Part 5

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Imlie had packed her bag early monring knowing the Tripathis will never ever let her go without doing all the household chores.
Infact they gave off to maid today and told Imlie to tell her boss that she will be directly come to airport.
And how true it was...she was dead tired by the time it was for her to leave. Of course , Aaditya tried again to get closer to her but luckily the same time, she got call from Aru.
Aru she only calls him Aru in her mind, it just came on its own.
It was her first time flying, she saw youtube videos whiles she was in cab she didn't want Aryan to know how nervous she is flying.
Once she checked in, she went to gate. She looked around but did not see him maybe he will come later.
She got a text at same time," Imlie did you reach to gate yet?"
"Yes" she replied
She always find annoying when somebody replies with K . As if they are doing a favor by even talking to you.
She hmmphed, tapping her feet in nervousness. She felt a tap on her shoulder to find Aryan. "Hey Imlie, Whats up? Sorry i was in the lounge."
He sat next to her. She felt relieved finally she doesnt feel out of place anymore.
"No worries."
"Why you look so tensed?? Relax its out of work hours, I am not going to make you work at this hour " he laughed.
Thats the first time she saw him laughed and it melt her heart. She feels wrong, all these weird feelings thats going inside her.
Why does she feel all jello from inside? Why whenever he is near she feels her heart racing? Maybe because he is intimidating, and her boss.
She should not think about all this. She has enough in life right now, but she could not let go of that nagging feeling.
"Just tired" She replied.
"No Sir?"
"You always end your sentences with Sir?" Aryan was amused.
"Oh sorry Sir"
"Are baba i said relax, i am just messing with you. You always look like this obediant school child Imlie. You need to let go. Feel free. I am your boss yes but right now
we are outside working hours right?"
"Then just calm down and feel free . And please do stop your Sir Sir, I hear that enough in office already. Did you eat anything?" He asked
"No, not hungry."
"Hmm" he looked at her curiously. To avoid further questions, Imlie went to her phone acting as if she is about to text someone.
The truth is she does not have anybody in life to talk to.
The flight was not as scary as she thought maybe because Aryan sat next to her which was comforting.
As soon they reached the hotel in Delhi, Imlie went to her room and dropped on her bed and sleep came really fast.
Next day conference was early morning so they would have whole day to themselves or so she thought. She wanted to explore Delhi.
She felt relaxed, away from the Tripathis-nobody to stand over her, order her, harrass her. She did not even want to think about quitting the place.
She will enjoy the three days of freedom she has and worry about the plan of her running away later.
After the conference was over, Aryan took Imlie along for lunch .
While they waited in silence, suddenly a very beautiful woman around same age as her or maybe little younger strotted down to their table.
"Well Well if its isnt Mr Aryan Singh Rathore" she had a beautiful dimpled smile .
Aryan looked up in surprise and he return the smile. "Hi Natasha!!! " They hugged each other.
"This is my assitant Imlie, Imlie -Natasha she actually works for our rival company but she is my friend." he said.
"Oh come on Aryan, you always have to bring our work whenever we meet." She rolled her eyes.
"Come and have lunch with us" he nodded Natasha to take a seat.
"You dont mind?"
"Of course not, come on sit with us"
Imlie just sat there quiet, fiddeling with her food. She felt small in front of these personality. She looked up at Natasha, wish she could be this successful and confident like her.
Imlie felt inferior, even thought she knew her potential she knew she is confident , strong , ambitious its just that past months the Tripathis has managed her
soul to push back somewhere. They talked about the work nothing major and how their life is so busy that they dont even get time socialize.
After sometime Natasha had to go as something came up at work,"So Sorry guys, I have to take your leave. I tell you some of these reporters can get on your nerves." She giggled and looked at Imlie with sweet smile,
"It was nice meeting you Imlie, I do want to say you have beautiful eyes Imlie, am jealous" she winked.
"Thank you Natasha ji" she said with big smile. She felt good about the compliment. Nobody complimented her before.
"So Imlie, what you think we should do today evening? Lets plan something and please work is over for the sir we will hangout as friends?"
"Friends?" Imlie asked
"Yes" extending his hand
"Friends" she smiled and shook his hands.
" So tell me .."
" I dont know , i never been to Delhi before..." she replied with pout.
"Hmm, lets just explore how about that? Just walk around see if we find something fun to do? What say?"
"OK sir" He raised his eyebrows at the word sir
"Sorry Aryan ji" she said with a smile.
"You always smiling Imlie, i like that about you." He said genuninely . They finished their lunch and went to their respective rooms for a nap after deciding to meet at 5 pm.

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