Part 7

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Chap 7

That night Imlie couldnt sleep. What does she do about these feelings she tried pushing it away but it comes back stronger. Its better I just be his friend maybe best friend in future thats all that this relation could be.  Plus he feels attracted towards someone else and why not? She is gorgeous, smart and career oriented woman. They are prefect for each other, she will give her best to help him even if it kills her inside. She has now two goals : One to run away 2. Aru's happiness. In the end all that matters. She would definitely like to know him better as a friend.  But before that she needs to think about how to leave the hell house. She can go to police but knowing the Tripathis they have friends in police, so thats a no. She could just sneakily run away and take shelter at NGO maybe that also means she has to quit Bhasker times as Aadtiya will be there and he can easily follow her after work to find her hideout unless she requests time change. Its a plan but not sure how well it will play out..And she doesnt even know what will she tell Aryan about all this.. she definitely cannot tell him, I mean he will think she is bringing a sob story to him and she doesnt want him to think of her as weak individual. So thats the plan for now, she thought once she goes back she will start packing only essentials hiding away from monster.

Now her thoughts shift to Aryan . They were comfortable with each other as friends not once she felt like an employee during evening outing.
She even made him eat chaat from stall nearby. He being rich never ate food from streets. It was strong for him but he was happy to try and not be a spoil sport. Imlie started to doze of with that last thought.

Next morning, Seminar was long and boring luckily she did not have to take notes or even Aryan did not bother her for those four hours.
Once over, "That was the most boring crappy seminar i attended" Aryan whispered to his assistant / friend. Imlie giggled in return.

"Am starving yar lets go" They went to a small restaurant right outside the building. After ordering food, " You know yesterday night , I texted her" he said scratching his neck, sign of nervousness.
"She agreed for dinner tonight!" He said as if its a dream.
"See it wasnt that hard was it? And what are you planning to wear?" She asked like she is the boss.
"Um a suit" he said frowning
"No can do! Aryan ji " before she could finish
"I though we are friends Imlie what is this ji ji stop that its annoying "
"Fine.. Aryan.." it felt weird to her tongue of course she couldnt say noy weird when she calls him Aru in her mind sometimes.
"So i was saying, please don't wear that . She will run away, she will feel that she is attending a office dinner. We will go buy if you dont have casuals. "
"But Imlie"
"No excuses. This is your first date dont you think when in future when you tell your grandkids about it they will think you are boring. So you have extra casuals or we after lunch.."
"I actually do have"
"Great then . Let me know if you need any help am right next door. "
"Thanks Imlie. Its so cool that i am getting to know you outside the office. I like our duo never thought we will be friends or i should say best friend" he winked
"Ek din mein best friend?" She asked
"You know Imlie, i hardly talk to anyone. I dont have much friends, i like to be alone , not talk much but for some reason you are so warm and that smile of yours is so infectious that a person like me is feelinh so comfortable with you. I feel like i can share anything with you. I feel i have gain beauitful gem of a friend in my life that i never had. " He looked so serious , he emphasized how much this friendship means to him . Imlie won't back down showing her friendship she just have to make sure her feelings doesnt overpower her. He could never know or everything will ruin and she cannot afford that.

They ate rest of their lunch silently. A comfortable silence .  They both retreat to their rooms for a afternoon nap. Imlie , however went to her room and opened her work laptop to find shelter back home where she could run away to.  She also as back up applied to couple of jobs she will need money for divorcr proceedings and she does not want to delay that. After research, she found a guest house on other side of town. It was an ad by old couple. She decided to call them, but a knock on her door interuppted her.

She saw Aryan standing there with white shirt half opened lookinh frustrated " Can you help me Imlie , I am nervous wreck" showing her the button.

"Chalo hum aate hai " in hurry she forgot her hotel keys inside. She went to Aryan Room he was waiting for her. " Kya kiya tumne? Button tod diya. Hey sitya maiya" how will take care of this in a hotel , she need a thread and needle.
"I dont have thread and needle Aryan" she was frustrated now.  "Upar ka button tuta hai whats the big deal  khula rakho"
He raised both his eyebrows.
"Are aise mat dekho, she will like it. Thoda sexy to lagna pade na" she blurted out. She put palm on her mouth realizing what she had said.

Aryan laughed at her , "Sexy!! Cominh from you!oh god " he wouldnt stop laughing.

After taking a breath, he tried removing the button that was half hanging on shirt. "This stupid thing wont come off"
"Lao" Imlie without a thought went closer put her mouth on button n pull it. Suddenly she realized the proximity. She looked up and froze. His eyes, her knees goes weak. Even Aryan was staring at her with unread emotion.

"Ye umm ye lo hogaya ab thode baal thik karo and leave dont be late . Girls hate lateness" She hit him softly on shoulder trying to throw the awkwardness between them.
Until Aryan wasnt out, Imlie stayed there when he left she realized she forgot the key to her room. She slapped on her forehead "ugh Imlie... satynash" She sat there dumbfounded. She called the front desk, but they said their maintenance guy will now come in evening they can give her another room but she denied. She will stay here until morning. She will take the sofa, i hope Aryan does not mind. She dozed off. Suddenly a knock woke her up. She looked at the time it was 10 pm and dark. She turned on light and open the door. Her heart started racing... her eyes went wide in fear.
"Sir ke room mein tum" Aaditya sneered at her with anger
"Wo humari chabi andar reh gayi hai. Sir date oe gaye hai" after she collectef herself she replied
"Acha hai"he came and closed the door.

"Dekho ye thik nai hai ye sir ka kamra hai. Koi tamasha nai chaye" Imlie warned
"Tum chaho to koi tamasha nai hoga" he tried touching her cheeks. She pushed it away.
"Please leave" Imlie sternly said
"Oh come on , i missed you" With that he grabbed both her hands twisting behind her back. She struggled to get free but he was too strong.
He blew in her ear, "you look different, there is a glow on your face. Its making me more go crazy for you. He kissed her cheeks. Imlie feel disgusted. She tried pushing him away with her body, "Aadtiya please. This is molesting"
"Biwi ho meri" he twisted her hand more
"Haq hai mera"
"Koi haq nai hai tumhara you are a psycho. A molester" that triggered him and whack! he slapped her , Imlie was in rage "Enough" she went and raised her hand to slap her, he again grabber her hands and pushed her to floor.
"Molester ?" He was in fit of rage
"I will show you what molestor is " he was about to reach her salwar when Imlie phone rang loudly. It only meant it was Aru calling.
"Sir is calling , leave me" Aaditya snapped back when he heard the word Sir. "I will see you at home. " with that he got up and left. Imlie straightened herself, wiped her tears and with a deep breath picked the call.

"Hello" she said softly
"Hey Imlie, date ke chakkar mein i forgot to ask you about your plan did you eat?"
"Yes" she lied
"Thank god i was feeling guilty anyways i have left will be there room"

Imlie hung up went inside the bathroom and cleaned her face but the red mark on her cheek and hand was visible lets hope Aryan does not notice.

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