1009 words

I've been planning that word by word since the beggining of the book. All the time spent in class thinking of how I was going to write this scene really came in handy.


- Luca

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