Part 6

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chap 6.
Imlie slept half hour only she decided to roam around in afternoon a bit by herself.
She noted down the hotel name and start walking down the block. After walking for while, she saw market full of colors.
She bought beautiful duppattas and even new dress for herself whatever she could afford. Yes she was saving so she can run away, but she could atleast
treat herself with new clothes and accessories. It was all very cheap since she bought it from street vendor , she knows the quality will not be great but she is happy
at whatever she could get it. She also bought something for Aryan. She didn't know if she would be able to give him or not maybe he will take it wrong she wasnt sure.
She will decide when they will be heading back home - it all depends how their relationship from boss to employee to friends turn out to be.
She saw people going about their business happy in their world, small lanes filled with kids playing it reminded her of her childhood in the village.
It hurts but its most cherished memory in her heart. She checked time on her phone and decided to head back just to be on time to meet Aru.
She was hungry she wanted to stop for some chaat. Ah chaat, her weakness its been months since she had those. She never got time to enjoy herself once she was in the hell hole.
Not for long she thought. But she decided against it, and hurried back to the hotel. As expected , Aryan was already ready.
He looked differnt as in no more suit. He wore a tshirt and sweatspants. The tshirt was hugging his body, Imlie could see his small abs, he sure does work out she mentally smirked.
SHe can enjoy the view for once.
"Hey Imlie, how come you went without me!!" he exclaimed
"I wasnt able to sleep much so decided will go by myself and return back on time and go with you" she said . She decided to act normal so she decided to be herself. Hopefully, Aryan is fine with the person she is actually.

"Ah its fine. Anyways have played bowling before?" he asked excitedly
"Yes" Shi* why did she have to lie!? Is this how she wanted her friendship to start on? Ugh too late she just blurted out. She will just act and play as she knows.
"Great then lets go and play. I decided randomly since i thought we can walk around after we play. It will keep us busy."

"sure" was all she could say after the lie.
"I am going to be driving, i have already rented a car " The valet guy quickly went and got the car.
They settled themselves and Aryan put in the directions on the GPS. Imlie always wil fascinated with technology. How a small device can take you through the unknown lanes.

"So imlie, Tell me how is your marriage life? you are newly sure you guys must be enjoying this time" he asked as if it was a normal question.
But Imlie knew better, it wasnt normal question when it came to her life, Aryan noticed her face fell, "Sorry,I think i went too personal.." he smiled .
"No its alright, we are friends right? " After sometime she decided to reply, "No Aryan ji, we are not like other couples,
I um this is arrange marriage rather, after my mother's death the villagers did not want anything to do with me, so they married me off" she said half truth. She couldn't tell about they actually sold her off.
That this marraige is a sham . Aryan did not comment nor Imlie wanted to look at his reaction, so she continued, " Its the bitter truth, I and Aadtiya I don't even know him, his likes dislikes. I think i know about you more Sir then i know my husband." She smiled sadly.

"Hmm, I honestly don't know much about arrange marriages, but i do know that sometime it takes time to fall in love and have heard success stories of it. Am sure you and Aaditya will surely come along just try to spend time with each other no?" He said so easily
only if he knew the truth Imlie thought. Only if he knew.

"Lets go we are here" Aryan gestured her .
They both went inside. There was loud music playing, Imlie saw lanes and groups of friends or family throwing a bowl towards what looked like bottles?
Aryan went to the counter and booked themselve a lane. After few second, he asked her shoe size , she was confused but gave it nonetheless.
"Here change" he looked towards her feet. She just followed the cue and did what she told to do.
"Ladies first" when he reached the lane and set up something on screen that was hanging on their lane.
She saw him putting his and her name. She shook her head nervously "No you go first please"
"Ah fine! Let me tell you am going to win" He challenged her. She saw him taking a ball with number 12 on throw down the lane towards those plastic bottles.

All fell except three "Darn it!!" he yelled , boy he is competative that tone is scary.
"Your turn " he nodded her toward the lane.
She saw that the bottles were back up again, she looked at wide eye and in awe. She tried picking up ball with 12 and realize its heavy really heavy. She saw few more balls and
grabbed a little light weight one. She picked the ball and was about to throw when suddenly Aryan shouted "IMLIE!! are you crazy?! who throws the ball like that you cannot throw it over" he came next to her folding his hand over his chest
"You don't know how to play do you" he asked her softly
She was trying to hold her laughter , his face looked so cute he looked angry "No, the yes i said earlier i just said it so i dont get embarrased but i guess this is more embarassing" she looked toward the ball.

"Just throw the ball like i did" he replied softly. He took step back and was laughing internally.
But Aryan was surprised, Imlie outside work is differnt. He did notice , that she is letting herself free, maybe transitioning from village to city is not easy Aryan thought but he is glad she is comfortable with hima nd actually being friendly.
He was also taken back when she said nonchalantly about her marriage but he didnt want to pry further. She atleast opened up a little and he was happy with that.
"Yey"" Imlie screamed snapping him out of the thoughts. DAMN!! She got a strike!
"Wow Imlie not bad for your first time" he clapped a little.
Next hour went by, Imlie and Aryan were lost in their game they both acted like school kids who are trying to get a first prize .
Final game decided that Imlie won. Aryan was disappointed in fact he made a face and became grumpy all of sudden.
"How can i lose to a first timer" he muttered angrily at himself.
Imlie giggled while she buckled in the car.
"Acha muh latkaye kahe bethe ho, kuch to bolo" Imlie asked.
"Whatever Imlie, I am disappointed in myself!!" He made that cute baby face again.
"Sour grapes"Imlie taunted
"Oh please"
"Yes please" Imlie replied back.
Next place, they stopped over a row of huge buildings and small restuarants around. She could see small man made pond and circling those were restaurants.
She saw many couples walking around the boardwalk , Imlie eyes longed for love whenever she sees couples like that.

Maybe in her life, its only one sided love. Wait what did she just said?? One sided love where did that come from and for who?
She knew the answer but she didn't want to think about it. Its stupid in just few months , how can she get attracted to her boss just because he is this nice man who offered her friendship.
Lets not forget he thinks you will be trying work on your marriage since I and the monster don't know each other thanks to arrange marriage.
"Lets take a walk around, its beautiful weather too"
"Can i ask you for a favor?"he asked curiously
"Of course i thought you consider me a friend, A friend should order the other friend not ask" She said with a smile.
"You met Natasha right, how should i say this, see i have never dated and when i saw Natasha today i felt attracted to her." He looked embarrassed
"I need your help to tell me how to talk to women, how can i approach" he asked innocently
Imlie was taken aback, and little disappointed she felt in her heart. What was she thinking that Aryan would ever even think about her knowing she is married?
But she does not believe in this marriage hell its not even a marriage, there is no love no relation what so ever. He is a monster.
There were two Imlies in her mind right now, One telling not to help and the one that has lot of love in her said to help him.
"Ismein kya hai Aryan ji, its simple- go and tell her that you are interested" she replied. She would want a man to come to her and ask her out upfront not sure about other girls but this best she could advice.
"But Imlie you don't understand, I feel like am going to say something stupid"

"No you won't. You are a owner of a company i expect you to be confident when talking to a woman. How about this start with a conversation and ask if she is interested for lunch or dinner"

"Hmm I can do that. Thanks" he came and hugged her.
That hug woke something in her. His touch , his innocence, his eyes it drowned her in quicksand where she could never get out of.

She knew at this moment that she has fallen for this man in front of her. She knew even though she does not know him well, she has fallen head over heels.
It pinched her but she knew their fate are separate. She wanted to run away and gather herself , her thoughts, and most importantly her soul.

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